Gaza Missiles and Israeli Air Strikes?

Samuel Bush served on the federal reserve bank of cleveland

Another member of the bush family was George Bush (1796-1859) who was a christian zionist who wrote a book called 'The dry bones of Israel Revived' in 1844 which sold a million copies and probably helped shape the views of christian zionists in the US. In the book he argues that the jews should be returned to palestine where they should convert to christianity

so going back to the UN partition of palestine its important to understand who is behind the UN. [FONT=&amp]The people who gave the land for the UN offices in New York were the zionist Rockefeller family who want to create a one world government

The UN is basically a prototype world government that the zionists created as a stepping stone to a new world order. Below is a picture of the EU parliament building called the Louise Weiss (a jewish journalist and politician) building but it is really based on the tower of Babel which Nimrod was building in defiance of god:

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[FONT=&amp]Outside the rockefeller offices in new york is a statue, shown below, of prometheus stealing fire from the gods. He is lux fero, lucifer, the light bringer:

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[FONT=&amp]Registered with the UN is the Lucis Trust (origanally called the Lucifer Trust), which publishes the books of Alice bailey:

Then there is the bearing of the torch during the Olympics...i bet the elites have a good laugh at the people as they cheer the olympic torch being carried throughout the land

The of course the hilariously named 'statue of Liberty' made by french freemasons and shipped to America bearing the light up high leaving no one as to any illusions over who runs the US

Here are some images from israel:

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notice how in the seal from the grand lodge in israel that the square and compass make the 6 pointed star of david that is on the flag of israel

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Here's part of the knesset court building in Jerusalem that was built by the rothschild family:

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Note the pyramid with the eye in it that also is found on the back of the dollar bill printed by the federal reserve which is owned by zionists bankers such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and warburgs?

I could go and on and on posting all sorts of links and pictures but the point i'm making is that there is a group of people who are not jews, christians or muslims but who are manipulating jews, christians and muslims and who are controlling the US and Israeli governments

They are playing everyone off against each other to stay in power

The palestineans are not your enemy justme, the enemy is much closer to home. you should take a close look at who is really running your country and then ask yourself if they are doing a good job or not
Did the Rockefellers write "Constantine's Sword"? Does Bernard Lewis work for the banks?
Was Jesus corrupt? Jesus said He was the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Many people and writings have influenced my life, as have many actions and reactions. I have not made man my enemy. If someone is my enemy, that is something they need to work out.

Now, I do have problems with people(both singular and very pluralistic when denoting groups). I also like facts. I am no conspiracy theorist. I know elements exist around me, both near and far. There are also people I don't trust, because I see what they are trying to do. I cannot help that I see. I can try to influence it in a positive manner.
I am the result of a lot of hard work(not just my own), and I am tired. Lost my desire to argue mostly, as I do not like getting upset.

You believe what you want to believe and what you read, and I will believe in what I believe I have been shown. Maybe there is a purpose for what I have seen; maybe it was for self enLIGHTenment. Whatever the case, I see what is coming. It will not happen the way the planners think it will happen, because there is something greater than them out there.

In the meantime, watch this while something else is still going on. Look: shiny!
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Interesting questions @justme

Concerning 'constantine's sword'....

The writer James Carroll's father was Air Force general Joseph Caroll who was involved with the FBI and was the founding director of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Airforce Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Anyone who gets that high up the secret services is well connected within the secret society network

Joseph was educated at a Jesuit university called the Loyola University of Chicago; this is named after Ignatius Loyola the founder, some say, of the illuminati (google it and see what you can find)

In his book he mentions St Bernhard of Clairvaux who had links to the knights templar and the cistercian monks which was its sister organisation. When Bernhard made a speech to an assembled crowd in france he whipped them up into a religious frenzy and sent them off to the holy land with red cloth tied around their arms to signify that they were on crusade and that their sins would be forgiven; for maximum effect he even tore off pieces from his own cloak to do this

This rag tag band of civilians from all walks of life picked up whatever weapons they could find and marched down the Rhine where they attacked jewsih settlements killing many of them

Modern day freemasonry is a continuation of the knights templar and this guy who sent these 'crusaders' off to slaughter jews was instrumental in the templar movement

There is another James Carroll from the states who also wrote a book about the catholic church called the 'trail of blood'. This guy was a baptist and his book traced a succession from John the Baptist not from Peter. His brother was a member of Freemasonic lodge Waco Lodge 92. The freemasons also trace their lineage through a johannite line. St Johns day is an important day for freemasons.

