Generation Gap

This is an interesting discussion about generational issues that just isn’t found much in the mainstream. I think social media have made it easier for us to communicate with each other but, unlike a generation ago, we can now choose our “friends,” and we usually choose friends who are within our own generations. It seems there are fewer opportunities where people of different generations can talk with each on an equal footing.

On another note, I believe that our society and our economy are rapidly changing. Our educational and political systems are simply not able to keep up. A generation ago, we were encouraging young people to excel in math and pursue degrees in finance and banking. I know many of those people lost their jobs in the banking bust and are now working in other industries. Our educational system, influenced by our economic and political systems, were not forward thinking enough. Now, in an effort to build in accountability into our educational system, we force proficiency testing in math and science, often at the expense of the humanities. This seems to be less a means to institute accountability as it does an effort to shift revenues into for-profit educational entities and train a new generation of “worker bees” to fill corporate positions that may, or may not be there upon graduation.

The hopeful thing is that every generation responds to the society that they inherit so that they can be successful and fulfilled. My parents responded to the social insecurity following the depression by using the ballot box to make sure they had nice, comfortable retirements for themselves. Baby boomers used the elections process to make sure we had scooped up as many dollars as possible to dump into our 401-Ks to supplement the social programs that our parents put in place.

So what’s left for younger generations? It’s hard to tell. But I earnestly believe that younger citizens, armed with their votes, will make sure that the world they live in responds to their needs. Right now, people under 30 don’t influence elections as much as they could...or as much as they will. In another ten years or so, we Boomers will be sitting on the sidelines and watching our national political and economic policies, be fashioned into something that serves the needs of younger voters. I don’t know what that looks like right now, but I know it will probably make me feel uncomfortable. And it will be the exact right thing for our country and the world!
In the 50’s and 60’s we as a nation decided that education was a national was basically free in most cases.
As a result, we had one of the most educated and prosperous work forces in the world.
In the 70’s, one could work a part time job and still put themselves through college.
In the 80’s the Boomer’s decided (amongst other things) that we should deregulate the college education system in order to be more profitable.

College educational prices (not that you haven’t noticed) have gone up more than 300% while the average wage in this country has not only stagnated, but with inflation of gas, food, rent, healthcare, etc. has gone DOWN from the 1970’s.

Who is benefiting from that? Certainly not the generations that have had to pay an arm and a leg, or had to take out ridiculous student loans to educate themselves.

So now the Boomers and the next generation are whining that their kids are still living at home when they graduate college? Too fucking made your own bed - sleep in it.

This is not even mentioning all the other economic problems besides tuition prices that have been inflicted on the generations younger than the Boomers, by them, for their OWN benefit, and their benefit ONLY.

And the Boomers have the gall to call the younger generations - entitled (which they are, but who did that?).

Never has their been a more selfish, greedy, and entitled generation as the Baby Boomers....
And now, with them getting older, they are going to destroy Social Security, healthcare, etc.
Die off had your turn and you fucked it ALL up royally.
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I dont think this is flattering but its not directed at anyone. I think younger folks have grown up in a school system that has gone insane. It seems to me your are being force fed "Opinion" rather than fact. All with an agenda attached.

Beyond that, I personally see younger folks being LESS social primarily I think having to do with constantly attached to tech that allows you to not be in the same room. Not that I care about it but there does seem to be a disconnect in social situations. I personally love being behind someone going through a door and the person not even making an attempt to hold the door partially open so that I can grab it and move through it easier. Literally a couple steps behind and its almost like they are deliberately closing it after themselves. Things like that. Parents in recent years seem to disregard basic social skills like this as being a necessary part of societal integration.

As an educator- I would say that the issue is that people are being force fed knowledge (regardless of fact or opinion) rather than being encouraged to generate their own opinions and understandings. Students freak out when they're asked "what do you think?" ...they want you to tell them what they think so they can be right. It's scary to think of the future consequences of this.

You're point on tech is huge. The rates of empathy are decreasing and narcissism is increasing because kids aren't developing social skills or the ability to understand how their actions result in emotional consequences. Technology is literally stripping away our humanity!
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I think each generation has it's own traits and qualities, and because we are each born in a particular period of time in history, we have a perspective which is unique and may be a little tough to understand because of the uniqueness of those experiences. Perspective is a really interesting thing. When you are younger, you think you understand the world, then 10 or 15 or 20, or 30s years passed, and you learn so much and your perspective changes, and you see things differently because you've seen the world change in so many ways, and it adjusts how you view people. Everyone maneuvers each decade of their lives through different social, political, historical, and cultural experiences of the time in which they live. I remember what it was like to grow up as a young adult in the late 80s, early 90s. It was very different world than it is today. The vibe was very different. There was less technology by today's standards, we had it harder in terms of accessibility of information. However, life was a little simpler in some ways because we didn't have as much things competing for our attention and time. The average person could get a 9-5 pm, have a home, come home and still have time for family/life. It's not as crazy as it is today with people running around at speed of light, in a constant hurry. So, I'm nostalgic for the 1990s. There was something very cool about that time. I'm glad for the technology and opportunities available today but I think people were less stressed back then.