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How many people actually meet those requirements in Welfare to Work programs? HINT: It's not even half.
More than enough to make it relevant. How many people on welfare have children that need to be raised?
How many people actually meet those requirements in Welfare to Work programs? HINT: It's not even half.
Yeah I understand that they are working, they are government workers, they are not only provided food, shelter, clothing, medical care, but jobs as well.. how is that NOT welfare? Where is the individual chutzpah to lace up your boots and build something and contribute production to society instead of living off of its dole? In the same sense, welfare mothers with children are also working... I would say raising children is probably a harder job than anything they do in the military at least in the military you get time off from your job.
I am not afraid to say it. At the end of the day you can hang up your boots and bunk down in the military... you dont get to not be a mother just because the shift is over. Emotionally the toll on a person raising a child IMO is much higher than being in the military with the caveat of the poor soldiers who are forced into a situation where they have to kill someone and then struggle with that for the rest of their lives, but that is not even close to the majority of the entire military personnel. As far as I am concerned unless you are on actually on the ground killing people and taking fire you are just in the service collecting benefits that far outweigh the work you put in. I would say I am anti-military but pro soldier. I look forward to the day when there is enough opportunity in the world that young men and women don't have to enlist in a catch 22 so they can fund their future. I know SOME of them are there for the cause... what cause that is I am not sure. But I know many soldiers, in my family as well and most of them went in because they were broke as fuck and needed help in their lives, not because they wanted to defend anybody's freedom. That's just invariably the thing that gets mentioned the most. What pisses me off are the people who serve, and say that but never get put into a combat situation... I always have to ask them... when they say it. "who are you defending me from so I can speak?" Because the only people threatening my freedom here is the government. Guess who owns the military? The government. The government has plenty of examples of sending in troops to crush peoples freedom, but they tell me they are defending me... I dont get it.I understand that. Govt jobs and programs do extend and influence the private sector as well. I wouldn't be comfortable saying that raising children was harder than military service but it's always nice to hear someone acknowledge that it is not easy.![]()
I am not afraid to say it. At the end of the day you can hang up your boots and bunk down in the military... you dont get to not be a mother just because the shift is over. Emotionally the toll on a person raising a child IMO is much higher than being in the military with the caveat of the poor soldiers who are forced into a situation where they have to kill someone and then struggle with that for the rest of their lives, but that is not even close to the majority of the entire military personnel.
IDK about this military is welfare thing, unless you want to extend that to the presidency, congress, police, firemen, BMV drivers license attenders, etc etc etc. Even if you do extend it to those, its just nonsense.
I would say that depends on branch and when they served and where they are. This is my opinion of course but the emotional toll on those men over there now is huge, and it is also the same for those who had to go to Bosnia and the Marines that served in Desert Storm. In a firefight you don't really know what's going on, but now even more so it's worse because you are always on point and are handcuffed more to what you can do to keep yourself alive. You're always on guard. It's why we are seeing so much PTSD and serious psychological problems. Raising a child doesn't give anyone PTSD. It's just hard but it's very very rewarding.
Why is it nonsense? they eat up more resources than the people on welfare. And I am not sure all of their jobs are necessary.IDK about this military is welfare thing, unless you want to extend that to the presidency, congress, police, firemen, BMV drivers license attenders, etc etc etc. Even if you do extend it to those, its just nonsense.
Which was my entire premise to begin with. we label 1 group of people welfare based on the fact that they receive government funding for resources. And then we label other groups other things even though they cost more and do the same exact thing. If we are to be consistent, then its ALL welfare, or none of it is. You cannot pick and choose which group you want to discriminate against, which is why I labeled the entire shit sandwich from the get go as hypocritical.Or could go further and include private sector jobs from businesses that the state contracts to provide goods/services. That would be me.![]()
Which was my entire premise to begin with. we label 1 group of people welfare based on the fact that they receive government funding for resources. And then we label other groups other things even though they cost more and do the same exact thing. If we are to be consistent, then its ALL welfare, or none of it is. You cannot pick and choose which group you want to discriminate against, which is why I labeled the entire shit sandwich from the get go as hypocritical.
Why is it nonsense? they eat up more resources than the people on welfare. And I am not sure all of their jobs are necessary.
Wiki: Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of wellbeing and social support for all citizens.
dictionary.com #5. : receiving financial aid from the government or from a private organization because of hardship and need.
Welfare is meant to be a temporary financial relief for families who are undergoing hard times. Welfare recipients are getting a supposed minimum level of funds. Welfare is a social safety net. Calling senators or congressmen or people who have full-time jobs is not a form of financial relief, it is what people are doing to earn their living. Government employees are getting a level of financial compensation that provides at least (hopefully) a living wage or more....they receive government funding for resources...
Because what everyone is talking about is:
Welfare is meant to be a temporary financial relief for families who are undergoing hard times. Welfare is a social safety net. Calling senators or congressmen or people who have full-time jobs is not a form of financial relief, it is what people are doing to earn their living.
Having a necessary job is not what makes it welfare, its what makes them a crook.
College students are not getting a form of relief either, they are getting either a loan or a grant. A grant is not welfare, it is a subsidy or an investment. (what kind of investment can be discussed later) Obviously a loan is not welfare.
You can't just lump everything connected to the government under the term welfare because words mean things, and that is not what welfare means. Personally if people are living in a place that is so shitty that welfare pays them enough to live forever and they are going to get over on the government then good for them, it costs me probably less than $.01 in taxes. I'm willing to give them that once a year, just for a laugh.
because it is not temporary relief for hardship.Sure I can, college students who get aid, are getting free money... how is that not welfare?
Working in the military they provide you with everything including a job... how is that not welfare?
You think everyone who joins the army is doing because they want to serve? I posit that many if not most do it because of lack of opportunity.
You think everyone who joins the army is doing because they want to serve? I posit that many if not most do it because of lack of opportunity.
Yes they want to serve and in return they get want to get paid. AKA work and get money in return. If all they do is stand there and the government has decided to pay someone for standing, that is fair compensation. I shouldnt have to define what work means and what compensation means.
Aside, everyone who joins collects their paycheck, no one is an unpaid volunteer. Noone is giving back their paycheck. In fact you have to get it deposited into a bank account ( I assume it even has to have your name on it, except for allotments) If unpaid volunteering is what you mean by serve then correct, no one is "serving". To "serve in the military" doesnt mean you do it for free, everyone knows that and if that is what you mean I have to wonder where you get your information from.
Pretty much this. I have a friend who's going into the military, and it's been hell on her. She wants to be a botanist, but she's going into the military anyway because her whole family is military and she just says she "needs" to because everyone else in her family does it. Her two youngest siblings (one 3 and one 4) are already being placed into military schools that are, to my understanding, designed to basically prepare and ship them into respective branches (the 3 year old is the Marines and the 4 year old is the Navy).
It's actually kind of disgusting. Making things worse are the drunken times when she's been crying and saying how scared she is of holding a gun or dying. It breaks my heart. [/tangential rambling]
btw, if we're going to talk about all those evil lazy people on welfare who are just making the debt worse or whatever, then what do we say about all those government tax cuts on the rich? The bank bailouts?
So because you do a job (one that is provided to you) its not welfare? I disagree. Work is the production of something in society or a service that fills a need. I am not sure being a soldier is either of those. Possibly the need, but I wouldn't call it a need at all. We don't need a military out there conquering the rest of the world. As far as I am concerned they are just living and being paid off of tax dollars not adding much to the economy, so you really cant call it work by the traditional standards. They also get full benefits and funding for education for real jobs. Sounds like welfare to me.