Gaza Missiles and Israeli Air Strikes?

I find it interesting how the priest in the clip i've posted above, who is clearly expressing a Russian orthodox christian perception on the current situation, also has a black cube on his head

Why is that interesting?
People get way into this conflict. We're talking about what basically amounts to a civil war between a country smaller than most states. Like most civil wars, the US sends money to the participants they like (even though we only defend their existence to bring on Armageddon), and ignores what the ones they like do to the ones they don't like.

Yep, Israel expands their settlements unfairly. Yeah, they provoke and antagonize the Palestinian zones. It's been happening for a long time and won't stop any time soon. The Israelis want that land, and by (their) desert god, they're going to get it!

...Or eventually the entire middle east will cave in on them and there's not a damn thing the US can do about it but look on in awe of what we helped create.
...Or eventually the entire middle east will cave in on them and there's not a damn thing the US can do about it but look on in awe of what we helped create.

That is sort of what happened in the previous wars. The Israels pushed everyone back. I don't think of the neighboring states has the actual willpower to employ enough resources to attack Israel. It is good for their politicians to bash Israel, but those same politicians typically don't care about the suffering of anyone in Palenstine.

I explained it in my earlier posts

I understand the claim that you're making, but I am not seeing the actual similarity in that hat. It looks like a stereotypical Russian hat to me. So you really think those kind of hats are connected?
I understand the claim that you're making, but I am not seeing the actual similarity in that hat. It looks like a stereotypical Russian hat to me. So you really think those kind of hats are connected?

Well his hat was more cylindrical wasn't it? Although it was kinda cube-ish though...

The point i'm trying to make is that there are shadowy groups steering things from out of sight

Christianity itself as we know it was sculpted into what it is by a Roman elite. The eastern orthodox church traces its roots back through the greek speaking roman empire

The byzantine royalty were a treacherous bunch....lots of poisonings and incest and all sorts of debauchery

What i'm trying to make clear is that i'm not singling out judaism....i think that it islam and christianity are all cut from the same cloth. I think in the upper circles of power within each of those faiths it stops being about what the guy on the street thinks its about

It starts becoming increasingly esoteric

All these religious institutions are essentially control systems designed to shape the way people think and feel about things

His clip is interesting because he is talking about a perception that you won't hear much in the mainstream in the west because the flows of information are heavily monitored and regulated by the elites. He is saying that the zionists are against Putin. I happen to agree with him about that. I also agree that the zionists are exerting massive influence over certain countries for example the US, Uk and Israel. The zionsist have been centralising their power more and more and have a plan to create a one world government. Putin and many others around the world do not think this is a good idea.

It's my beleif that centralised power always leads to corruption and exploitation and that the mess we're all in now came as a result of centralised power

They do this through many channels but primarily through banking. There is a network of central banks that are all privately owned including the federal reserve in the US. These banks in turn are all controlled by the central bank of central banks: the bank for international settlements

These central banks print the money and charge governments interest on it. They also set interest rates and therefore have massive influence over the economy. The central banks have also been found recently to be manipulating fraudulently the LIBOR rates which are the interests rates at which banks lend to each other. Obviously governments are fully aware of this and are complicit.

In the UK the party in power at the moment, the conservatives, are effectivly funded by the financial sector. In the US the president is surrounded by wall street advisors.

The new head of the bank of england who isn't even british (he's canadian) is an ex Goldman Sachs man. The unelected technocrat put in charge of Italy, Mario Monti is ex goldman sachs. Lucas papademos who is now steering greece worked for Goldman sachs, the new European central bank president, Mario Draghi is ex Goldman Sachs and there are others in other countries

What we are seeing here is a financial coup by a group of zionists

If you think the zionists have been harsh on the Palestineans how do you think they're going to be with the rest of us?
That is sort of what happened in the previous wars. The Israels pushed everyone back. I don't think of the neighboring states has the actual willpower to employ enough resources to attack Israel. It is good for their politicians to bash Israel, but those same politicians typically don't care about the suffering of anyone in Palenstine.
The Israelis pushed back because of the massive support we gave to them over everyone else. Love us or hate us, the United States has one hell of an effective warmachine. (Even though we haven't really come close to "winning" a war since the Korean War...)

