My impression of most liberal minds is unreasonable support of minorities. Meaning intent to give them more than anyone else gets.
I think we agree that being liberal minded does not free one of racism.My impression of most liberal minds is unreasonable support of minorities. Meaning intent to give them more than anyone else gets.
My impression of most liberal minds is unreasonable support of minorities. Meaning intent to give them more than anyone else gets.
I think we agree that being liberal minded does not free one of racism.
So as a Latina woman, I get more than others because of the color of my skin? What are you even trying to say?
Your comment comes across very racist, imo.
The globalists trying to create a homogenised mono-culture through cultural marxism want to destroy national soveriegnty
To achieve that they need to undermine the constitution and blur national borders
In order to handle the public backlash they will need to use the police to enforce the changes they are making to society
and the cost of deportation?illegal immigrants should be sent back to their country of orgin and that Americans ahould not have to pay for them being here.
Ok agreed. I just think the school system likely has less of it at this point. However I am operating on somewhat limited knowledge. I only have my own experience, know a few teacher's and what I hear in the news. Come to think of it though thats generally all most people have if that.
@bionic if you are going to thumbs down me get into the discussion and tell me what it is you dont agree with. Nm- see post above.
Maybe on a subconscious level. Maybe...but not likely. Its not as if there is some master plan out there some group is following.
I think its people just getting together and making policy that better controls people. By contol I mean keeps them in their own little areas. Look at Detroit. That place is basically hell now but you hardly ever hear about it on the news. Why? Because its contained. Until it starts spilling out into other areas no one cares.
The male members of my family have never had any negative run-ins with the police. I will bet it has everything to do with them respecting the law and staying out of trouble. And they do not check off 'Caucasian' on their Consensus form.
If you think that cops are biased against you, then don't put yourself in the type of situations that require their presence.
Are you talking to me? I do agree with keeping out of trouble.
Unfortunately, where I live in NYC and even in other areas of NYC... it is VERY hard to avoid the cops. I actually live in a very quiet neighborhood. I have some cops who even live on my street and we have a precinct nearby. But I've been stopped by the police a few times just cause I was walking home and I had on a hooded coat. Heck, I've even had police officers stop me and tell me that I should be in school (there is a high school nearby where a lot of kids ditch it) when I was 20 yrs old one time waiting for the bus (LOL). My point is that even when you try to stay out of trouble, not dress a certain way, and mind your own business... it's just not enough sometimes here in NYC. A lot of the police will try to find any reason to point someone out. It's weird to me cause I'm just a short little latina girl.
The police are forced by their managers to reach certain quotas which then leads to them HARRASSING the public
No, I was talking to StuHe wrote about Latino and black men being targeted. And it's not always true. As for living in NYC, as you said, white people are the minority. So it would only make sense that they point out or stop a higher percentage of blacks/Latinos. I don't see it as right or wrong but as long as you know you did nothing wrong, it's all good.
Respectfully, I am not speaking anecdotally. I have always had an excellent rapport with the coppers, mainly because I answer their questions with a few words as possible, I am a lily white man, and in the back of my mind I remind myself that they have guns.@Stu
The male members of my family have never had any negative run-ins with the police. I will bet it has everything to do with them respecting the law and staying out of trouble. And they do not check off 'Caucasian' on their Consensus form.
Are you talking to me? I do agree with keeping out of trouble.
Unfortunately, where I live in NYC and even in other areas of NYC... it is VERY hard to avoid the cops. I actually live in a very quiet neighborhood. I have some cops who even live on my street and we have a precinct nearby. But I've been stopped by the police a few times just cause I was walking home and I had on a hooded coat. Heck, I've even had police officers stop me and tell me that I should be in school (there is a high school nearby where a lot of kids ditch it) when I was 20 yrs old one time waiting for the bus (LOL). They asked me for my I.D., whereabouts, and questioned me hardcore. My point is that even when you try to stay out of trouble, not dress a certain way, and mind your own business... it's just not enough sometimes here in NYC. A lot of the police will try to find any reason to point someone out. It's weird to me cause I'm just a short little latina girl.
And then everyone died and no one cared anymore...Oh yeah there is a plan
Thats where the term 'cultural marxism' comes from
Some people (the frankfurt school) came up with a plan to use various means to undermine your society so that they could remould it into a different society
The plan has been going on for generations now; the globalists created the 'league of nations' after world war 1 and then they changed that into the United Nations after world war 2
The major obstacle to their plan was the existence of the US. They knew that to achive their plan they had to destroy the US as an economic power and as a cohesive society; this is why they want to disarm the US public as well
The biggest step they took as part of their plan was to take control of the US money supply which they achieved with the creation of the federal reserve in 1913; things really moved on a pace after that
Well thats what cultural marxism and the new world order is about: control
The globalists own corporations all around the world and they want to control people all around the world too so they seek to constantly centralise their power more and more over more and more people
They even changed the global economy by bribing and threatening third world countries into stopping agricultural diversity in order to grow cash crops; these cash crops stopped those countries from being self sufficient and instead put them at the mercy of the prices set by the globalists who are able to manipulate the markets
They then got those countries into debt servitude (just like they did to the western public with cheap credit)
It's all about control and the armed and historically 'ruggedly individualistic' US public are an obstacle to the creation of a suppressed and controlled global populace