Hillary Clinton caught lying in email scandal

What I hate is Hillary being accused of things that other candidates have done, like its something different. People say Hillary lies. What about Trump? He is a serial liar bragging and making false claims about himself constantly, spewing all manner of falsefoods, and somehow its not a big deal for many people. Why is that?

They all lie. Why do you defend Hillary but not all the other liars?
Because Hillary is attacked consistently for her lying on these boards. Even Trump or Cruz (lyin' Ted) seem barely called out for their lying on these boards, and many people just accept their lying as okay. I also believe that she is the least of these three evils.
Sorry but the idea that the Clintons were involved in a level of criminality that is different than other politicians is just delusional. If Americans somehow think the Republicans under Trump or whoever will be better, history does not bear this out.

Bill Clinton illegally bombed my country and ushered in the age of "humanitarian" warfare. Call me biased, but Hillary's foreign policy is the most warmongering out of all the candidates and that scares me. Her being elected makes me worry for the world. Trump is a bombastic asshole, he's not a great candidate by any means but that does not make Hilary a good candidate in comparison. Only superficially, since she is playing a whole different set of PR cards than Trump is.
Because Hillary is attacked consistently for her lying on these boards. Even Trump or Cruz (lyin' Ted) seem barely called out for their lying on these boards, and many people just accept their lying as okay. I also believe that she is the least of these three evils.

Another inaccurate statement.
Just thought I would step back in and say I cant wait to see her hauled away in handcuffs.
Trump is one who openly advocating war crimes by advocating the killing of the families of terrorists, but this is just dismissed as "bombastic" like he doesn't really mean what he says. He also not advocates the use of torture, but wants to ramp it up, waterboarding isn't enough for him, but hey, he's joking around, right?

Meanwhile Cruz plans to "carpet bomb" ISIS (along with all the civilians living in that area) and wonders "if sand can glow in the dark". I'm sure he's just kidding around too.

And [MENTION=751]Peppermint[/MENTION] you are honestly able to say "Hillary's foreign policy is the most warmongering of the candidates"?

Read more about why Donald is way more dangerous than Clinton ever thought of being/ The second link is an "open letter" by leading Republicans stating "His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

Mr. Trump’s own statements lead us to conclude that as president, he would use the authority of his office to act in ways that make America less safe, and which would diminish our standing in the world. Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States. Therefore, as committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head. We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.


Better get used to saying President Clinton again [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] You'll be seeing her taking the oath of office as president not in handcuffs
Trump is one who openly advocating war crimes by advocating the killing of the families of terrorists, but this is just dismissed as "bombastic" like he doesn't really mean what he says. He also not advocates the use of torture, but wants to ramp it up, waterboarding isn't enough for him, but hey, he's joking around, right?

He might be. Except it's not a joke, it's called demagogy, he's saying what will appeal to his supporters and distinguish him. No such thing as bad publicity.

Meanwhile Cruz plans to "carpet bomb" ISIS (along with all the civilians living in that area) and wonders "if sand can glow in the dark". I'm sure he's just kidding around too.

If you think Hilary isn't going to ramp up the military response in the Middle East you're the delusional one. Not only that, but you can bet she will escalate things on the front with Russia too. Indiscriminate warfare in the Middle East on part of US isn't anything new, so excuse me if I'm not so outraged by Cruz wanting to carpet bomb the terrorists. The US military has been killing civilians and destroying infrastructure for years. Do you even read the news?


And @Peppermint you are honestly able to say "Hillary's foreign policy is the most warmongering of the candidates"?

Read more about why Donald is way more dangerous than Clinton ever thought of being/ The second link is an "open letter" by leading Republicans stating "His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

Mr. Trump’s own statements lead us to conclude that as president, he would use the authority of his office to act in ways that make America less safe, and which would diminish our standing in the world. Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States. Therefore, as committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head. We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.



Yeah I honestly think that, because I did read about it. Can you stop acting like being against Hilary means being pro Trump or pro Cruz? Why haven't you provided an unbiased side by side comparison of foreign policy views instead of impassioned anti - Trump commentary? That would've made your point. I'm not interested in reading biased material on why "Trump is so much worse than Hilary" because it's written with an agenda to vilify one candidate and extol another.
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Because Hillary is attacked consistently for her lying on these boards. Even Trump or Cruz (lyin' Ted) seem barely called out for their lying on these boards, and many people just accept their lying as okay. I also believe that she is the least of these three evils.

Why are you pro-evil?
Can you stop acting like being against Hilary means being pro Trump or pro Cruz?

Well Americans (the poor sods) only really have two choices; Hillary or Trump/Cruz. That's the reality and when you are for one you against the other.

Why haven't you provided an unbiased side by side comparison of foreign policy views instead of impassioned anti - Trump commentary?