One of the acts the templars were accused of by their interregators was the act of spitting on images of jesus on the cross; they did this because they did not believe jesus was the messiah, they believed john was. In the bible john expresses doubts about jesus as his successor while he is held captive by Herod. He is executed on the request of Salome who next appears at the feet of jesus on the cross among his entourage. It is also said that Jesus had a contact in the court of Herod. Once john was beheaded jesus took over much of his flock of followers

Bernhard Lewis was a jewish author who was an advisor of the Bush administration. He was the intellectual force behind the invasion of Iraq and has pushed for violent action to be taken against Iran. i have already mentioned the Bush's link to the illuminati. Lewis coined the phrase 'clash of civilisations' and appears to have tried his best to bring such a clash about in an almost biblical apocalyptic clash of the armies of gog and magog.....incidentally magog was president bush's nickname in the skull and bones society

American historian Joel beinin called lewis: 'perhaps the most articulate and learned Zionist advocate in the North American Middle East academic community'

So in answer to your question he most certainly does work for the zionist bankers
You have been reading too much propaganda; propaganda about more propaganda.
I no longer think of you as a conspiracy theorist. Spin your web. Are you trying to help things or damage things?
Please be cautious how you tread on something that is keeping peace.
You have been reading too much propaganda; propaganda about more propaganda.
I no longer think of you as a conspiracy theorist. Spin your web. Are you trying to help things or damage things?
Please be cautious how you tread on something that is keeping peace.

A lot of what i've said in my previous post is documented

I'm not into conspiracy theory i'm into conspiracy fact and its the truth that i'm trying to pick out from amongst all the propaganda but i agree there is a lot of it about

I am most definately trying to help things

I agree with David Ike that the three main religions are essentially thinly disguised saturn worship and that they represent the outer order of a more esoteric inner order. Most people in the outer order have no idea about what the real agenda of the inner order is. Many adherents to the three main religions are just decent people going about their business

I'm not sure what i'm treading on that is keeping the peace? As far as i see it it is the elites who make war and the people who have to fight them, which is why i'm against centralised power

Please be aware that there are over 100,000 jews living in Iran peacefully. If iran wanted to wipe out jews it would have taken action. The reality is that iran is not against jews it is against zionism and the forces behind zionism
A lot of what i've said in my previous post is documented

I'm not into conspiracy theory i'm into conspiracy fact and its the truth that i'm trying to pick out from amongst all the propaganda but i agree there is a lot of it about

I am most definately trying to help things

I agree with David Ike that the three main religions are essentially thinly disguised saturn worship and that they represent the outer order of a more esoteric inner order. Most people in the outer order have no idea about what the real agenda of the inner order is. Many adherents to the three main religions are just decent people going about their business

I'm not sure what i'm treading on that is keeping the peace? As far as i see it it is the elites who make war and the people who have to fight them, which is why i'm against centralised power

Please be aware that there are over 100,000 jews living in Iran peacefully. If iran wanted to wipe out jews it would have taken action. The reality is that iran is not against jews it is against zionism and the forces behind zionism

As I see it, there are those for and those against what is currently called Zionism. If you believe the three main religions are essentially disguised saturn worship, I am at a loss of words right now. I take it you are talking of Abrahamic religions, or those "supposedly" having roots to Abraham. You must think rich people have control of your "purported" inner order. Made the religions up?

Attacking Israel, time and time again, is from the power elites that are against Zionism? Or does the "other side"
have power elites; centralized power that you are against, I suppose, in any form?

Israel gets larger when they are attacked by all their neighbors. Remember when they had only three planes? When they took abandoned ships and made them into a navy? Had only weapons from the Czechs? Used captured Egyptian shells against the Syrian military that had the Golan overlooking their enemy? It was not until they showed their will and purpose other people started trying to help them.

Attack them again, and watch what happens again. Israel did not go over there and start destroying everyone around them: they were too busy defending themselves. Enter radical Islam. You must know how that plays out itself? Maybe not. The poor Palestinians are being used politically and radically, and some might have liked the Israeli occupation better before Hamas came.

Southern Lebanon? Occupied after being attacked. Golan? Taken after being attacked. Sinai? Taken after being attacked. What about the lands they walked away from? Gave back? Now one of their biggest enemies has its hands tied because of their ambitions...Hezbollah. An attack from Hezbollah is an attack by Lebanon now. Can't hide in the Presidential Palace any longer. Throw the innocents there into a costly war with Israel. Might turn people there against Hezbollah when they see their true colors. What a fix they have gotten themselves into, Ollie. Now they have people to take care of.

