Hillary Clinton caught lying in email scandal

Because Hillary is attacked consistently for her lying on these boards. Even Trump or Cruz (lyin' Ted) seem barely called out for their lying on these boards, and many people just accept their lying as okay. I also believe that she is the least of these three evils.

Trump barely called out? Are you kidding me?
America has worse presidents than Hillary and survived, so you'll forgive me if I'm not that concerned, Bush/Cheney was a thousand times worse than Hillary and some America survived 8 years of that. I don't see her as the best candidate and if I was an American I wouldn't be supporting her.

Are you saying Europe is immune to political violence, like there hasn't been violence at National Front rallies in France, instigated mostly the neo-fascists. That's the problem when who propose policies that threaten the very civil fabric of society like Trump has done.

Trump and Sanders alike? Only superficially and only in the reaction not the solution. Trump is a buffoon and is more like Berlusconi than other politician in living memory. What did Berlusconi do for Italy? Exactly nothing. same as Trump will do if he is ever elected.

[MENTION=14199]brightmoon[/MENTION] I would have appreciated it if you would have clicked all of the videos and shown in your post you really watched them and did not just read the descriptions. The difference between sanders and trump, is that trump has said his solution and that he will seek out experts who can help him do what needs to be done and that sanders says he doesnt know yet but he will find out when hes president.

the bush and clinton dynasties are pretty intertwined. Do you really think it is a good idea for america to elect a president at this time that wil make things worse than they are? the US military is depleted as hack, the economy has been a joke for years and it keeps trying to force other countries into trade deals with them that make it worse for everybody. And you say america will survive hillary clinton who in her policies openly shows she will increase these issues ? You keep comming up for her and now you say you dont see her as the best president and if u were an american you wouldnt be supporting her ? Why defend a candidate you don't think is the best? then who is the best?

But sure lets talk about the EU. The EU has a huge problem and ultimately its our fault for letting the US government strongarm us into doing things we didnt want to do. Just like the US government is currently trying to force TTIP down our throats and is forcing us to keep sanctions on Russia who was a big part of our economies and which pretty much gutted us just before turkey unleashed the hordes of refugees onto us and began to extort us. But where are my manners, this belongs in a seperate topic, not a Hillary Clinton one. Let me say one thing though, Europe is more likely to become a giant bloodbath between Extremist Leftists, Extremist Nationalists and Islamist Extremists if we end up with another Clinton in the white house. And without europe to back the US, what allies does the US have left?
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[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] yes I did read and watch the videos and articles, I just disagree with their conclusions. Trump contradicts himself all the time. Consult with experts? His comments on foreign policy are telling:

“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain,” Trump said in a call to the show, inviting viewers to picture two poorly coiffed Trumps in deep conversation. “I’ve said a lot of things ... I speak to a lot of people, but my primary consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff.”

Europe is more likely to become a giant bloodbath between Extremist Leftists, Extremist Nationalists and Islamist Extremists if we end up with another Clinton in the white house.

Why? What does one have to do with the other really?

You keep comming up for her and now you say you dont see her as the best president and if u were an american you wouldnt be supporting her ? Why defend a candidate you don't think is the best? then who is the best?

Sanders is the best candidate, I've said that, but he can't win nomination. Its likely that the contest is between Trump and Clinton. If I was presented with this choice I would choose Clinton.
[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] yes I did read and watch the videos and articles, I just disagree with their conclusions. Trump contradicts himself all the time. Consult with experts? His comments on foreign policy are telling:

“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain,” Trump said in a call to the show, inviting viewers to picture two poorly coiffed Trumps in deep conversation. “I’ve said a lot of things ... I speak to a lot of people, but my primary consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff.”
How is that saying he does not consult experts ? we know hillary doesnt. Hillary is too busy dodging imaginary sniper fire :p

Why? What does one have to do with the other really?
really? you don't think that a continuation and enforcement of the policies that is bringing the EU closer and closer to a civil war has any influence? It's US foreign policies exerted on us both directly and through our unelected EU officials that are driving us to vote for far right nationalist parties in the first place.

Trumps plan reduces the tentions, if he fixes relations with russia and we are allowed to drop our sanctions against them, you don't think that this would dramatically ease the pressure? You don't think that without TTIP being forcefed down our throats we would be less inclinded to vote for the only parties against it (the far right nationalist parties) ?

Sanders would not enforce these same things either. so he and trump are the best 2 choices for everyone.

If you need me to explain that for you... then honestly... you are either not researching enough, or you have some serious hate issues towards the world.