You think the open letter by members of his own party is meant to vilify Trump and promote Hillary that seems a little strange to me. The New York Times is a reputable newspaper and the article makes points about Trump that are hard to refute. I would encourage you do so.

He might be. Except it's not a joke, it's called demagogy, he's saying what will appeal to his supporters and distinguish him. No such thing as bad publicity.

So he doesn't really mean what he says, or wait a minute maybe he does, or well who knows, maybe "The Donald" doesn't even know what he wants to do because that changes from minute to minute. So maybe he's liar who doesn't say what he means? This doesn't strike you as dangerous or unstable?

Bill Clinton illegally bombed my country and ushered in the age of "humanitarian" warfare

I'm guessing you are Serbian or something by this comment [MENTION=751]Peppermint[/MENTION]. I agree that the bombing was illegal and that it likely done as a way to distract people from the Lewinsky scandal, so yes James Bisset was likely right about this.

I never claimed the Clintons were without fault, and if I were an American I likely would not vote for her. Bernie was only candidate I would actually vote for for certain. I likely wouldn't vote at all or maybe for some third party candidate who had no hope of winning. My only point is that she is the lesser of the evils. I never said she wasn't evil as well.
Because Hillary is attacked consistently for her lying on these boards. Even Trump or Cruz (lyin' Ted) seem barely called out for their lying on these boards, and many people just accept their lying as okay. I also believe that she is the least of these three evils.

I find your 'hang up' slightly irrelevant too.

They are all satan spawn, no need to make a pissing contest out of it.
I hang around a number of political and whilstleblower site's.. Trust me, the discourse on this forum (board) doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

I don't vote for lesser evils, because I don't believe in lesser evils. You're either evil or you're not.
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Trump is one who openly advocating war crimes by advocating the killing of the families of terrorists, but this is just dismissed as "bombastic" like he doesn't really mean what he says.

I don't think that Trump does know or believe what he is saying more than half the time. He's a political and sociological retard.
This isn't just my opinion, but evident fact. UK parliament have already unanimously stated that they think he's a fucking joke. We don't expect him to president, and if he were, we'd probably have to sever our close relationship with the US of A.

He also not advocates the use of torture, but wants to ramp it up, waterboarding isn't enough for him, but hey, he's joking around, right?

Yea, right. He's nothing but a distraction, he was never going to be president.

Meanwhile Cruz plans to "carpet bomb" ISIS (along with all the civilians living in that area) and wonders "if sand can glow in the dark". I'm sure he's just kidding around too.

And [MENTION=751]Peppermint[/MENTION] you are honestly able to say "Hillary's foreign policy is the most warmongering of the candidates"?

Read more about why Donald is way more dangerous than Clinton

From my perspective, you are severly misinformed. Or malinformed. The Clintons are bigger players than Trump, wayyy bigger.

ever thought of being/ The second link is an "open letter" by leading Republicans stating "His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

Mr. Trump’s own statements lead us to conclude that as president, he would use the authority of his office to act in ways that make America less safe, and which would diminish our standing in the world. Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States. Therefore, as committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head. We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.

Yea, but he's a side show.
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Well [MENTION=14074]Sinny[/MENTION] its all just an imagination exercise for us, about who the Americans should vote for. Maybe it makes no difference anyway and maybe the lever of are not really in The White House. Being from a small and insignificant country as I am, I can tell you my opinion counts for less than nothing. BTW the UKs "special or close relationship" with the USA counts for exactly nothing. In the words of Kissinger, "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests".
Better get used to saying President Clinton again [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] You'll be seeing her taking the oath of office as president not in handcuffs

Well see. But that should worry the entire country. How do you think the people will respond when it finally sinks in that our laws only apply to those who wish to follow them?
Better get used to saying President Clinton again [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] You'll be seeing her taking the oath of office as president not in handcuffs

We have all been taught to get used to the lesser of two (or many evils), though in this case I am not even sure she is the lesser evil. It's sad how compromised people are in who they feel compelled to vote for just because the banks and other lobbyists have decided that it must be so. A pile of steaming shit has been put on the menu, and we're told essentially that not only should we order it and pay for it, we should do it with a smile and be sure to laud the virtue, progressiveness and overall goodness of steaming shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Well see. But that should worry the entire country. How do you think the people will respond when it finally sinks in that our laws only apply to those who wish to follow them? ]
[MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] (I'm assuming you are American) this is not something new for your country-- its been the case for a very long time. The problem is the influence of money in politics, but good luck trying to get rid of it now, now that its so firmly established.

