Love_Conquers_All Community Member MBTI INFJ Enneagram 4w5, 415 Jan 25, 2014 #181 Do you really want to know..... When is good, good enough?
Tin Man "a respectable amount of screaming" MBTI INTJ Enneagram N Jan 25, 2014 #182 When you're just in a lazy...ah screw it that'll do. What is the greatest gift someone can give?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Jan 27, 2014 #183 Total, non-judgemental, acceptance. If Practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
Total, non-judgemental, acceptance. If Practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Jan 28, 2014 #184 Flying a jet airplane. How does one truly understand gravity?
TinyBubbles anarchist MBTI ^.^ Enneagram . Jan 28, 2014 #185 live in space how do you get rid of a finger?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Jan 28, 2014 #186 By sticking it into a tank full of piranhas. What was the best thing before sliced bread?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Jan 28, 2014 #187 Pnut butter What is the best thing anyone can do?
floatingbridge Life's a ride Donor MBTI INFJ Jan 28, 2014 #188 Until they wave a white flag Why shouldn't I go against the flow?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Jan 29, 2014 #189 Because the best views could be down river...or up river... If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?
Because the best views could be down river...or up river... If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Jan 29, 2014 #190 Are you trying to lead me? Who watched Obama tonight?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Jan 29, 2014 #191 now I have to.... How is the world so different from Easter Island?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Jan 29, 2014 #192 It's not so different. We would have the same expression under this circumstance. Why do birds fly south in the winter ?
It's not so different. We would have the same expression under this circumstance. Why do birds fly south in the winter ?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Jan 29, 2014 #193 Why would they fly north? Is there a doctor in House?
Love_Conquers_All Community Member MBTI INFJ Enneagram 4w5, 415 Jan 29, 2014 #194 There is a House of Mouse. Do you ever get stuck in the sky?
floatingbridge Life's a ride Donor MBTI INFJ Jan 30, 2014 #195 What if I was swimming in its reflection, the ocean? Which do you favour? Unpopular common sense or ridiculous stroke of genius?
What if I was swimming in its reflection, the ocean? Which do you favour? Unpopular common sense or ridiculous stroke of genius?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Jan 30, 2014 #196 Every good boy deserves favor. Why are you so bored?
Tin Man "a respectable amount of screaming" MBTI INTJ Enneagram N Jan 30, 2014 #197 Because a bad man took my lego. Should Obama quit the presidency and become a talk show host?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Jan 31, 2014 #198 When did he start? Are there more questions we have not asked?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Jan 31, 2014 #199 I believe that there is an infinite amount of questions to be the answer is yes. How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap?
I believe that there is an infinite amount of questions to be the answer is yes. How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap?
Love_Conquers_All Community Member MBTI INFJ Enneagram 4w5, 415 Feb 2, 2014 #200 Never, mine is broken :/ Where does the rainbow begin and end?