How can we take it back?

That is insane…that almost makes me physically ill.
What will become of us when there is no more money to fleece?
Then you will see people rising up…then you will see the debt of the middle class erased IMO…all of it…null and void.
All the bags of cash and money in offshore accounts won’t mean a thing if we decide it’s not worth the shit paper it’s printed on.
They think they will get away with what they are doing to this nation and to the nations of the world…they’re going to have a very rude awakening one day.
The world is waking up…the US is waking up…it won’t be much longer now.

Be careful to notice that reaction in your body. It's Fear - making you sick. Yes?

I know it's not easy to move away from fear reactions when we see things like this....well...anger too. I've worked hard to be able to read these kinds of articles and not get all riled up and want to buy a drone and visit my Survivalist friends... Heh Heh.

When you start feeling that sick stomach thing - sit with your self and invite fear to come talk to you. Keep it talking until you start crying....then let that flow. You don't have to label or identify all of the reasons why there is's more important to let the fear have it's say.
Rinse. Repeat.
Until Fear comes for a talk and says it's cool.

Yes. The world is waking up. It's the Americans who are taking their own sweet time....although I am seeing a few more this week yawning and stretching and opening their eyes wide.

As for what will become of us when there is no more money to fleece? Their plan all along was to kill us off. We are cattle to be fattened up for the slaughter. That slaughter being work us to death while they stockpile tons of money to own their piece of Earth. Can you imagine 150 families owning their piece?

Now... I do not think they ever considered what would happen when it's just "them" living on the Earth without all of us as a buffer between them. Those psychopaths would then turn on each know....because they don't know anything else to do. Morons...

I know...I shouldn't call them morons. Most of the ones living now have all been abused as children. Their psyches have been fractured and their hearts stolen from almost day one....then reinforced over and over all their lives.'s all so complicated and interwoven it's hard to be able to point a finger at the bad guys. This is the reason I stepped back from screaming the truth to the masses.

All I know is things are changing and breaking down. Hopefully the rich are losing their shit too. hahahahahaha....
Be careful to notice that reaction in your body. It's Fear - making you sick. Yes?

I know it's not easy to move away from fear reactions when we see things like this....well...anger too. I've worked hard to be able to read these kinds of articles and not get all riled up and want to buy a drone and visit my Survivalist friends... Heh Heh.

When you start feeling that sick stomach thing - sit with your self and invite fear to come talk to you. Keep it talking until you start crying....then let that flow. You don't have to label or identify all of the reasons why there is's more important to let the fear have it's say.
Rinse. Repeat.
Until Fear comes for a talk and says it's cool.

Yes. The world is waking up. It's the Americans who are taking their own sweet time....although I am seeing a few more this week yawning and stretching and opening their eyes wide.

As for what will become of us when there is no more money to fleece? Their plan all along was to kill us off. We are cattle to be fattened up for the slaughter. That slaughter being work us to death while they stockpile tons of money to own their piece of Earth. Can you imagine 150 families owning their piece?

Now... I do not think they ever considered what would happen when it's just "them" living on the Earth without all of us as a buffer between them. Those psychopaths would then turn on each know....because they don't know anything else to do. Morons...

I know...I shouldn't call them morons. Most of the ones living now have all been abused as children. Their psyches have been fractured and their hearts stolen from almost day one....then reinforced over and over all their lives.'s all so complicated and interwoven it's hard to be able to point a finger at the bad guys. This is the reason I stepped back from screaming the truth to the masses.

All I know is things are changing and breaking down. Hopefully the rich are losing their shit too. hahahahahaha....

I find those in charge revolting…disgusting…rotten…human garbage…
I’m sure they have been abused in many ways…but, it’s kind of like the person who is so fucked in the head that we put them away because they are un-reformable.
They are the real serial killers, sitting fat while they cut people health insurance…cut funding for food stamps that feed hungry kids…can’t even take care of the teenage kids coming back from some bullshit war, kids that are forever fucked in many cases.
Can’t even let two gay people marry…are you fucking kidding me Mr. I’ve been divorced 5 times but the Bible says I can do that apparently.
We’ve been raised in a terrible lie.