A pile of steaming shit has been put on the menu, and we're told essentially that not only should we order it and pay for it, we should do it with a smile and be sure to laud the virtue, progressiveness and overall goodness of steaming shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
[MENTION=13730]PintoBean[/MENTION] (I'm assuming you are American) It's your country and its really up to you to change it. The rise of Trump and Sanders, I think means many Americans feel the same way you do. Personally I think going down the Trump path is blind alley and won't change anything because Emperor Trump truly has no clothes. Beware of so called strongman who promise to make everything better. If he is elected people are in for a huge disappointment. Again the issue is the role of money in politics, but good luck trying to change that now.
[MENTION=13730]PintoBean[/MENTION] (I'm assuming you are American) It's your country and its really up to you to change it. The rise of Trump and Sanders, I think means many Americans feel the same way you do. Personally I think going down the Trump path is blind alley and won't change anything because Emperor Trump truly has no clothes. Beware of so called strongman who promise to make everything better. If he is elected people are in for a huge disappointment. Again the issue is the role of money in politics, but good luck trying to change that now.

wait, so it's alright if its the strongwoman who we know is adept at screwing over americans, americas allies and is most likely to plundge the world into WW3 of the running candidates? The one we have tons of evidence against yet always walks because prettymuch everyone is in her pocket? The woman who also has the most violent anti-democratic supporters? Based on how proudly they post videos on youtube where they assault trump supporters... Oh and not to mention that if you post a positive tweet tagging trump, you wil get several clinton supporters telling you to shut up because you're a foreigner?

Yeah... you make a valid argument, we should vote hillary, got to keep the sociopathic & pathelogical liar on your good side afterall.
Sorry [MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] but I have no clue what you talking about?? Isn't Trump the one who has alienated the entire Muslim including our Muslim allies by painting them all as terrorists? Sorry but I haven't seen any violent Hillary supporters assaulting Trump supporters, but I did see Trump supporters sucker punch a black man at one of their rallies.

This idea that the world is safer with Trump is ridiculous, as far as I am concerned. Sanders was the only same candidate, as far I am concerned. Its really up to the Americans do chose, however, and there is little we foreigners can do to influence their decision.
Sorry [MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] but I have no clue what you talking about?? Isn't Trump the one who has alienated the entire Muslim including our Muslim allies by painting them all as terrorists? Sorry but I haven't seen any violent Hillary supporters assaulting Trump supporters, but I did see Trump supporters sucker punch a black man at one of their rallies.

This idea that the world is safer with Trump is ridiculous, as far as I am concerned. Sanders was the only same candidate, as far I am concerned. Its really up to the Americans do chose, however, and there is little we foreigners can do to influence their decision.

I agree sanders is the best candidate. well let me show you some things on hillary. this time watch it all and tell me honestly that you do not fear this woman reaching presidency.
Also, saudies were likely behind 9/11 based on current media traffic so that doesnt really make the biggest dictatorship in the world that actually beheads people for being gay and is tight with hillary an ally status.. you see europe does a lot more for the US despite the constant threats and blackmailing the US does against us to push things like TTIP though. but let me share again.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vd4Yo-m58o We got leftist extremists in europe too, ours now commit murder. it's not right that this guy gets assaulted for having a different opinion and being on his way to the donald trump rally. IT is undemocratic that these people bar his way, assault him and through force try to influence his vote. notice they all got covered up faces? In what democratic country other than america do you assault people of the oposing party ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBTkO3kN0_Q really all I see is thugs. haters and intimidation tactics. what are these? cartel hired riotors? domestic terrorists? you tell me. all I see is people breaking US law, waving foreign flags and assaulting people and being racist to whomever passes that is white and that votes trump. Im pretty sure their issue was racism... then why are they being racist?
honestly find the violent videos yourself man, cant you google ? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=violent+anti+trump+protesters
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k4nmRZx9nc heres another fun video... makes you think doesnt it ? Not just the lies video but this too? hmm....

Also trump and sanders their policies are more alike than you think.

The real issue with voters these days is that they honestly believe they know everything about the candidate they're so for and against that they got no fucking clue about what they're talking about.

PS. I spend all damn night making this post for you because you asked what I was talking about. You owe it to me to check those videos this time.
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America has worse presidents than Hillary and survived, so you'll forgive me if I'm not that concerned, Bush/Cheney was a thousand times worse than Hillary and some America survived 8 years of that. I don't see her as the best candidate and if I was an American I wouldn't be supporting her.

Are you saying Europe is immune to political violence, like there hasn't been violence at National Front rallies in France, instigated mostly the neo-fascists. That's the problem when who propose policies that threaten the very civil fabric of society like Trump has done.

Trump and Sanders alike? Only superficially and only in the reaction not the solution. Trump is a buffoon and is more like Berlusconi than other politician in living memory. What did Berlusconi do for Italy? Exactly nothing. same as Trump will do if he is ever elected.