Sanders is the best candidate, I've said that, but he can't win nomination. Its likely that the contest is between Trump and Clinton. If I was presented with this choice I would choose Clinton.
Thats funny because trump is more aligned with sanders than clinton is. I'd vote Sanders too. but since sanders wont be allowed to win by the clintons, the next best thing is trump, because he wants the same thing as sanders.
[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] peculiar logic. Sanders isn't a racist. He never talked about deporting Muslims or giving Muslims identity badges. He never talked about building a wall. He never expressed admiration for Putin. He never advocated increasing torture techniques. He never advocated war crimes. He never scapegoated immigrants and foreigners for America's problems. He wasn't a birther.

They may have some similarities but there are some major differences too
[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] peculiar logic. Sanders isn't a racist. He never talked about deporting Muslims or giving Muslims identity badges. He never talked about building a wall. He never expressed admiration for Putin. He never advocated increasing torture techniques. He never advocated war crimes. He never scapegoated immigrants and foreigners for America's problems. He wasn't a birther.

They may have some similarities but there are some major differences too

Muslim isn't a race. Iit is a group of people who share a religion Islam. Do you mean prejudice?
[MENTION=9860]Grayman[/MENTION] Yes call it prejudice if you like. I think Trump when advocated this he was thinking about people from a particular ethnic group (Arabic people) not Muslims in general. Would he want the identity badges to extend to African Americans who identify as Muslim (followers of the Nation of Islam and others)? Maybe.

Anyway the original point also still stands, Trump is a racist and Sanders is not. There is ample enough evidence for Trump's not so subtle racism during his time as birther-in-chief. The whole birther movement was motivated by racism, dedicated to proving that Obama wasn't an American, that he was a foreigner, a closet Muslim. As Gingrich put it: What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?” Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.” Pure dog whistle and barely coded racist bullshit.

Or how about this one, when Trump refused to correct a lie one of his supporters said when he called Obama a Muslim: "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.Seven minutes later, Trump suggested, "This is the first time in my life that I have caused controversy by NOT saying something."

No sir, but you are obligated to tell the truth and defend it!

When a woman at one of John McCain rallies shouted "Obama is an arab!" This is how he responded "“No ma’am,” he says. “[Obama’s] a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.”

That an appropriate response by a man who deserved to occupy the office.
[MENTION=9860] The whole birther movement was motivated by racism, dedicated to proving that Obama wasn't an American, that he was a foreigner, a closet Muslim.

Or how about this one, when Trump refused to correct a lie one of his supporters said when he called Obama a Muslim: "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.Seven minutes later, Trump suggested, "This is the first time in my life that I have caused controversy by NOT saying something."

He is actually a nationalist which leads to prioritizing ones citizens over immigrants. Nationalists are for strong borders between our country and others in all categories, economic, social, cultural and physical in Trumps case. An american(USA) nationalist is against external cultures flooding in and washing out existing american(USA) cultures which include american asian, black, and white cultures as well as american Latino cultures that have evolved over the past several generations outside of their origin Africa, Mexico, Asia.

Nationalists in the extreme are anti-immigration and pro-citizen

pro-American black but anti African black
pro-American Latino but anti-Mexican
pro-American Muslim but anti-Middle Eastern Muslim
pro-American Asian but anti-Asian

No sir, but you are obligated to tell the truth and defend it!

He is obligated to tell the truth and defend it but I wouldn't want a president or future president to spend all his time fixing the inaccurate statements millions of other people are making in or out of his presence. He should be focused on the future of the country. That is one thing about Trump that trumps the rest. It is the news' job to fact check and bring awareness of such things not the future president.
He is actually a nationalist which leads to prioritizing ones citizens over immigrants. Nationalists are for strong borders between our country and others in all categories, economic, social, cultural and physical in Trumps case. An american(USA) nationalist is against external cultures flooding in and washing out existing american(USA) cultures which include american asian, black, and white cultures as well as american Latino cultures that have evolved over the past several generations outside of their origin Africa, Mexico, Asia.

Nationalists in the extreme are anti-immigration and pro-citizen

pro-American black but anti African black
pro-American Latino but anti-Mexican
pro-American Muslim but anti-Middle Eastern Muslim
pro-American Asian but anti-Asian

He is obligated to tell the truth and defend it but I wouldn't want a president or future president to spend all his time fixing the inaccurate statements millions of other people are making in or out of his presence. He should be focused on the future of the country. That is one thing about Trump that trumps the rest. It is the news' job to fact check and bring awareness of such things not the future president.

Mexican is a nationality, not an ethnicity. If you're going to lecture someone about definitions, then get yours correct first. Latinos in America come from several Spanish speaking countries of Latin America including Cuba and our own territory of Puerto Rico.