Iran has a population of 80 million. It could take Israel. Iran could probably take us, at least to a greater extent than the Vietnamese did. A war with them for us would be a perpetual war. There would be no way for us to win in ten, twenty, probably thirty years.
Its looking like Palestine is going to be recognised as a nation today in the UN

Israel was recognised by the UN back in 1947 under certain terms:

''Israel was created by a UN recommendation for Partitioning Palestine in 1947, and was accepted as a new UN member on the basis of its commitment to respect its resolution, and specifically UNGA 194 regarding the return of the Palestinian refugees.'' (

However Israel hasn't respected that agreement. Instead it has with its US ally (controlled by zionists financiers) disregarded the laws of the UN applying clear double standards:

''No cause has consumed as much UN paper work as the plight of the displaced and occupied Palestinians. But hundreds of its resolutions on Palestine have not been respected let alone applied for over half a century.

Nowhere has the UN ideals and mechanisms been more mired in power politics than in Palestine. The efforts to neutralise UN intervention have been championed mainly by the United States. This week’s efforts by the Obama administration working on behalf of Israel took advocacy into a whole new level.

Washington has vetoed more than 40 UN Security Council resolutions critical of its policies some of which were drafted by its European allies. A quick look at today’s Middle East makes it clear that such obstructions worked for the interest of neither party, nor for peace and security in the region.

Cold-War rivalries have also contributed to UN paralysis in the Israeli Palestinian-Arab conflict, which explains why more than half of the 690 resolutions adopted by the General Assembly from 1947-1990 have been ignored.

But what justifies sidelining the UN ever since, while keeping it at an arm’s length from a two decades of Peace Process?

The short answer is a double standard.

All major post-Cold War conflicts have seen direct UN involvement including, Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria and of late, Lebanon, South Sudan. Not the Palestine problem. It was deferred to the US sponsored diplomatic process even though Washington’s close relations with Israel rendered it anything but an impartial broker.

Not only was Palestinian Israeli conflict snatched out of the world body, most relevant US resolutions critical of Israel were ignored by the US sponsors.

Only after the peace process failed to yield a solution a decade later, did the Bush administration allow the United Nations to join, and even then, only as a junior partner in a newly formed International Quartet that includes the European Union and Russia, all of whom are members of the UN!

Meanwhile, Israel has disregarded tens of resolutions, “censuring”, “calling”, “urging”, “recommending”, or “condemning” its attacks, settlement, deportations, occupation, etc.

Likewise, all pleas and demands for humanitarian and political interventions fell on deaf ears. The only time the UN was allowed to act, was in 1997 when it sent few international unarmed observers to the occupied city of Hebron. Alas, they weren’t mandated to speak publicly about the ongoing violations.

For the past four decades, Israel has violated all relevant UNSC council resolutions such as the resolution 465 of 1980 that strongly deplored all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure of status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem.

It also rejected Resolution 476, which reaffirmed the necessity to end the Israeli occupation of Arab territories ongoing since the 1967 war. The only UN Security Council Resolution that was accepted by the US and Israel as the basis of the diplomatic process, i.e. 242 of 1967, was also systematically violated. Israel has been expanding its settlement activity when the resolution notes the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force".

Paradoxically, Israel was created by a UN recommendation for Partitioning Palestine in 1947, and was accepted as a new UN member on the basis of its commitment to respect its resolution, and specifically UNGA 194 regarding the return of the Palestinian refugees.

Now that all other venues have been tried and failed, including 18 years of bilateral negotiations, the UN Security Council must carry its responsibilities by demanding that Israel carry its obligations under UN charter and by recognising the Palestinian right for self-determination in a state of their own. Period. Marwan Bishara is Al Jazeera's senior political analyst.
He was previously a professor of International Relations at the American University of Paris. An author who writes extensively on global politics, he is widely regarded as a leading authority on the Middle East and international affairs.''
Palestine recognised in the UN as the world's 194th state!!!

