Gaza Missiles and Israeli Air Strikes?

My wife cannot believe people think like this. Keep your eyes on Gaza while I pull a white rabbit out of my hat.

Maybe you've not read some of my other posts about magick

I'm not talking about stage magic...pulling rabbits from hats

I'm talking about psychology and more besides

When i say i think the people behind the US, Uk and Israeli governments are 'magicians' i mean that they are using old occult knowledge about the way the human mind works to manipulate people

Old civilisations such as Egypt knew how to control their populations by controlling their perceptions. Nowadays we talk about propaganda but back then they called it magick

If i can convince you that i'm a good guy and that someone else is bad and that the bad person i a threat to you then you will support me against the other person. However i maybe lying and in fact i just want to manipulate you into giving me support.....magick would be the means by which i make you perceive the other person the way i want you to

Magick is about bringing change in accordance with will

The jewish talmud talks of Jesus being versed in egyptian magick and the bible tells of Moses outperforming egyptian magicians and then of course there is Simon the magus...the magician who was taught by John the baptist as jesus was
I remember this war.
Don't mistake the power of God with magic.
I threw away an inch-thick file on Hamas and MB last pictures. Maybe someone might go through the trash and read it.
Had that file a long time.

Any peace accord right now via Clinton, Morsi, and whoever else they want to affiliate with it will not stop the threat to civilians deep inside Israel. All it will accomplish will be Hamas and Islamic Jihad rebuilding their missile stores and their war front against Israel. It will fall apart again.

Egypt cannot and will not stop the smuggling to Gaza. Israel cannot stop it without causing problems with Egypt. Why stop an integral part of what is going to happen anyway? Ariel Sharon would not stop. I would stop the smuggling if I had to occupy the strip next to Egypt. I would develop a peaceful solution, not place a bandaid on it to appease everyone else. My people would be my first and foremost concern. There are no leaders in Gaza that think that.

Israel stopped short because of American and outside pressure against Hezbollah. Hezbollah is more of a threat today. Israel stopped short of destroying Egypt's entire Third Army. Saw a picture somewhere I hope to find. Israel will end up paying dearly for steering away from what they should find a way to stop. That picture....
I threw away an inch-thick file on Hamas and MB last pictures. Maybe someone might go through the trash and read it.
Had that file a long time.

Any peace accord right now via Clinton, Morsi, and whoever else they want to affiliate with it will not stop the threat to civilians deep inside Israel. All it will accomplish will be Hamas and Islamic Jihad rebuilding their missile stores and their war front against Israel. It will fall apart again.

Egypt cannot and will not stop the smuggling to Gaza. Israel cannot stop it without causing problems with Egypt. Why stop an integral part of what is going to happen anyway? Ariel Sharon would not stop. I would stop the smuggling if I had to occupy the strip next to Egypt. I would develop a peaceful solution, not place a bandaid on it to appease everyone else. My people would be my first and foremost concern. There are no leaders in Gaza that think that.

Israel stopped short because of American and outside pressure against Hezbollah. Hezbollah is more of a threat today. Israel stopped short of destroying Egypt's entire Third Army. Saw a picture somewhere I hope to find. Israel will end up paying dearly for steering away from what they should find a way to stop. That picture....

Threat to civilians inside Israel? what about the 1.6 million Palestinians in Gaza, who live in the world's largest internment camp? I'm not for Hamas throwing rockets into Israel but dude, did you look at the map I posted on the first page? You really going to tell me that Hamas is angry for no reason? And Israel created Hamas!
Think it was in 2006 or 2007 when Hamas destroyed Gaza. Read their words. Read their charter. Read how they feel about Israel and the Islamic world. Study how they threw Palestinians off rooftops bound and gagged. They will NEVER stop fighting Israel, so why let them rearm themselves? Do you think they care about the people that live there? Really?
You seem to be very israel-centric in your thinking [MENTION=2719]justme[/MENTION]

For example do you think that an israeli life is more valuable than a palestinean life?

You do realise that only a few israelis have been killed whilst scores of palestineans have been killed or injured?

Also are you aware of the palestineans bid for nationhood in the UN?

Do you think that they have as much right as the Israelis to nationhood, safety and trade with outsiders?
Cannot seem to get my picture here.
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link doesn't work.

but seriously there is no need for this thread to be more than a page this issue really isn't that complicated. The picture I posted on the front page pretty much says everything. Israel is occupying Palestinian land, bulldozing down homes to build Jewish only settlements, and is engaged in a conflict with Hamas, a group that was created BY ISRAEL. What else is there to say. Yeah Hamas speaks pretty radically and I'm not in support of them throwing rockets but what the hell do you expect them to do when Palestine is LITERALLY being wiped off of the map.
There are elements that don't want to see my pictures.
Some here have bad information. You know what it is.
Mursi to mediate from Muslim Brotherhood? Clinton gives approval?
The clock is ticking. No more targeting Hamas leaders for no more rockets fired into Israel.
There have already been over a dozen rockets fired into Israel.
Clinton still trying to set up their world government. Mursi visited Bill and asked him to please stop US freedom of speech that runs down Islam. Now he is with Clinton over there. Saw a picture denoting that.