I cannot figure why Russia is so bent on the area. Arms sales? Do they want peace? Putin has always been one leader I seem to understand a bit. Think he must like chess. Know he likes the outdoors. Like the man. Hope he is well. They have their own problems to their southern borders, as does Thailand.

Way I see it, the biggest war going on seems to be the Shia against the Sunni. Power elites behind that one, too? I see too much hatred in the world, and Zionism is but a poor excuse to fire missiles into Israel KNOWING the people will suffer for it. Rambled enough tonight. Good talking with ya, @muir .
Maybe we could use a break. Spent the morning reading. Interesting, this science and math. use the other link, as this one cannot finish the closed parenthesis

It is amazing how closely related all of us are. Science and math cannot create what has been written thousands of years ago. They can obviously be confounded time and time again, though.
One would think after all those supposed years, mankind could get
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Maybe we could use a break. Spent the morning reading. Interesting, this science and math.

It is amazing how closely related all of us are. Science and math cannot create what has been written thousands of years ago. They can obviously be confounded time and time again, though.
One would think after all those supposed years, mankind could get

I share your sentiment here justme

I also want all people to live together in peace

I know i have spoken out against israeli policy but i am not against jews

In fact i have some jewish anscestry, i am a student of qabalah and i have been heavily influenced by jewish politics

The issue i have is with the fact that Israel was created by the Rothschilds and the Rothschilds weild huge influence via the central banks they own over governments such as the US and UK government.

Because i believe that people should have a say over their own lives i don't agree with the current system of central control

I also think that the world that the Rothschilds have created is not a very pleasant one and i think its time people took the power back off them
I do not like to see rioting in the streets.

As I see it, there are those for and those against what is currently called Zionism.

If you think about what zionism is as per the link you have posted above it is the idea that there should be a purely jewish land (taken by force) in which no non jews should be allowed and in which no jews and non jews should mix

Racism is the belief that one group of people is superior to another and zionism is an expression of a belief that one group of people are better than everyone else. The financial power behind zionism however has grown rich and powerful through lending money to non jews so that they can wage war on each other; often both sides in a conflict were given war loans. In other words the money behind zionism is soaked in the blood of non jews. The money was also made in non jewish lands.

So a group of people getting rich off the misery of others has taken a piece of land violently and set themselves apart saying 'we are gods chosen people'. meanwhile those same people who have huge influence over the governments of other countries have moved people around the world in large numbers creating what they call 'multi-culturalism'. This means that the zionists are saying everyone else must mix except the jews who must remain pure and apart; now that sounds very much like the nazis to me. According to the zionist plan everyone else must let go of their culture and embrace a homogenous corporate manufactured mcdonaldisation of culture whilst the jews alone are allowed to keep their own culture

This is clearly hypocritical bullshit, much like the nazis in that respect

If you believe the three main religions are essentially disguised saturn worship, I am at a loss of words right now. I take it you are talking of Abrahamic religions, or those "supposedly" having roots to Abraham. You must think rich people have control of your "purported" inner order. Made the religions up?

I think power and wealth are usually indivisable so yes the 'rich' have imposed the perception of reality that they want people to have on the public

Have you ever seen the symbol of the catholic church shown below justme? Please note the middle letter:


Here is the symbol of saturn:


Another symbol for saturn is the cube. The christian cross when folded up makes a cube (this is explained in various qabalistic books)

Here are the muslims revolving around a black cube creating the rings around saturn:

Here is a jew with a black cube on his forehead:



  • 53-Monograms,Crosses-etc.-img24-IHS-q75-499x500.webp
    13.8 KB · Views: 1
  • Saturns_symbol.webp
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Attacking Israel, time and time again, is from the power elites that are against Zionism? Or does the "other side"
have power elites; centralized power that you are against, I suppose, in any form?

It is Israel attacking others because they want the land. The zionist media that you listen to tells you that it is israel being attacked but it is the other way around

Yes the countries standing upto zionsim have centrally controlled systems and i don't much like their systems either

The difference is that they are only controlling themselves whilst the zionists are controlling other people as well as themselves

Israel gets larger when they are attacked by all their neighbors. Remember when they had only three planes? When they took abandoned ships and made them into a navy? Had only weapons from the Czechs? Used captured Egyptian shells against the Syrian military that had the Golan overlooking their enemy? It was not until they showed their will and purpose other people started trying to help them.

No Israel gets larger becuase it keeps stealing land

Its military gets more powerful because it is funded to the tune of $6billion of US citizens taxpayer money each year because the US government is controlled by zionist bankers

Attack them again, and watch what happens again. Israel did not go over there and start destroying everyone around them: they were too busy defending themselves. Enter radical Islam. You must know how that plays out itself? Maybe not. The poor Palestinians are being used politically and radically, and some might have liked the Israeli occupation better before Hamas came.