This follows overwhelming support from around the world

The Israeli response has been to authorise the building of 3000 more homes in the west bank that Israel is illegally occupying and his been asked to leave by the rest of the world under the Geneva Convention

In the next post is the Avaaz response to todays fantastic news:
Avaazers, it's time to celebrate!

A few minutes ago, the UN voted overwhelmingly to recognise Palestine as the world's 194th state!!! It’s a huge victory for the Palestinian people, for peace, for our community, and people across the world are joining with massive crowds in Palestine to celebrate.

The Palestinian people's journey to freedom is far from over. But this is a powerful step, and our community played a key role in it. Palestine's Ambassador to Europe said today:

"Avaaz and its members across the world have played a crucial role in persuading governments to support the Palestinian people's bid for a state and for freedom and peace. They have stood with us throughout and their solidarity and support will be remembered and cherished across Palestine." - Leila Shahid, General Palestinian Delegate to Europe

[TABLE="class: ecximage, align: right"]
[TD] [TABLE="align: center"]
[TD]Brussels Action: While EU leaders were met, THIS was happening right outside their windows[/TD]
[TD] [TABLE="align: center"]
[TD]Madrid Action: Avaaz members want Spain PM Rajoy to say YES![/TD]
The US and Israeli governments, beholden to extreme lobby groups (yes, sadly even Obama has given in), threw everything they had at crushing this vote, using financial threats and even threatening to overthrow the Palestinian President if he went ahead. Europe was the key swing vote, and under intense US pressure, leaders were, just two weeks ago, leaning towards not supporting the Palestinian state. Knowing the stakes, our community responded with the speed and democratic force that we needed to win:

  • Nearly 1.8 million of us signed the petition calling for statehood.
  • Thousands of us donated to fund public opinion polls across Europe -- showing that a whopping 79% of Europeans supported a Palestinian state. Our polls were plastered all over the media, and repeatedly cited in Parliamentary debates in the UK, Spain and France!
  • We sent tens of thousands of emails, Facebook messages and Tweets to leaders across Europe and made thousands of calls to foreign ministries and heads of state.
  • We unfurled a giant 4-storey banner outside the EU Commission in Brussels (right) while leaders were meeting inside. Then, we staged another stunt in Madrid. Previously, we had sailed a flotilla of ships past the UN calling for a vote. Our actions made headlines all over Europe.
  • Avaaz staff and members met with dozens and dozens of government ministers, top advisors, senior journalists, parliamentarians and thought leaders in each of the key countries, in many cases teaming up to win over leaders one by one through advocacy, pressure, parliamentary resolutions and public statements, always drawing on the surge in people power behind this cause.
  • We reached out to key thought leaders like Stéphane Hessel, a 94-year old survivor of Nazi concentration camps, and Ron Pundak, an Israeli who played a key role in Oslo peace process, to speak out in favour of statehood.
One by one, key European states broke with the US to answer the call of justice and their peoples. In the final vote tally we got just now, only 9 countries out of 193 have voted against! France, Spain, Italy, Sweden and most of Europe has voted for Palestine.

The US and Israel argued first that statehood was dangerous for peace, and then, when they'd lost, that it didn't matter and the vote was just symbolic. But if it were just symbolic they wouldn't have done everything to try and stop it. And after years of bad-faith negotiations and Israeli comfort with the status quo as they steadily colonize more Palestinian land, this move shows the US and Israel that if they do not engage in good faith, the Palestinians and the world are prepared to move forward without them. It's a more balanced basis for real peace talks. And that's the best alternative to the kind of violence we saw Israel's government and Hamas offer in Gaza this month.

For decades the Palestinian people have suffered under a stifling Israeli military dictatorship, repressive controls on their travel and work, continual denial of their rights and the constant threat of insecurity and violence. 65 years ago today, the UN recognized the state of Israel, beginning a path to the establishment of a safe home for the Jewish people. Today the Palestinians take a step down the same path, and gain a dignity in the eyes of the international community that they have been denied for a generation. And from that dignity, we can build the foundations of peace.

