do you expect to be abandoned?

I don't expect abandonment; on the contrary, I fear abandoning others. I always felt like I was depended on, responsible for, and duty-bound to save people. If I'm to be a rock for the less fortunate, I can't be in the position to feel 'abandoned' or victimized.

A lot of the times why the friendship ends is because I end it.

Why do you guys fear this so much?
In my day to day working life people seem to like me. The big stumbling block is my introversion and they don't understand why I don't socialize more. The misunderstanding of it all has caused a few potential friendships to misfire or fizzle out.
It's only after they truly 'get' that part, the introversion, that they start to notice and question the other things they consider 'weird'. LOL

I'm learning that not everyone will understand introverted behavior. Some will see the behavior as having negative motives, which probably causes friendhships to fade. A particular friend of mine, without trying to understand, thought that he knew my motives for introverting, and assumed that I was abandoning friendships.
I am extremely afraid of rejection. Its hard for me to see how anyone could like me, and I'm always afraid that once they get to know the real me, they will leave.
Me too.

But - I also have a history of people leaving me, including my own mother. So, its an especially soft spot for me. Its my ultimate fear, actually.