When I meet new people I listen to them a lot.
I listen to them to find what we have in common. It may be selfish. But if I don't agree with them in some stuff I strongly believe, things that I really care about , and if I see they don't, I don't spend time on any kinda conversation.
I talk to people about everything. People tell me that I can be inspiring but only if they're willing to be inspired.(at least a percent) - I can't do anything if they don't wanna be helped. So if someone wants to do sth and they need help, they can count on me till eternity. but if they wanna prove themselves in anything in a kinda argument, the friendship's over.
Well if I wanna elaborate, I can say that if I can't understand a person, I won't talk to them. But if we can understand each other but we don't agree with some stuff we can continue the friendship even a good one, and that parts don't matter that much.
Like I was talking to a friend who told me she was just waiting foe the day to be over in order to get to work while she could have prepared her lesson plan for her classes. I told her to do so cuz she's always having problems in the classes and she keeps saying that the students understand that she's not prepare and doesn't know some stuff. Well she said she didn't feel like it and I shouldn't do such a thing as well and i should be looking for a husband instead of that!
Well I was like: HOLY MOTHER OF MONKEY MILK (Venallope In Wreck-it-Raplh

) How can such a girl even exist?!
So I'm not gonna listen to her 'finding husband quest' and stuff! not my thing anyway
In the end I have to add, that I keep communication with people I actually like. They're not many only 4 or maybe 5 but they're my true friends and I'm theirs ^_^
P.S: I quit explaining things over a year ago.If you understand , then you understand. If you don't, I'm sorry, you're not gonna even if I explain