With hope and joy,
I've been watching the news. Palestine is recognized as a state now, but the Israelis are aiming to build housing that will essentially split the west bank in half, which will make it difficult if not impossible for the west bank to function as a state.

I'm curious as to how it will play out and what, if anything, the international community will be willing to do if it comes to that.
Spokespeople Hillary Clinton for the US and William Hague for the UK have publically condemned the Israeli move to build more settlements

But things are not as they appear on the surface

The aim of building more settlements is to make it harder to create a viable two state solution; this is because Israel doesn not want to see the Palestineans have independence. Israel tried to block the Palestinean bid in the UN

The UK abstained but before that they had been telling the palestineans not to appeal. This is because the UK is controlled by zionist bankers. Once the government realised that the Palestineans were going to win the appeal regardless of their vote they abstained. There has also been a huge amount of support for the palestineans from the public and the UK government probably didn't want to look undemocratic.

The US has publically condemned the building of settlements in the occupied west bank but it tried to block the palestinean bid in the UN. The reality is that the US could easily bring Israel to the negotiating table by withholding its annual funds to Israel and its dimplomatic and military support but it doesn't do that. This shows that the lip service that Hilary Clinton paid to the settlement building is simply an act to make the US look more objective then they are.

The entire world knows that the US is run by zionists and that it is not objective....i mean it tried to block the bid! I wouldn't be suprised if the governments of the US and UK even suggested or supported the settlement building behind closed doors
The Un has asked Israel to join the nuclear non proliferation pact and let nuclear weapons inspectors into Israel in order to help ensure a nuclear free middle east

Israel has refused! The US has supported Israel

It seems that while Iran has let inspectors into Iran, israel won't let inspectors into israel....clearly israel think they are above the law and by inference above everyone else
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There are four nations that will not sign the NPT. Israel, though not admitting to having nuclear weapons, has been working on their program since 1948 and was the SIXTH nation to supposedly obtain them. They signed a peace treaty stating they would never be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the area in war. They mean it. There is a huge shadow promising their destruction playing with fuel and water. We're not talking about a country the size of Israel. Fordo and Arak are not online yet, and they are the biggest threat being under mountains. IAEA has been played with by Iran since day one, and IAEA has yet to visit all Iran's nuclear sites. Sorry, but my computer or something else will not allow me a space between sentences, so no paragraphs. AQ Khan was more a problem than Israel is. Iran knows how the world feels regarding their nuclear ambitions. Their leaders do not care if they are placing their populace in danger. Iran has been offered fuel in return for sending the spent fuel rods back, but want no part of it. Iran's size alone should not run their ego program they have setup a shortcut for.
"Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was "nearly obsessed" with obtaining nuclear weapons to prevent the Holocaust from reoccurring. He stated, "What Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller, the three of them are Jews, made for the United States, could also be done by scientists in Israel, for their own people".[SUP]" "NEVER AGAIN"
View attachment 16388

The bomb was built in a joint programme between the UK and the US. The US then shared the technology with Isreal

Yes Israel uses the holocaust as an excuse for all the crimes they perpetrate
There are four nations that will not sign the NPT. Israel, though not admitting to having nuclear weapons, has been working on their program since 1948 and was the SIXTH nation to supposedly obtain them. They signed a peace treaty stating they would never be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the area in war. They mean it. There is a huge shadow promising their destruction playing with fuel and water. We're not talking about a country the size of Israel. Fordo and Arak are not online yet, and they are the biggest threat being under mountains. IAEA has been played with by Iran since day one, and IAEA has yet to visit all Iran's nuclear sites. Sorry, but my computer or something else will not allow me a space between sentences, so no paragraphs. AQ Khan was more a problem than Israel is. Iran knows how the world feels regarding their nuclear ambitions. Their leaders do not care if they are placing their populace in danger. Iran has been offered fuel in return for sending the spent fuel rods back, but want no part of it. Iran's size alone should not run their ego program they have setup a shortcut for.

So when Iran wants to protect itself and when it lets weapons inspectors in thats 'ego' but when Israel have nuclear weapons and don't abide by international law that is because they are helples victims?