Israel are doing the attacking

The US (zionist controlled) has also interferred in the affairs of muslim countires and attacked and occupied muslim countries which has made muslims more and more angry and some of them more and more militant. Then there are the muslims that are funded and armed by the zionists for example the mujahideen fighters in afghanistan in their war against the USSR

Southern Lebanon? Occupied after being attacked. Golan? Taken after being attacked. Sinai? Taken after being attacked. What about the lands they walked away from? Gave back? Now one of their biggest enemies has its hands tied because of their ambitions...Hezbollah. An attack from Hezbollah is an attack by Lebanon now. Can't hide in the Presidential Palace any longer. Throw the innocents there into a costly war with Israel. Might turn people there against Hezbollah when they see their true colors. What a fix they have gotten themselves into, Ollie. Now they have people to take care of.

Israel is doing the attacking and the more it attacks the more people will feel unsafe and the more people will become radicalised against Israel

I cannot figure why Russia is so bent on the area. Arms sales? Do they want peace? Putin has always been one leader I seem to understand a bit. Think he must like chess. Know he likes the outdoors. Like the man. Hope he is well. They have their own problems to their southern borders, as does Thailand.

Way I see it, the biggest war going on seems to be the Shia against the Sunni. Power elites behind that one, too? I see too much hatred in the world, and Zionism is but a poor excuse to fire missiles into Israel KNOWING the people will suffer for it. Rambled enough tonight. Good talking with ya, @muir .

Russia is concerned because the US is trying to encircle it with missiles. Russia wants to keep the US and its allies as far away from its borders as possible because if you can launch nuclear missiles from right on a countries borders it doesn't give them much time to respond

That's what the cuban missile crisis was about. The uS had put missiles in Turkey so the russians threatened to put missiles on cuba. the russians agreed to move the missiles back when the US agreed to move their missiles back

A state of relative balance had been struck between russia and the us called MAD (mutually assured destruction) where both countries knew that a strike against their enemy would then see them destroyed so neither country ever made a move and this fear of global destruction kept an uneasy peace

The zionist controlled US is threatening to completely disrupt that peace by insisting on continuing to build a 'star wars system' which would enable the US to shoot down ICBM missiles. This will of course leave russia exposed so a new arms race will be created which will in turn have a negative economic impact on both countries
I do not like to see rioting in the streets.

Neither do i

I think it is a form of expression. people are expressing themselves by taking to the streets in protest. the more upset they are and/or the more draconian the government reaction is the more likely a protest is to turn to violence

I think people ned to walk away from all the banks, corporations and political parties that are forming the control system that is controlling all our lives and making us all feel unsafe
At this point in our conversation, I have to step out. Having felt and experienced the power of God, and having an unwavering faith in Him, I brush my feet off to this. I have more constructive things to occupy my time with, and somehow I feel it time to walk away. I mean you no harm, but have heard all I can listen to. Fire some missiles at me.
Why would i fire missiles? Have you not listened to a word i've said? I am against violence

Here's something for you to meditate on:

Here is a clip of Wes Clark a retired US 4 star general criticising the foreign policy (of the zionists who dominate the USA) which they set out in a plan called: 'The Project for a New American Century'. He talks about a group of people taking over the government in a 'policy coup'.

In it he explains the zionists plan to attack 7 countries in 5 years. Well so far we've seen them attack Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now they are starting on Lebanon with a longer term plan to attack Iran:
US military bases around Iran:

Russia has already warned the US that if the US/Israel axis attack Iran then Russia will retaliate

George Bush has warned that there will be world war 3 if Iran gets a nuclear weapon. But the long term plan of the zionists is to attack Iran and to destabilise the region and Iran knows this. The zionists want total control of the resources of the middle east and like the gangsters they are they are going to take it by force and intimidation

Here is an interview in which the topic is discussed. The theme is that the 'cold war' is on again and that in the previous 'cold war' it was only a cold war between russia and the Us but for everyone else around the world there was a lot of death and destruction and once again we are seeing death and destruction on the rise:

You can find clips on youtube of Putin talking about the attempt of the people behind the new world order (ie zionists) to create a 'unipolar' world

By this he means that they are trying to create a one world government which they will control

Many other countries are not under the control of the zionists and they don't want to be under the control of the zionists nor should they be if they want to keep any degree of freedom because the zionist plan for the world is to create a totalitarian police state:

I find it interesting how the priest in the clip i've posted above, who is clearly expressing a Russian orthodox christian perception on the current situation, also has a black cube on his head