The sickness I feel is the culmination of the sadness I feel for those suffering under this farce, and the disgust for those who let them rot there.
And it does make me cry…and I do cry for those I cannot help…and I do cry for the fear in my life...
I find those in charge revolting…disgusting…rotten…human garbage…
I’m sure they have been abused in many ways…but, it’s kind of like the person who is so fucked in the head that we put them away because they are un-reformable.
They are the real serial killers, sitting fat while they cut people health insurance…cut funding for food stamps that feed hungry kids…can’t even take care of the teenage kids coming back from some bullshit war, kids that are forever fucked in many cases.
Can’t even let two gay people marry…are you fucking kidding me Mr. I’ve been divorced 5 times but the Bible says I can do that apparently.

We’ve been raised in a terrible lie.

The sickness I feel is the culmination of the sadness I feel for those suffering under this farce, and the disgust for those who let them rot there.
And it does make me cry…and I do cry for those I cannot help…and I do cry for the fear in my life...

Yes we have....

I'm sure you've seen this video before. Did you notice the yammering media box thing attached by a cable to the person who is fearful - talking to themselves - and curled up in a fetal position? It's symbolism for Western media mind control. All the crap they've been filling our minds with since birth is designed to make us think we're not connected to anything much less Source or the Creator. I love how at the end the human mind is cracked open and EMPTY.

Empty mind or No Mind is of the teachings of Buddhism. It is also the objective of ascension. You can't fill a full cup of tea with more tea. You can't fill a full mind with Wisdom if it's already full of crap. Right?

This is a powerful video....still relevant today.

Yes we have....

I'm sure you've seen this video before. Did you notice the yammering media box thing attached by a cable to the person who is fearful - talking to themselves - and curled up in a fetal position? It's symbolism for Western media mind control. All the crap they've been filling our minds with since birth is designed to make us think we're not connected to anything much less Source or the Creator. I love how at the end the human mind is cracked open and EMPTY.

Empty mind or No Mind is of the teachings of Buddhism. It is also the objective of ascension. You can't fill a full cup of tea with more tea. You can't fill a full mind with Wisdom if it's already full of crap. Right?

This is a powerful video....still relevant today.
It is a very powerful video yes!

Let me offer you a few animations in return…the first two are kind of dark…they are by one of my favorite animators out there today Kol-Belov.

This one is based on “The Penal Colony” by Franz Kafka.
Here’s the except that the man is whispering in Russian.

It's from Kafka - "In the Penal Colony"

"You should have seen the executions in earlier days! The entire valley was overflowing with people, even a day before the execution. They all came merely to watch. Early in the morning the Commandant appeared with his women. Fanfares woke up the entire campsite. I delivered the news that everything was ready. The whole society—and every high official had to attend—arranged itself around the machine."


The second has a lot going on, though I think the message is clear.


His video channel is here -
I caution you that some of them are very dark and graphic in nature…much more than these!

I will leave you with this beautiful little treasure from 1972.
How sad that such things get buried and forgotten.


Stanford just made tuition free for families earning less than $125,000 per year

  1. Stanford University will provide free tuition to parents of students who earn less than $125,000 per year – and if they make less than $65,000, they won't have to contribute to room and board costs either.
  2. Students are still expected to pay $5,000 toward college costs from summer earnings and working part-time while enrolled in college.
  3. The announcement is an expansion of Stanford's old financial aid policy, which previously applied to students from families making less than $100,000 per year.
  4. Most universities can't afford to offer such generous financial aid to their students. But they could draw a lesson from the plan's simplicity.

