[INFJ] Do Sensors make sense?

WHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Why can't I be a sensor?

The fact that you had to ask that question. That is one of the questions that will bar you from sensorhood.
They confuse the hell out of me. I think it's because they seem so confused themselves. Do any INFJs have a hard time understanding Sensors? Do they make you want to run and hide and not see them anymore.

I can understand why you seem so defensive.

Just to show you why I reached the premise that you were foisting responsibility of the communication problem on the Other, you will see how many times I bolded "they".....there are no "I statements" which would indicate (as you try and claim) that you were expressing something as a problem from an "I" point of view rather than a "they" point of view.

See now? BTW, I win.
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I can understand why you seem so defensive.

Just to show you why I reached the premise that you were foisting responsibility of the communication problem on the Other, you will see how many times I bolded "they".....there are no "I statements" which would indicate (as you try and claim) that you were expressing something as a problem from an "I" point of view rather than a "they" point of view.

See now? BTW, I win.

I never said you didn't.
I just noticed that you're the person who made that strange uberrogo thread o_O

And you don't seem to want to open your mind you keep bashing sensors and random people who tell you that there are 293 ways to give a dollar.

Maybe thats why you have a hard time communicating with sensors (as well as intuitives)
[MENTION=3096]Stormy1[/MENTION] no you're too old to win
I just noticed that you're the person who made that strange uberrogo thread o_O

And you don't seem to want to open your mind you keep bashing sensors and random people who tell you that there are 293 ways to give a dollar.

Maybe thats why you have a hard time communicating with sensors (as well as intuitives)
@Stormy1 no you're too old to win

*cries* But....but...I'm still pretty......
*cries* But....but...I'm still pretty......

I give up.
I attacked sensors like they were slaves and I had a right to own them.
I was looking for mutual support, but now realize owning slaves isn't popular.
I need a different audience.
It is their fault they are too stupid to understand anything that requires thought. I wipe away the entire population of sensors because they are inferior. As an INFJ, my intuition puts me in far superior position. I'm only disappointed you don't understand that.

Lol. You don't see this coming.
Keep your Fe to yourself....

I understand the conflict this thread has generated. I am thinking that Majesty is assuming this is another one of those "we are magical INFJs threads" that seem to pop up with this veiled reference to how hard it is to be understood because they speak to unicorns. Of course, if things are par for course, we can now expect a "all the other non-INFJs are polluting our forum" thread soon too.

I think the problem I have with the OP is the idea that keeps getting expressed over and over again around here--maybe it is the Fe--that the problem lies with the Other Person. Why should everyone bow to how you see the world? Why is it their fault that you cannot communicate well with them? There are always two sides to an issue and it is much easier to start with changing one's self than to try and change someone else.

Before saying anything I want to specify if it was directed at me or in general? I can keep my Fe, T and Z to myself, no problem.
P. S.
and if my Fe has to be kept to myself then what am I doing on INFJ forum? Who knows. Just ban me already or I leave by myself, it's fine too. And it's not like I justify OPs original generalisations. I just don't like when a bunch of (interesting, imo) people fight or attack each other.
P. S.
and if my Fe has to be kept to myself then what am I doing on INFJ forum? Who knows. Just ban me already or I leave by myself, it's fine too. And it's not like I justify OPs original generalisations. I just don't like when a bunch of (interesting, imo) people fight or attack each other.

You're fine [MENTION=6214]Ada[/MENTION]. Your Fe is fine. She didn't say please so you don't have to do shit :P
I give up.
I attacked sensors like they were slaves and I had a right to own them.
I was looking for mutual support, but now realize owning slaves isn't popular.
I need a different audience.
It is their fault they are too stupid to understand anything that requires thought. I wipe away the entire population of sensors because they are inferior. As an INFJ, my intuition puts me in far superior position. I'm only disappointed you don't understand that.

Lol. You don't see this coming.

U mad?
All my ABC is fine, indeed, but without a magic word I do nothing. [MENTION=4871]CindyLou[/MENTION] is right.
Who wants chocolate cookies? Everyone's welcome.
Since Sensors are Sensors they do make Sense. :D
All my ABC is fine, indeed, but without a magic word I do nothing. @CindyLou is right.
Who wants chocolate cookies? Everyone's welcome.

*snatches entire bag of cookies and runs off*:m124:
All my ABC is fine, indeed, but without a magic word I do nothing. [MENTION=4871]CindyLou[/MENTION] is right.
Who wants chocolate cookies? Everyone's welcome.

This is the INFJ forum, remember. No feelings allowed! :m123: Now excuse me while I go cry over those stolen cookies.
I give up.
I attacked sensors like they were slaves and I had a right to own them.
I was looking for mutual support, but now realize owning slaves isn't popular.
I need a different audience.
It is their fault they are too stupid to understand anything that requires thought. I wipe away the entire population of sensors because they are inferior. As an INFJ, my intuition puts me in far superior position. I'm only disappointed you don't understand that.

Lol. You don't see this coming.

Well, I guess the first thing that comes to mind is what a waste of my time it was for me to try to explain myself earlier. I hope it wasn't entirely unnecessary. Good luck, mate.
*cries* But....but...I'm still pretty......

Actually, I've always thought you had a hot "I could kill you with my eyes" thing going on.
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