Ohhh nooooooooo.
@acd @Jonah Caan - It is partially that the writing style has changed. The show writers are "plotters" and Martin is very famous for being a "pantser". Martin lets the characters develop and "make their own decisions", which is why they seem so real and why the story has so many twists, turns and knots. Writing for a TV show has to be structured and end-game oriented. The writers for the show need to have a plan and design the characters around that plan. The end result is that the story "feel" different and there is a big jump between the episodes based on the books (a plot that developed organically, characters that "jumped off the page") and the episodes that came after (structured, defined plot with characters that would be used like chess pieces to move toward an end goal). Plotters are more often admired and if you go to school for English Lit and creative writing, you will be forced to write in that style, but the style can feel "wooden" or mechanical. Pansters are just as good at writing, but more free-flowing. When they're good, they're really, really good. This is also why GRRM has so many surprises in his writing.
The good news is, the show writers have been working toward a goal and the show will likely wrap up nicely, even if it doesn't wrap up the way fans want it to.
GRRM had to make his series longer just to fit in everything that was happening because the characters wander off. This is also why it is taking him so long to finish the next book.