IndigoSensor, I have at my right "A History of the Arab Peoples", Cradle and Crucible", "The Crusades Through Arab Eyes", "1453", "A History of God",
"Constantine's Sword", "Quran", and maybe a few others that I've given to someone to read. When there is conflict that affects my life and others dear to me, I will dig in and start reading, "The Art of War". After reading a good bit of the Quran, it felt like going home to my own bed when I picked the Bible up again. I look when I feel it a need to better understand a situation I wish to share my feelings on, as I cannot give an unbiased opinion when I feel it important without studying first.
I can't help but feel I'm getting to know a few of you a bit here, so as TK* might say, I plan to read those books one day. (Hehehe)
Witchcraft has never been my enemy and I have never found the need to study it. Homosexuality is not for me, as I like women entirely too much to have it any other way. Women are great! Only time I messed around with a hunting buddy was when I took my wife hunting. Ha!