Well-known member
I'm okayNot at all. If that is the result of our debate then I apologize.

Actually I think that you are right on the Christian fact, I did not consider that at all haha. Although I never proposed that children need to be placed in homes of heterosexual parents. Never. I only proposed that both genders are important, with the support that the natural laws only allow men and women to have kids.Perhaps your personal experience has a great influence in your perception that children need to be placed in homes of heterosexual parents even when the studies indicate otherwise. It is your privilege as an NFP to hold subjective value judgments. Also, without seeing the journal I can't determine how valid it is. For all I know, it was written by a Christian organization bent on arguing the gender roles that were dictated by Paul.
Qualitative studies have value, just not in drawing generalizations or determining causation. In order to do those things, you have to rely on quantitative data. Intuition has nothing to do with either. When interpreting data, I have to rely on Ti.
Maybe this is the problem that I have, that my T function is really fucked up...
I'm not going to argue that father involvement or engagement has no impact on children. I'm only arguing what the actual studies of homosexual homes has indicated. That children raised by homosexual couples are just as well adjusted as those raised by heterosexual couples.
NOW satya, your intuitive language I can understand better! =)
You may have a point but it would be to think that a child needs both attributes from each gender or at least familiarize with the real genders. So that they have clear picture of what a male is and a woman. I personally don't think that a woman can be fully like a male, even those who are like millitary officers don't pull that off. But they are pretty close.
I admit that a female can act as a father figure and male can't act as a mother figure in a child's life. A male can take on and be nurturing and forgiving, whereas a female can be disciplining and the gate keeping figure. But wouldn't this distort the childs image if two females were like this. One took one mother figure and the other father figure but still two females? And would this not make them more prone to be homosexual as well?
I suppose that the children are well adjusted because their parents raised them well, as good rolemodels with attributes of a fatherfigure and mother, yes! Although I also think that they learned from their interpersonal environment who may have been of friends with hetero parents.
Also on a sidenote the sampling method does not stand for the whole world. There are always implications due to this. ALSO the participants 'assembled by word of mouth. It was therefore impossible to rule out the possibility that families who participated in the research were especially well adjusted.'
I think we are being drawn towards a common conclusion though of mutual understanding as we straighten missunderstandings out, and realise things on the way! Don't you agree?