Ethical to mock the anti vax?


On Reddit, there is a thread called the Herman Cain Awards.

It is meant to show posts of anti vaccination / conspiracy theorists. The FB pages are scanned and memes collected and when an anti vaxxer dies from COVID, they post to make fun of their stupidity.

I find myself drawn to this subreddit, the horrible , idiotic shit that gets posted is mind numbing.

Is it ethical? The place maintains they show the "covidiots" to encourage vaccination. A part of me thinks it isn't ethical.

Regardless of vax status, they are people. At the same time, the horrific accounts on the subreddit seems like hurting feelings is the last thing I should worry about.
On Reddit, there is a thread called the Herman Cain Awards.

It is meant to show posts of anti vaccination / conspiracy theorists. The FB pages are scanned and memes collected and when an anti vaxxer dies from COVID, they post to make fun of their stupidity.

I find myself drawn to this subreddit, the horrible , idiotic shit that gets posted is mind numbing.

Is it ethical? The place maintains they show the "covidiots" to encourage vaccination. A part of me thinks it isn't ethical.

Regardless of vax status, they are people. At the same time, the horrific accounts on the subreddit seems like hurting feelings is the last thing I should worry about.
I have had both my jabs and awaiting my invitation for a booster which I don't believe I need. However, I have not and never will mock or ridicule those who do not wish to subject themselves to injections etc. I do not feel comfortable or even find it remotely helpful to single out any section of society. This world has more than enough tribalistic bollocks, it doesn't need more.
I've seen that subreddit. I don't think they're mocking the dead for fun or to be mean spirited. It seems like it's out of frustration. It's pretty sad all around. I wouldn't want to see one of my loved ones up there though. People are dying unnecessarily. I've got people in my family who died of covid and who were against being vaccinated. Probably would have saved their life!
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Exactly the two sides I am torn against.
The division between us needs to be bridged but the horrific choking, dying by inches of something that could be prevented is heartbreaking.
I have a morbid fascination with that sub. I only personally know a couple people that are not vaccinated and they don't post about it on Facebook or anything.

Being in Canada it's been a wild ride seeing what's going on south of the border with Covid. I don't know why people want to look like they're being a martyr for a cause.

A significant part of the people I am closest to in my life work in the hospitals and long term care homes, including my boyfriend, and knowing what it's actually like in the COVID wards baffles me when people spread lies about hospitals being empty and that COVID is just another flu. My guess is that those people have never had to get up close and personal with someone dying while gasping for breath.
The problem becomes that these anti vax are burdening our health system.

Last I read, at least 100,000 children have lost one or both caregivers.

The hospital will eat the costs of treatment and the medical staff may never recover from the trauma of turning gasping patients on a roto bed while they swell and become unrecognizable.

Nevermind the countless GoFundMe requests.

That is why this is a Public Health Crisis and in my mind beyond personal ethics.
The problem becomes that these anti vax are burdening our health system.

Last I read, at least 100,000 children have lost one or both caregivers.

The hospital will eat the costs of treatment and the medical staff may never recover from the trauma of turning gasping patients on a roto bed while they swell and become unrecognizable.

Nevermind the countless GoFundMe requests.

That is why this is a Public Health Crisis and in my mind beyond personal ethics.
My mom is unvaccinated and got extremely sick, to the point that if she had not been taken care of she probably would have died because she has multiple health conditions like diabetes and hypothyroidism.

She didn't go to the hospital.

We took care of her.

Anecdotal, but it would kinda piss me off if my mom died and showed up on this Reddit when she didn't even go to the hospital- she wouldn't have, she would have died at home, she didn't want to go to the hospital, she felt the hospital would further expose her to covid strains and probably make her even sicker.
Public shaming is never an effective way to create change. When people shame fat people they gain more weight. The only reason this subreddit exists is to be spiteful and hateful. If anyone thinks it will *help influence* unvaccinated people, I suppose, that's just being naive.
I mean I get the frustration of the sub. I'm frustrated, too.

The thing is that the subreddit features people sharing anti vax memes. These ideas seem to be spread by memes. The memes are like a virus themselves spreading in the minds of people. In the end, the HCA folks end up succumbing and becoming just another meme.

