The Token Extravert
- Enneagram
- 3w2
Clearly the entire forum is crushing on Milky B.
(Better step up your game @James Yahtzee every Saturday is getting old.)
Oh... so many things.... heheWait, huh? Who? Me?
What's happening???!
@the, yeah,- especially if you've got a Porsche (he knows what I'm getting at).
@Jet @Free there was a couple for sure, they were open about it. @Kgal posted about a while back, it was kinda beautiful I think.
But .. back to the show.. @Anywhere But Here I agree with you about @ruji but can't you give @Eventhorizon just one little kiss ??? Please this whole forum would lose it.. lol
@atree @ruji @hush @Scientia @Milktoast Bandit @CindyLou am I right ??
Go on just one.. I dare you !!
Oohhhohh James James James, smh. If the low road had a fast pass, you would own it my friend.
I can't even bring myself to "like" this.
And NO.
The pillowsmotheringplay fight between wonky and atree would put any swords and weapons shenanigans to shame.
I mean it takes a person with a certain skill set and .... um ... intrepid fortitude to take on the Kraken![]()
Oh, the kraken! How could I forget?!
@atree is a pretty daring pirate captain, I'm certain she'll take the kraken on no probs. Who knows, perhaps that's exactly what the kraken has been missing all this time...
Awwww... you guys are a bunch of meanies...come here @Eventhorizon I will give you a hug*.
*Warning side effects may include shortness of breath, bruises, broken ribs, and in some rare cases death.
Intjs are crazy that way.@Eventhorizon @Anywhere But Here sorry if I 'crossed the line' earlier my bad, apologies. I thought ABH was bound to comeback with the 'rather kiss a wookie' line, EH. ( I think I can hear her sharpening one of those carving knives.. so I may not be able to post again after this).
I wasn't thinking clearly ABH. It's hit me hard, breaking up with @Milktoast Bandit so publicly. i can't believe he dumped me like that, right in front of everyone, just over losing one Yahtzee game. Here is a picture of us in happier times, pre yahtzee, nutella, and acrimonious split. You cut me deep milky, cut me deep..and I think ABH may have a similar plan...
@Jet wants a @the sammich (pssst... the, put some ramen in your beard. She's totes into that)
@Pleiades and @Stu Mhmm... can't hide it from me.
@Aether is pretty much like @ruji ... he's on everybody's list... but especially on @DareToFly 's
And let's just admit the truth folks, @everyone has a crush on @flower
I'm going to be putting this mildly, but...
Well he was my childhood crush.@Jet @Free there was a couple for sure, they were open about it. @Kgal posted about a while back, it was kinda beautiful I think.
But .. back to the show.. @Anywhere But Here I agree with you about @ruji but can't you give @Eventhorizon just one little kiss ??? Please this whole forum would lose it.. lol
@atree @ruji @hush @Scientia @Milktoast Bandit @CindyLou am I right ??
Go on just one.. I dare you !!