Hillary Clinton caught lying in email scandal

Hilary Clinton lying = tautology

Today from The Political Insider
BREAKING: Justice Department Just Filed For ACTION Against Hillary

hillary fbi

A new filing by the Department of Justice contains a key phrase that some might construe as a hint at criminal prosecution being planned for Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Last week, Vice News reporter Jason Leopold formally protested the classification of an FBI declaration that provided details about the investigation into how sensitive information ended up on Clinton’s private email server.

The Justice Department Attempts To Keep Clinton Emails Secret

The Justice Department submitted the declaration as part of “a secret filing,” but a U.S. District Court Judge ordered them to publicly submit a redacted copy of the document or at least “show cause why” that isn’t possible.

They responded in kind by saying they couldn’t make the document public because it would “adversely affect the ongoing investigation” into Clinton’s private email server.

Fair enough, but it is two words further into the DOJ memorandum that will be sure to raise some eyebrows. They claim they can’t reveal the document because it could “reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

Via Law Newz:

Attorneys with the U.S. Department of Justice say they cannot make public a classified FBI declaration because it would “adversely affect the ongoing investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. The recent filing by DOJ attorneys, obtained by LawNewz.com, is significant because it not only acknowledges the ongoing federal probe, but also asserts that if the declaration is made public, it could “reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”
Enforcement proceedings? Does this mean the FBI has found enforcement to be necessary?

It should be noted that this particular phrase is used in federal law on disclosing public information “compiled for law enforcement purposes,” in tandem with another set criteria – when “the investigation or proceeding involves a possible violation of criminal law.”

The Legal Information Institute writes:

(1)Whenever a request is made which involves access to records described in subsection (b)(7)(A) and—
(A) the investigation or proceeding involves a possible violation of criminal law; and
(B) there is reason to believe that (i) the subject of the investigation or proceeding is not aware of its pendency, and (ii) disclosure of the existence of the records could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, the agency may, during only such time as that circumstance continues, treat the records as not subject to the requirements of this section.
That’s a far cry from the “security review” Clinton has claimed the FBI is undertaking.

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/...prove-hillary-will-be-indicted/#ixzz47BVVhfLw
Law Professor Explains Why Hillary Clinton "Won't Be Indicted And Shouldn't Be" Over Her Email Server

Despite much fearmongering from conservative media, Lembert concluded that "based on what has been revealed so far, there is no reason to think that Clinton committed any crimes with respect to the use of her email server, including her handling of classified information" and that "Clinton's optimism that she will not be criminally charged appears justified.

Law Professor Explains Why Hillary Clinton "Won't Be Indicted And Shouldn't Be" Over Her Email Server

Despite much fearmongering from conservative media, Lembert concluded that "based on what has been revealed so far, there is no reason to think that Clinton committed any crimes with respect to the use of her email server, including her handling of classified information" and that "Clinton's optimism that she will not be criminally charged appears justified.


Even if she was guilty of murder, I think Clinton would not have any reason to fear being criminally charged... she's got pretty deep pockets and a of people shes willing to blackmail or falsely accuse.
Even if she was guilty of murder, I think Clinton would not have any reason to fear being criminally charged... she's got pretty deep pockets and a of people shes willing to blackmail or falsely accuse.

Well, if she goes down, half the American establishment goes down with her..

So no, she won't be going to prison unfortunately, and even if she did, she has half the prison services in her pocket anyway.
I've heard on good authority.
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What I hate is Hillary being accused of things that other candidates have done, like its something different. People say Hillary lies. What about Trump? He is a serial liar bragging and making false claims about himself constantly, spewing all manner of falsefoods, and somehow its not a big deal for many people. Why is that?
What I hate is Hillary being accused of things that other candidates have done, like its something different. People say Hillary lies. What about Trump? He is a serial liar bragging and making false claims about himself constantly, spewing all manner of falsefoods, and somehow its not a big deal for many people. Why is that?

They all lie.
Some people just have a selective memory... and waste oxygen/pixel space with their ill informed opinions.
What I hate is Hillary being accused of things that other candidates have done, like its something different. People say Hillary lies. What about Trump? He is a serial liar bragging and making false claims about himself constantly, spewing all manner of falsefoods, and somehow its not a big deal for many people. Why is that?

Presumably something to do with the fact Hilary is a member of a political dynasty with deeper roots in the game of politics than Trump is, and who have done worse things for longer period of time than Trump has. Trump is a baby compared to Clintons.
Presumably something to do with the fact Hilary is a member of a political dynasty with deeper roots in the game of politics than Trump is, and who have done worse things for longer period of time than Trump has. Trump is a baby compared to Clintons.

That too.
Just because Trump hasn't been directly elected into office doesn't mean he is somehow "pure", untainted, or free of corrutption.
What I hate is Hillary being accused of things that other candidates have done, like its something different. People say Hillary lies. What about Trump? He is a serial liar bragging and making false claims about himself constantly, spewing all manner of falsefoods, and somehow its not a big deal for many people. Why is that?

I don't hate Hillary personally as I obviously don't know her. But the level of criminality that Hillary and Bill Clinton have been involved in (from outright lying, theft, witness coercion, security violations, sex harassment, rape and possibly pedophilia) is IMO unusual even for politicians. Some of these things are a very big deal.
IMO unusual even for politicians??

Lets be real here, Whitewater Benghazi all of it can't even hold a candle to either Bush or Reagan, its not even close. Even a casual examination of the facts bears this out. People have short memories I guess. Here's a little reminder: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2009/01/06/forgotten-bush-scandals.html There is nothing that comes close to starting an illegal war, lying about the threat (where are those weapons of mass destruction?) of the enemy and getting away with it. Here's a run down of the costs of the Iraq War:

Over 370,000 people have died due to direct war violence, and many more indirectly
210,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the fighting at the hands of all parties to the conflict
7.6 million — the number of war refugees and displaced persons
The US federal price tag for the Iraq war is about 4.4 trillion dollars
The wars have been accompanied by violations of human rights and civil liberties, in the US and abroad
The wars did not result in inclusive, transparent, and democratic governments in Iraq or Afghanistan

Here's another one people seem to have forgotten about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_White_House_email_controversy

Sorry but the idea that the Clintons were involved in a level of criminality that is different than other politicians is just delusional. If Americans somehow think the Republicans under Trump or whoever will be better, history does not bear this out.
I don't hate Hillary personally as I obviously don't know her. But the level of criminality that Hillary and Bill Clinton have been involved in (from outright lying, theft, witness coercion, security violations, sex harassment, rape and possibly pedophilia) is IMO unusual even for politicians. Some of these things are a very big deal.

Yes. You get it.
The Clintons are up to their necks in proper sicko stuff. Not to say that the Bush clan aren't, 'they' all are to some extent.
Youknow, the generational & long term players.
Pedophilia is the common currency of espionage.
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Yes. You get it.
The Clintons are up to their neck in proper sicko stuff. Not to say that the Bush clan aren't, 'they' all are to some extent.
Youknow, the generational & long term players.
Pedophilia is the common currency of espionage.

Yeah, and I was never defending Reagan or any Bush per se, it's just that they aren't running in this coming presidential election.
[MENTION=13730]PintoBean[/MENTION] well what you said was But the level of criminality that Hillary and Bill Clinton have been involved in (from outright lying, theft, witness coercion, security violations, sex harassment, rape and possibly pedophilia) is IMO unusual even for politicians[

and my point was its not unusual and may even be mild when compared to what others have done...