It's so dark and cold yet there's something almost poetic about it. It's brutally ironic.
And everyone there probably fancies themselves an individualist until they're in the ER begging for care and then setting up Go Fund Me accts for medical bills or family then asking for funeral costs.
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People turn everything into callous mockery, no reason why covid would be any different

That sub...I don’t read it any longer...but it’s morbidly funny...dark and mean-spirited...

My inner Agent of Chaos approves, and the rest of me cringes just a little.

My mom is unvaccinated and got extremely sick, to the point that if she had not been taken care of she probably would have died because she has multiple health conditions like diabetes and hypothyroidism.

She didn't go to the hospital.

We took care of her.

Anecdotal, but it would kinda piss me off if my mom died and showed up on this Reddit when she didn't even go to the hospital- she wouldn't have, she would have died at home, she didn't want to go to the hospital, she felt the hospital would further expose her to covid strains and probably make her even sicker.

This is an interesting comment. There are studies shown that some people are more at risk than others, but the media doesn't like to emphasise this, if it did the picture that would come out would likely be drastically different than the VAX at all costs narrative. However, I don't think we should discriminate against people because they are different in some way, 1 or 2% of the population are still human beings and deserve to be treated as such...but, promoting a narrative of fear and compliance at all cost is just as dangerous, the lockdowns in some countries took many people's life from suicide. The politicians are forcing dichotomous situations "your either with us or against us". This is what I hate.
I do not feel that it is ethical or moral to shame anyone for their decision on how they look after themselves (or fail to do so).

Do we shame people who are obese and use hospitals when they have problems or die from heart disease?

Approximately 650,000 people per annum die in the USA of heart related illness. That is every single year! And it's been trending DOWN over the last forty years or more!

About 280,000 of these are due to obesity factors.
We do "penalize" people for health concerns, we tax them .

Think cigarettes and liquor
We should tax the anti vaxxers to make up for the money and effort they take to deal with.
This is an interesting comment. There are studies shown that some people are more at risk than others, but the media doesn't like to emphasise this, if it did the picture that would come out would likely be drastically different than the VAX at all costs narrative. However, I don't think we should discriminate against people because they are different in some way, 1 or 2% of the population are still human beings and deserve to be treated as such...but, promoting a narrative of fear and compliance at all cost is just as dangerous, the lockdowns in some countries took many people's life from suicide. The politicians are forcing dichotomous situations "your either with us or against us". This is what I hate.

Me too Enso.... Me too.

This is true. There is more and more evidence coming out that it is the people who have severely compromised immunity while walking arounmd "appearing" to be healthy that suffer the most with this virus. The fear mongering and partial truths and many omissions of the truth plus SEVERE censorship of alternatives is what made me choose to not play along with the Let's Get Vaccinated Shaming Game. This whole business of fear mongering promoted by governments backed by big pharma is a travesty on the American People and shows a complete lack of integrity.
I am not vaccinated and fuck all who try to shame me about it.

On a different note I suggest the interest in watching people die from the virus while refusing vaccination is sort of a version of "What are you willing to die for?"
Civil disobediance? Freedom to choose what you want to do with your life?
Are they willing to die for their Integrity and right ot Autonomy?

I think there's a part of people who watch this sort of thing who are fascinated with the willingness of others to face death....their own immortality....their own strengths. Like a test. Like an utlimate test.
Like Counting Coup.
We do "penalize" people for health concerns, we tax them .

Think cigarettes and liquor
We should tax the anti vaxxers to make up for the money and effort they take to deal with.
I feel like there is a distinction between something that is elective and damages your health and penalizing people for not participating in voluntary preventative medicine
The entire situation is just sad. Public health becoming political. I wonder what would have happened during the polio vaccine program...we would still be fighting deadly strains of polio..
"counting coup" applies to successfully touching an enemy in honorable battle without killing them

It is gross to compare dying from a preventable disease to honorable Native American tradition
Really gross to me

They are dying, so they failed to "count coup" they chose a slow suicide by suffocation