Reaction post to reusable menstrual pad experience:
D1 : ooooh breathable. Me likey. Damn hard to to install on undies though. Use properly fitted undies. Granny undies are no-go.
D2 : can I really wash this? Oh! Easy to wash. Stains go away easily. Use fungicide soap with gentle scents. Wash and soap and rinse three times. Squeeze gently. Roll like carpet. Surprisingly easy to clean.
D3: it can really last four hours but it's uncomfortable. Use ziplocs. Baby powder too.
D4: lesser period, easier wash. Thing has to be properly air-dried.
D5: this whole washing this is boring now.
For you if:
Not squeamish about washing undies
You've used and washed a cloth diaper for kids before
You have plenty of water and soap
You have a well ventilated but sunny clothesline
If you have time for line drying (pandemic)
Not for you if:
You've never hand washed filthy items before
Check out your bleeding style. It totally helps in picking the right pad design.Try to choose ones with good fits too.
Choose the plain colored ones. It's easier to spot any other stains left
Be sure to rinse and squeeze thoroughly
If you could get those charcoal bamboo versions those would feel better. Idk why.
@Winterflowers they're pretty ok when walking. I was surprised that it doesn't shift so much during activity.
Oh and there were no leaks at all. It was kinda impressive.