I don't think you really understand who runs the US
Israel has become the first country to ignore the human rights review of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva:

Israel has ignored calls by the UN Human Rights inquiry to remove settlers from the illegally occupied territories:

Israel has recently attacked Syria in an unprovoked airstrike that threatens to sparks more unrest in the middle east just at the time that Iran is working to broker a peacedeal in Syria:

Its incredible how destabilising Israel is in the middle seems like they are trying to provoke world war 3
ok [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] how does a gov like Syria's fit into the whole "new world order" scheme, are they the good guys, just more bad guys or what. And their weapons, do they exist or is that just hype, and if they do exist is it cool that some NGO with intent to use them should get them in any unfolding chaos?
ok [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] how does a gov like Syria's fit into the whole "new world order" scheme, are they the good guys, just more bad guys or what. And their weapons, do they exist or is that just hype, and if they do exist is it cool that some NGO with intent to use them should get them in any unfolding chaos?

There's a pretty famous video on Youtube involving a US General named Wesley Clark. About 10 days after 9/11 (which was a false flag operation do NOT let anyone tell you that 19 cavemen with boxcutters carried that out), he was told that the United States planned on toppling seven countries in the Middle East. The countries were: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

All of those countries either represented or currently represent a threat to Israel. Israel wants to expand its reach throughout the Middle East and the ones that haven't been overthrown yet are standing in the way. That's why Israel is supporting the al-Qaeda linked rebels fighting against Assad (the Syrian people aren't fighting Assad, paid mercenaries from Saudi Arabia and Turkey are). The weapons that were being shipped were intended to go into the hands of Hezbollah (a proxy for Iran).
ok @muir how does a gov like Syria's fit into the whole "new world order" scheme, are they the good guys, just more bad guys or what. And their weapons, do they exist or is that just hype, and if they do exist is it cool that some NGO with intent to use them should get them in any unfolding chaos?

It's not as simple as 'good guys' and 'bad guys'...its a question of asking 'what are they upto?'

I'm not saying that other governments are angels while western governments are demons

I'm saying that there is a small cabal of people controlling the western governments who are trying to achieve something and it comes down to us as citizens of those countries to decide whether we agree with what they are trying to do or not

Russian president Putin has said he disagrees with the cabal's vision of a 'unipolar' world ie a centralised world government run by the cabal. he has said he foresees a multi-polar world

So we are seeing antagonistic currents emerge

There is a current that wants to centralise power more and more (the cabal) and there are those that want power to be more spread about. I personally think that centralised power always leads to dictatorship so i want to see power pushed down to the people

Syria under Assad is an ally of Iran. Iran is a major oil producer and influential member of OPEC. The Israel-US alliance (both influenced by the international bankers such as the Rothschilds who created Israel and who own and run the US federal reserve as well as many other corporate interests in the US) want to dominate Iran and to do so they are trying to isolate it by taking out its allies of which Syria is one

The cabal have funded dissent in Syria and have paid mercenaries to fight there and have supplied them with weapons. The CIA are flooding the area with weapons whilst at the same time the cabal's media are telling everyone that it is Assads weapons that are the problem!

The US did the same in Libya and is now saying those weapons are moving into Mali in order to justify a military intervention there (they have got their ally France to do this but have provided the French with airlifts)

The US/Israel create the problem and then use the chaos as an opportunity to achieve what they want. In this case they want to destabilise Syria in order to weaken Iran

Iran wants peace in its neighbour Syria, but the US and israel will keep the violence going, while at the same time they say in their media that they want peace! That antagonisitic Israeli airstrike should show everyone that they are antagonistic NOT peaceseeking

The danger here is that there are a series of alliances much like there was in Europe before WWI. For example Iran is an ally of Russia so if there are attacks on Iran, Russia has said it will get involved; then the US could get sucked in and the whole thing could spiral out of control

You're asking if dangerous events might occur out of the instability but that is the narrative created by the western corporate press to get people worried about what might happen

Shift the locus of the discussion and ask instead: 'what the hell are our government upto creating all this instability around the world?'

Because the ''but there's weapons of mass destruction in there, so we need to send the troops in'' argument was used before in iraq and it was a total lie
