Ethical to mock the anti vax?

The only one who can predict when and where the next fire will be, is the one who is planning to set it.

Yeah, just like solar/lunar eclipses.
It's not math/science, it's an evilly planned plot.
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What's interesting to me is the sheer amount of assumptions you are required to believe, without question as factual, in order to explain what you believe to be true. I see that what we are told is True in the ages 3 - 10 firmly sets our foundational beliefs that our understanding grows from throughout our lives. It causes us to assume concepts that, at that age, are beyond our abilities to take apart and analyze. You don't understand it but since "Science" says so you are to believe it and it must be true. Once accepted it is believed without much further consideration. That we (USA) are always at about a 45* deg angle. Buildings on the equator are built and standing out sideways. Australians are upside down. Even better, the pilot flying from LAX to Melbourne will, over the 12 hr flight, come in and make an "Inverted" touch up landing and step off without any change in physical sensation. Water bending around the entire globe without any registered flow due of being out of level. Its surface flow and movement is limited to wind or the random earth quake all while spinning 1000 mph.

-Pffft Gravity dumbass

How would you come to know you are in a cube if it is Pitch Black inside? You work your way to the boundaries and then trust what you feel.
What's interesting to me is the sheer amount of assumptions you are required to believe, without question as factual, in order to explain what you believe to be true.

I don't need to make any assumptions because my knowledge has a consistent base of understanding that fits together across the board over hundreds of years of growth built upon itself within humanity as a whole


As I told you, don't cite outside sources if you don't include points of discourse over which members can discuss if they wish to.
A one-line sentence about what it is, does not count as points of discourse. People shouldn't have to continuously follow your research trail. Provide something more substantive. A summary, not a description.

I just found this a bit amusing.........have a good day.
The start date for a MonkeyPox pandemic again was 5.19.2022 according to the rehearsal held last year.
Right on schedule? Time will tell but at least consider holding off on any monkey vax and see what happens first. Please
Exactly...tweets like this with blatant misrepresentation of the FACTS by pulling quotes out of context in order to create a false narrative that fuels conspiracy paranoia helps no one.


Wake up! You lie to yourself. This IS the agenda dude.
Wake up! You lie to yourself. This IS the agenda dude.

Check the follow-up tweet and then watch the entire conference video. That way, you can see how you have bought into a misrepresentation of what was actually being communicated.

If you want to believe that misrepresentation, go right ahead. That’s entirely up to you. You can have your own beliefs.

But you can’t have your own facts.

Have you watched the entire conference video?

They already have their ducks lined up between the everything shortages, food crises, WW3, and the collapse of modern civilization. The NPCs will be getting hell of a wake up call come August as the world runs out of wheat for human consumption.

Finally my moment to shine.
The world will fall into chaos, 99% of everyone will die.
But not the strong. The sacred. The wheat intolerant.
At last we will sing in unison.
Fuck wheat.
And earth shall be reborn. Wheatless.
Lol literally you.

In October when the round world has not ended, I look forward to whatever excuses you'll drum up as to why the grand agenda has been delayed.

Whats happening in October?

What I find funny is the laws that you ignore.
Water does not bend around anything. Even the water you scoop up from a boat in the same ocean you claim wraps around the globe you think we live on. I just doesn't. I also understand that this goes over your head, but its flat.