INFJ here and in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend
@JamieUK92 who lives in England and also is a INFJ forum member & an INFJ himself--- and I’m from the U.S.
So, coming from an INFJ perspective; I can definitely see that she does have a hard time expressing herself regarding her true feelings towards you, and can already immediately tell that she is not in love with you. I'll be completely honest on that.
Everybody has their own flow regarding love and romance, and most likely she is taking a very slow and maybe perhaps cautious route--- but to be frank, if someone really is in love or at least really likes you despite distance, they will put their full commitment and time towards you, even if they are going through some hurdles.
The last few months, similarly to what she is going through actually, I have been dealing with internal demons and childhood traumas that have been putting me in a black rut; but even through that, I still go to my partner for support and reveal my vulnerabilities and feelings to him.
INFJs are indeed private, but if we really like someone and cherish the connection, we tend to put our walls down for those we truly like and feel its a deep connection and is worth it. We don't typically do that for everyone, but if we really do like someone or potentially love them, then those walls are usually down. Distance makes no difference to those who truly love each other and know that the relationship is worth it in the end. My partner and I haven't met each other yet (but will very soon and have tickets already), and we still took the risk and went with our feelings for one another.
Anyways personally, I do find it quite odd that her communication with you is very sporadic, but that's just me honestly. Before my partner and I became an official couple, we took the time to talk with one another through private messaging daily and get really personal and know one another---past, flaws, vulnerabilities, doubts, struggles, heartbreak, etc.
So from what I see, do tread lightly. In all complete honesty, she might like you (most likely as a friend) and nothing more than that for now. See how it all goes with you and her, but do enjoy your life and what is going good in your life. Don't put your full emotional investment in her, especially considering the current situation and her hesitancy with her feelings towards you. Take it slow, and see how it goes.