How Stanford's financial aid works

If a student's parents make less than $125,000 per year, and if they have assets of less than $300,000, excluding retirement accounts, the parents won't be expected to pay anything toward their children's Stanford tuition. Families with incomes lower than $65,000 won't have to contribute to room and board, either.
Students themselves will have to pay up to $5,000 each year from summer earnings, savings, and part-time work. There's no rule that parents can't cover their students' required contribution.
Stanford is much more generous toward middle-class and upper-middle class students than the federal government is. Most students who get subsidized loans and federal Pell Grants come from families making less than $60,000 per year. But it also enrolls an outsize proportion of wealthy students. In 2010, the university's director of financial aid said the median family income at Stanford was around $125,000.
On the other hand, only 14 percent of entering freshmen got federal Pell Grants in 2012, which typically go to students from families making less than $50,000 per year. Nationally, 41 percent of undergrads received Pell Grants.

Why other colleges can't do this – but what they can learn

Stanford enrolls a high proportion of wealthy students, who pay higher tuition that helps subsidize lower-income peers. And Stanford is one of the world's richest universities, with an endowment of $21 billion.
On the other hand, there's something that every college could emulate about Stanford's policy: it's incredibly simple and straightforward.
Middle-class students know even before they apply to Stanford what they'll have to pay to attend, whether they'll be able to afford it, and how much they'll have to borrow. At most colleges, the amount a family is expected to pay doesn't show up until after students have applied, been accepted, and filled out financial aid paperwork. That's partly because many colleges are stretching their financial aid budgets and don't know what they're dealing with until students have been admitted.
But legislators are trying to make federal financial aid, at least, more transparent, by allowing students to use older tax data when filing the FAFSA. That would allow students to find out how much aid they qualify for up to a year before they start college. Researchers have proposed even earlier notification for students from poor families – letting them know as early as eighth grade that they could qualify for a federal Pell grant.
Most colleges can't match Stanford's generous financial aid commitment. But they could at least try to duplicate its simplicity.
We've got some good news in the news today! Some positive developments

The greeks are talking about dropping out of the euro and starting their own currency (the drachma)

Also iceland are taking the big step of printing their own money

Once these guys do it others will follow suit, it just takes someone to have the courage and take the plunge and it looks like they are
This is a pretty awesome episode that shouldn’t be missed.
John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden and talks about the state of surveillance in the US.

@muir - I’m sure you are interested!

This is why ISIS exists.

Report Shows US Invasion, Occupation of Iraq Left 1 Million Dead


The Body Count report notes that its numbers are a conservative estimate, and that the total number of people killed in the three countries "could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely."

That's not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis (*sarcasm alert* not quite people, I know).
Check out the report a couple posts above….now they are reporting it could be 1-2 million dead….disgusting.
America’s Holocaust.
I think this is evidence of the BRICS nations offering the "olive branch" to the USA banking system. We are poised on the razor's edge....

America, Europe Told to Work with BRICS

"(China Daily) NEW YORK – A completely new economic system, initiated by the BRICS, is emerging with extremely rapid speed, said an international think tank Thursday, urging the United States and Europe to ditch geopolitics and work with them.

“The BRICS nations, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, have united to pursue a policy of economic development not just for their individual countries, but for the benefit of the people of all nations,” said the Schiller Institute, a think tank with headquarters both in Germany and US, in a report released here at a seminar."
I think this is evidence of the BRICS nations offering the "olive branch" to the USA banking system. We are poised on the razor's edge....

America, Europe Told to Work with BRICS

"(China Daily) NEW YORK – A completely new economic system, initiated by the BRICS, is emerging with extremely rapid speed, said an international think tank Thursday, urging the United States and Europe to ditch geopolitics and work with them.

“The BRICS nations, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, have united to pursue a policy of economic development not just for their individual countries, but for the benefit of the people of all nations,” said the Schiller Institute, a think tank with headquarters both in Germany and US, in a report released here at a seminar."

If we accepted the branch we would have one side going nuts about the central banking systems taking over….if we don’t then we fall apart and watch as we are giving the “hostile takeover” treatment we doled out for so long.