Hispanics of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban origin or descent remain the nation’s three largest Hispanic country-of-origin groups, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. However, while the relative position of these three groups has remained unchanged since 2000, the next four Hispanic sub-groups grew faster during the decade.

Hispanics of Salvadoran origin, the fourth largest Hispanic country-of-origin group grew by 152% since 2000. The Dominican population grew by 85%, the Guatemalan population by 180% and the Colombian population by 93%. Meanwhile, the Cuban and Puerto Rican populations grow more slowly—44% and 36% respectively (Ennis, Ríos-Vargas and Albert, 2011).


I find your claim that nationalists tend not to be inherently racist to be extremely dubious. Some nationalists, perhaps. Many are not. The constituency of a nationality falls under that whole 'No True Scotsman' fallacy whereby anybody can be claimed to not be a true member of the group and thereby define the group membership on inherently arbitrary factors.
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The term 'Nationist' has been coined for Nationalists who want to escape the xenophobic stereotype.
Unfortunately, many nationalists are xenophobic.

I forget who coined the concept in that context, might remember who later.
He is actually a nationalist which leads to prioritizing ones citizens over immigrants

With the exception of the indigenous people of North America, we are all derived from immigrants.

An american(USA) nationalist is against external cultures flooding in and washing out existing american(USA) cultures which include american asian, black, and white cultures as well as american Latino cultures that have evolved over the past several generations outside of their origin Africa, Mexico, Asia.

Apparently [MENTION=9860]Grayman[/MENTION] you fear the change coming. The question is: Why do you fear it? Also your statement makes little sense to me, perhaps you need to elaborate.

He is obligated to tell the truth and defend it but I wouldn't want a president or future president to spend all his time fixing the inaccurate statements millions of other people are making in or out of his presence. He should be focused on the future of the country. That is one thing about Trump that trumps the rest. It is the news' job to fact check and bring awareness of such things not the future president.

This person made an inaccurate statement in his presence. He saw fit not to correct it. Again you have ask yourself: Why? Moreover, why do you consider this to be virtue?
Mexican is a nationality, not an ethnicity. If you're going to lecture someone about definitions, then get yours correct first. Latinos in America come from several Spanish speaking countries of Latin America including Cuba and our own territory of Puerto Rico.

I think that was my point. The dividing line of 'discrimination' isn't about what ethnicity(American Latino) or color you are but that you are not of this country(Mexican). Creating borders around a country is what defines it and is necessary to the extent that it protects the citizens first and then helps outsiders second. Getting rid of anchor babies through constitutional changes, the wall at our border etc.. these are immigration constraints and not inherently racist actions. It isn't about 'racial superiority' in any way.

Whether or not you feel the many types of discrimination of nationalism are unfair or not is another discussion but it is not only inaccurate to call Trump a racist but it does not paint the full picture of what he stands for, how he thinks, and what he will do if he gets in office.
I think that was my point. The dividing line of 'discrimination' isn't about what ethnicity(American Latino) or color you are but that you are not of this country(Mexican). Creating borders around a country is what defines it and is necessary to the extent that it protects the citizens first and then helps outsiders second. Getting rid of anchor babies through constitutional changes, the wall at our border etc.. these are immigration constraints and not inherently racist actions. It isn't about 'racial superiority' in any way.

Whether or not you feel the many types of discrimination of nationalism are unfair or not is another discussion but it is not only inaccurate to call Trump a racist but it does not paint the full picture of what he stands for, how he thinks, and what he will do if he gets in office.

So your point was that American nationalists are okay with Cuban, Colombian, Puerto Rican, El Salvadorian, or any other Latino immigrants other than Mexican? That doesn't make the least bit of sense and I suspect it wasn't the point you were attempting to make.

It is entirely accurate to call Trump racist because his rhetoric is systemically racist. When I say systemically racist I do not mean to imply he goes around shouting "White power!" all the time, but I mean to say that his proposed policies are meant to unjustly discriminate against ethnic minorities in the US.

As an example, illegally stopping a Hispanic driver without any cause other than suspecting them of being within the country illegally is racist because the suspicion itself is without merit and causes those Hispanics that are within the country legally undue and unjust harassment from authorities who stop people without legal cause. See this article here for Sheriff Joe Arpaio being found in contempt: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/defiant-arizona-sheriff-found-contempt-court-39102680

It is illegal for police to stop anyone without due cause. Suspicion without evidence is not due cause.

