After being gender socialized, they sure do.
Yet, if we ask the men and women who engage and have relationships with the initially-polled group of men—on average, their assessment tends to be something other than having strong relation and connection. There’s a disconnect there.
Of course, because those men have been socialized to do just that as part of their gender role.
No, but the history of the profession changing from one of men, to one largely of women, is interesting.
As products of socialization, I entirely agree with you.
As newborns, before socialization, the latest science suggests otherwise.
While no single definition encapsulates the many types of socialism, social ownership is the one common element, and is considered left-wing. copied Wikipedia
Now I understand where we differ so much. CEO of two different corporations built from experience, I always dared to be different than a worker alone. I do not believe in Socialism at all. I do not believe in gender assessment.
I told people what to do by working with them, not from a podium. Took a many a tool from someone's hands to teach them the best way known. We did not insinuate they were wrong. One of my mentors would answer every question with a pencil and paper on his pad he always carried. We never learned from computers. We never used calculators at school.
It is not so amazing women are now working more than they used to: they simply must to afford socialism and its grasp on society as a whole. We, the people, were never emblazoned with such atrocities as today's gender-socialist types are trying to force us to accept. We, the people, include us all. We, the people, do not accept things for what they seem. We, the people, know what morals are. We know what ethics are. We know responsibility. We know sharing. We recognize the enemy as it is approaching. We seek to help others to think for themselves, not by whispering into their minds what to do. We use books written by men of long ago as our foundations to build upon.
Disclaimer: This is not intended to cause confrontation. This is not meant to attack any person for what they might think to be reclusive. This is to reveal what is true, not what some generation is parlayed with. Victims we are of nonsense. We must
rebel against what we feel is against us. Build a corporation without government funding. Do not allow greed and laziness to overcome your spirits. It takes a lot of one to make progress. Greed is an enemy to us all, as we sit giving back almost all we have to afford those not trying to benefit mankind.