I relate to the OP quite a bit. Though, finding a connection like that seems to inevitably spur on some form of desire. I either come up against boundaries that I have to carefully consider, or alienation becomes recurrent. If I find myself longing to go deeper and deeper, then I have to ask myself if it is appropriate within the scope of the friendship, or how I'd feel if I were their spouse/partner looking in on the scenario. If I am ever given pause, I question the friend to be certain or I end up pulling away. I have yet to find a friendship which sated the need for more depth, nor one where I could continue diving further without some serious reservation or consequence. It leads to a lot of feelings of frustration and confusion.
I have found only a handful of women that I could connect to even moderately the ways mentioned (two are on this forum). I'm not sure why it is less common with females as opposed to males. I seem to communicate more seamlessly with males, in general, and always have.
This has given me a lot to think on, so I'm not particularly sure what else to contribute. Perhaps, other than saying, I understand.
I highly relate too, to the OP and
especially to what you have said here. Which I think is why I had so much to say in this thread.
have found women I connect with though. Like you, a few being on this forum. (You
@Anomaly are actually one of the ones that I truly connect with, hehe) When I do find it, it is very fulfilling to have a woman to go to. My closest friend in real life is an ENTP and she actually has very masculine energy, so maybe that is why we connect other than having known each other my whole life, lol. My friendships with her two sisters faded, even though they were closer to me in childhood, but her and I remain close to this day, whereas I never talk to the other girls.
But to find an actual feminine woman (cis or trans, I don't care, what I mean is just true feminine energy) that I connect with is a treasure. One who will stay my friend, that is. <3
I think it is probably an unhealthy thing for myself, personally, that I just get along easier with men. Because my daddy issues probably contributed to this need to be emotionally intimate with them. (How I ended up with an ISTP who sucks in that area was probably also unhealthy, but we've worked it out and have a pretty stable relationship nowadays, which feels great.) Anyway, yes, I too find it has been more difficult to connect with women, but it was NOT for lack of trying!! I tried hard to find women to connect with in the past, before I knew about my blurry boundary situation and figured myself out. I even made a PM group of girls that I loved to pieces in my past here on the forum, and tried hard to connect with them in there, on a more private level. I think there was maybe 4 girls in that group? At the time, I was worried that my need for emotional connection was becoming romantic with men. So I tried to stay away from that. I was highly confused about myself then. Anyway, it did NOT work. One of the girls who is no longer a part of this forum actually laughed at me and said in front of everyone that she could not make herself sit and read my messages because they were too much. She even began with "April, I love you, but..." Ugh. She did NOT love me and it was very evident. Thinking that could soften the blow of her words was insane. It hurt me a lot. But I needed to hear it. Maybe not in such a cruel way, but... I did need to hear it. I started to try then to not be so intense, but that didn't work either because I felt censored and repressed. It was not healthy, and I ended up deleting that group because I was so embarrassed and so full of shame. I think one or two of the girls comforted me, one which is here again after a long break from the forum. I will forever appreciate her for that, because she was kind and gentle with her words. But the damage was done by that other girl, and I had to heal from it and try to learn from it. That worked after a while of contemplating and hearing others encourage me, and especially after I realized how my intensity was not romance. It was simply intensity and longing for connection. I am now more careful with who I become that intense with on a personal level. I was just trying to search for girls I could connect with, because I thought I was at risk for developing romantic feelings. And at that time, I was, because I would confuse my intensity for romance and then actually feel romantic feelings, as in self actualizing. Intense connection, intimacy, and romance are not one and the same. Not for me.
Yes, I can be very wordy. Just look at this post!

But I feel A LOT! I can be really intense, even platonically. I treasure any type of intimacy. I crave it so bad! And I think some women love that, but some also hate it with other women. Especially the catty ones, lol. And especially if the woman thinks I am hitting on her, because I keep it no secret that I am sexually attracted to women as well. I also think that was part of my dad's raising techniques. He would always point to other women and say, "Look at her body, don't you want to look like that?" I know, its brutal that my dad would actually think that HELPED me or motivated me in some way to lose weight. But he truly thought that. In his mind, he was providing me with concrete examples of what I should strive for, but instead, it made me have a complex where I constantly compared myself to other women, and always looked at their bodies, noticing what was beautiful about them. Over time that developed into noticing what I personally like, which is NOT the same as what he likes. He likes very fit and slender women no matter the personality, whereas I prefer thicker, more curvy, and soft looking
in general. But personality makes the woman attractive or unattractive to me, so she can be the most beautiful thing in the world, but if her personality sucks, I don't feel a sexual attraction. OR an emotional one, which is critical for the actual sexual attraction. Of course I can look at a man or woman without knowing them and think they are attractive, but it goes no further than that, ever. Not for me. I think that is part of my being demisexual... there has to be a true connection for me to really be attracted on a serious level.
Actually the same exact thing goes with men for me too. I prefer a softer looking man type than a hard and refined or "ripped" look. However if his personality is ugly, then so is he. Also, if he or she is not that attractive physically, but has the most beautiful soul, I will end up thinking they are beautiful on the outside too. They are just one and the same for me, usually. I know I can appear to be very superficial when commenting on looks and my preferences, but in the end, it's all about that person's energy and who they are on the inside. <3 The end, lol.
This conversation has given me a lot to think on too. I kinda went off topic a few times, but to me it is all connected, in my mind. I apologize if the OP has any problem with me veering off topic to talk about myself and my experiences, which I tend to do in order to connect with people. I am learning that this isn't a fault. I am learning to not be ashamed of wanting to talk about myself because that is how I connect. I share myself with the other person. Only patient people need apply! LOL. But again, I apologize if I somehow offended the OP...
@worthy as the OP of this thread, PM me if you want to, my inbox is always open. <3