To what extent would Israel exist had they lost this and following wars?

How about earlier when the Arab Legion would try to take Palestine and divide it among themselves?–Israeli_War

Read further back in history......and forward.(picture included),r:7,s:218,i:120&tx=147&ty=99
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So now Israel would be justified in attacking Mesopotamia and Rome and Assyria?? Shhhhh! Quit giving them excuses (except for Assyria... I think they still use that one to this day...)!!

Selective reading...if any.
There are elements that don't want to see my pictures.
Some here have bad information. You know what it is.
Mursi to mediate from Muslim Brotherhood? Clinton gives approval?
The clock is ticking. No more targeting Hamas leaders for no more rockets fired into Israel.
There have already been over a dozen rockets fired into Israel.
Clinton still trying to set up their world government. Mursi visited Bill and asked him to please stop US freedom of speech that runs down Islam. Now he is with Clinton over there. Saw a picture denoting that.

To what extent would Israel exist had they lost this and following wars?

How about earlier when the Arab Legion would try to take Palestine and divide it among themselves?–Israeli_War

Read further back in history......and forward.(picture included),r:7,s:218,i:120&tx=147&ty=99

'Clinton still trying to set up a world government' yes and the same people behind that scheme are the same people behind the Israeli government!

The first link you posted says Israel attacked first

The second link you posted says that conflict occured because of a UN resolution creating a partition of Palestine! The same people behind that partition are the same people trying to create a one world government. They are the same zionists behind Israel's

The third link looks like an Israeli site
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The first link you have posted mentions the Sevres peace treaty which is where the Germans learnt about the secret pact made between the British government and the zionists lead by the Rothschilds.

Many jews had fled Russia due to persecution and had been welcomed in. They thrived in germany and made a lot of money for example the Warburgs who were a banking family who were instrumental in setting up the US Federal reserve

When the germans found out that the zionists had made a pact behind their backs that basically lost them the war (it involved the zionists bringing the US into the war on the side of Britain in return for palestine; see the Balfour Declaration) they were pretty angry and that paved the way for all the hostilities of the second world war under Hitler. Before that time jews had lived peacefully in germany; so if jews want to blame someone for their persecution they should really blame the zionists who put them in such a dangerous position in the first place

The second link you have posted is relating to the diaspora after the destruction of the temple.

There is a theory that the vast majority of jews in the world today are Ashkenazi jews and that Ashkenazi jews came from Russia where they had been absorbed into the Russian empire when it expanded. They speak yiddish as opposed to hebrew. According to this theory they had been Khazars before being absorbed into the Russian empire....a turkic peoples who were converted to judaism by their royalty and aristocracy who themselves had been converted to judaism in the 8th century by rabbis who had travelled to their land possibly from Edom; the edomites had been enemies of the judeans and had helped the babylonians plunder Jerusalem and slaughter judeans

These edomites and the khazars they converted to judaism never ever lived in Palestine. If this theory is correct and many modern jews are descended from khazars then their anscestors NEVER lived in Palestine

The third link you have posted is relating to the often used slur 'anti-semitism' which is a pretty absurd term when you think about it as the semitic peoples include many peoples including the arabs

It is basically a blanket term thrown at anyone who criticises Israels aggressive expansionist policy because it is designed to equate anyone who is accused of it with the nazis; but my post is about showing how modern day israel actually has a lot to do with the nazis and it is my beleif that the same people who funded the nazis into power such as the Bush family in the US are in fact some of the same people who are behind the zionist project

have a look on wikipedia at the various generations of the Bush family justme its very interesting reading.

For example Prescott Bush was a banker and a friend of the Rockefellers who helped fund the nazis along with the Thyssen family who he worked with. His bank was ceased during the war under the 'Trading with the enemy act' but he was later cleared of accusations of anti-semitism by the Anti defamation league (a zionist lobby group)

His son and grandson both became presidents and of course all of them were members of the masonic (illuminati) secret society the skull and bones

Here's a picture of Bush senior in the club; he's to the left of the clock:

View attachment 16187

Here's Bush junior with some freemasonic buddies:

View attachment 16188

Prescott Bush's father was the son of samuel prescott bush who worked for the buckeye steel castings company which was owned by the Rockefellers

Are you seeing a picture yet justme?
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