Here's another example of systemic racism in America that happened recently in my state of Arkansas:

Now, another troubling asset forfeiture tale has emerged out of Arkansas, reports reason.com. State police sergeant Dennis Overton pulled over Guillermo Espinoza in July of 2013, for an unspecified "traffic stop." Overton requested a drug dog, which did not alert on Espinoza's car. (If the dog did, it would've given police probable cause for a search).

Unsatisfied, Overton asked Espinoza to consent to a search, which Espinoza agreed to. The dog alerted on a bag that contained nearly $20,000 in cash. Despite finding no drugs, paraphernalia, or any other evidence of drug trafficking, Overton was convinced that Espinoza was a drug dealer.

"I've worked this interstate for the last eight years… Half of my career I've spent out here. OK? Nobody—nobody—carries their money like that but one person. OK? People that deal with drugs, and deliver drugs. That's it. Nobody else. Nobody," Overton told Espinoza.

"Espinoza, who had no criminal record and was never charged in this case, said the money came from years of construction work, and he later presented checks, receipts, and tax forms to substantiate that income. He said he took the money with him to Memphis because he was planning to buy a 4x4 truck there. But he was not happy with the advertised vehicle, so he did not complete the purchase. He offered to show Overton text messages he had exchanged with the truck seller and said his boss, whom he offered to call, would vouch for him. Overton, already convinced of Espinoza's guilt, was not interested."

There was so little evidence for his involvement in any sort of drug dealing that prosecutors wanted to drop the case, but Circuit Court Judge Chris Williams went ahead with the forfeiture anyway.


Pulling minorities over in order to "find" some evidence of guilt or trump up charges against them is systemic and inherent racism.
With the exception of the indigenous people of North America, we are all derived from immigrants.

What does that have to do with people actually living and the clash of actual existing cultures of today?

Apparently [MENTION=9860]Grayman[/MENTION] you fear the change coming. The question is: Why do you fear it? Also your statement makes little sense to me, perhaps you need to elaborate.

Your country is your home and the cultures are the rules and traditions of your household. Guests should be respectful of the rules and traditions of your household. You don't just let anyone become a part of your family for obvious reasons. Living with people is complicated and living with people who don't wish to respect your rules and traditions is impossible. Letting people in who want to change the rules and traditions to fit their culture of their country is insane and it is destructive to our countries cultures and traditions that have evolved among the many ethnic groups and races of our nation.

This person made an inaccurate statement in his presence. He saw fit not to correct it. Again you have ask yourself: Why? Moreover, why do you consider this to be virtue?

Because I believe we all in our various positions within our nation have our roles to play and we should play within those roles. This is more true with those in power than anyone else. Fact checking is the job of the news and each person who hears it.

What bothers me more is that 'being an Arab' is something that needs defending as if it were a bad thing. But the other part of the accusation is that Oboma wasn't born in the USA which is a requirement of being president. That is up to the president to defend and prove and the news to relay the evidence. Why is that Trumps responsiblity? Accusations are made about presidents all the time, like Bush. Do all the democrats defend Bush?
So your point was that American nationalists are okay with Cuban, Colombian, Puerto Rican, El Salvadorian, or any other Latino immigrants other than Mexican? That doesn't make the least bit of sense and I suspect it wasn't the point you were attempting to make.

Mexico is just the primary focus because it is the primary problem concerning illegal immigration.

Pulling minorities over in order to "find" some evidence of guilt or trump up charges against them is systemic and inherent racism.

Where has Trump supported pulling over Latinos without probable cause? How is Trump connected with these things you posted? Are you just giving me 'your' perception of Trump or an actual perception of who Trump is, backed by actual evidence to support it?
Mexico is just the primary focus because it is the primary problem concerning illegal immigration.

Where has Trump supported pulling over Latinos without probable cause? How is Trump connected with these things you posted?

That may be so, but that doesn't make your argument consistent. If nationalists are for strong anti-immigration policies then it was a mistaken statement on your part to single out Mexicans. Mexico makes up about half of all unauthorized immigrants, but that doesn't mean nationalists are only concerned with them and not all other countries. If you plan on correcting people on their definitions, then make sure you are using yours correctly first.

As to your second statement do you really intend on playing dumb now? How would Trump deport so many illegal immigrants without racially profiling and violating the constitutional rights of legal Latinos in America? It's not possible. To say otherwise is blatant ignorance and stupidity.

Correct me if I am mistaken, but it is an established fact that he insisted on deporting all illegal immigrants in America and when pressed on how he would accomplish such a feat (with most commentaries declaring it an impossibility) he never could give a straight answer nor could he ever give a straight answer as to how he would force Mexico to pay for the construction of a border wall.