How can we take it back?


The House just voted against the TPP corporate trade deal in a stunning victory for workers!

Isn't this amazing news!?!!?! :bounce:
Can't pay for name brand drugs people need, but the ObamaCare wants to pay for sex change.

Wait til they see what drugs that won't pay for. This place is messed up.
Can't pay for name brand drugs people need, but the ObamaCare wants to pay for sex change.

Wait til they see what drugs that won't pay for. This place is messed up.

Agreed! The insanity is rampant now and it will continue to become even more absurd until the American people wake up from watching their TV and doing what they're told.
Agreed! The insanity is rampant now and it will continue to become even more absurd until the American people wake up from watching their TV and doing what they're told.

Reminds of this piece, entitled "INTERNET."


An old favorite of mine from some years back. Its description from the artist:

the premise of this piece is that in the future you can go on vacations from reality and indefinitely have your consciousness roaming cyberspace for as long as you can pay your monthly bills to the owners of the pods.

I feel like the future is now.

And yet here I am, working my job, sitting in front of a myriad of screens. Another hamster in a wheel. :/

I've experienced strong feelings of discontent lately, stronger as the days pass. I don't know how to articulate them, so I keep them shoved down deep inside. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to burst.

Going outside, and just letting myself feel and smell the wind makes me feel better momentarily. I keep trying to remind of the good that's still in the world, and that there are many paths down which humanity could go - but ultimately that just leaves me feeling unsettled.

I'm not sure what I should be doing. Sometimes I feel like I'm hurtling forward simply because I'm supposed to. But, really, I'm not supposed to do anything.

I don't know.
Reminds of this piece, entitled "INTERNET."


An old favorite of mine from some years back. Its description from the artist:

I feel like the future is now.

And yet here I am, working my job, sitting in front of a myriad of screens. Another hamster in a wheel. :/

I've experienced strong feelings of discontent lately, stronger as the days pass. I don't know how to articulate them, so I keep them shoved down deep inside. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to burst.

Going outside, and just letting myself feel and smell the wind makes me feel better momentarily. I keep trying to remind of the good that's still in the world, and that there are many paths down which humanity could go - but ultimately that just leaves me feeling unsettled.

I'm not sure what I should be doing. Sometimes I feel like I'm hurtling forward simply because I'm supposed to. But, really, I'm not supposed to do anything.

I don't know.

To me the drawing is ghastly....and I shy away from it. Of course scenes from The Matrix come to mind too it may well be that is influencing me.

Sometimes I think our problem - for most of us here - is that we ARE awake - and when we observe our world we wonder what the hell we're doing here. So we leave...sortof...and retreat into our minds.

imo You are awake and poised at the edge of a process whereby you reclaim your inherent Sovereignty and your power. You are farrrrrr ahead of most of humanity at this moment in that you are beginning to see the Game for what it really is. Once you make the decision to quit the game you begin to reclaim your own inherent power.

Quitting the game means disengaging from the belief systems you were conditioned to believe in since birth. Examples could be: one must get married before having sex; one must get a job to be considered worthy; there is only one god and that god exists outside of you to judge you; there is only one planet in the entire universe where humans reside because god put them there; girls can only marry guys; one must honor their mother and their father; and on and on the belief systems go. There are thoughts and emotions (deep within us) surrounding all of our beliefs and the release process involves transmuting those emotions. So we end up "Feeling" our way....dropping our beliefs on the path behind us.

imo the only "doing" worth doing is examining our beliefs and letting them go. May you be at ease. Namaste'
Reminds of this piece, entitled "INTERNET."


An old favorite of mine from some years back. Its description from the artist:

I feel like the future is now.

And yet here I am, working my job, sitting in front of a myriad of screens. Another hamster in a wheel. :/

I've experienced strong feelings of discontent lately, stronger as the days pass. I don't know how to articulate them, so I keep them shoved down deep inside. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to burst.

Going outside, and just letting myself feel and smell the wind makes me feel better momentarily. I keep trying to remind of the good that's still in the world, and that there are many paths down which humanity could go - but ultimately that just leaves me feeling unsettled.

I'm not sure what I should be doing. Sometimes I feel like I'm hurtling forward simply because I'm supposed to. But, really, I'm not supposed to do anything.

I don't know.

The real thing is more likely to be the size of say a morgue drawer that fills up with a liquid right after you lie down :p

Whist humanity is indeed going down a crazy path, It might not all be be bad. Perhaps it is an idea for you to plan to work towards a future where you live in a nice rural place so you will have nature close when experiencing feelings like those. Nature has a strange but amazing ability to center and ground people.

As for how to take it back, I guess nothing but a full blown global revolution triggered by a moment of awakening would work. though we'd probably need to do several in a row till we get something decent together. When we get it back through, I believe governments should do their best to advance technologies relevant to moving out into our solar system and building habitats on the other planets, Planet life reseeding tech that reseeds life onto earth if we take another blow like the dinosaurs did, robotic asteroid mining technologies and for here on earth focus on developing self sustaining households/communities/cities/countries, self-sustaining lifestyles and technologies that allow us to grow our homes/buildings and most of our technology instead of our current methods.

Eventually we will do something stupid like developing nanites that are inserted into everyone to increase our health etc, that will one day be our end, but seeing as how many different religions there are and how many are tech shy, some humans will survive :p unless the nanites go killer nanite swarm and just eat everything in which case we will probably have created something that will ruin the galaxy but hey :p Anyway we might see the first world revolution happen in our lifetime but I doubt we'll see the day that everything is peachy, I've gone through much sci-fi to ever believe we will create a 100% utopian society that will last :p
If there is no leader and no leadership, all you would accomplish would be chaos. Tread carefully and be careful what you wish for. This is not directed at any one person.
If there is no leader and no leadership, all you would accomplish would be chaos. Tread carefully and be careful what you wish for. This is not directed at any one person.

Firstly - we need to embrace our own leadership abilities and take responsibility for ourselves without putting total power into one human being. (or one ideal such as government)
Secondly - I am not proposing there will be no leaders in the coming times. What will happen though is that in any given situation the correct leader will arise for the occasion and for the good of the community. Then they will step down when new issues arise where they have no skills to address so some one who DOES have the skills can step forward.
Thirdly - there is already chaos happening.

We have tried giving away our power to a "leader"...and it's not working. Time to stand back and rethink this thing we call life.
I think the point has been made.
*zips lips*
Can't pay for name brand drugs people need, but the ObamaCare wants to pay for sex change.

Wait til they see what drugs that won't pay for. This place is messed up.

Ummmm…last time I checked it was the drug companies who set the prices, not Obamacare, which I might remind you is still run by the insurance companies.
That’s why other countries don’t pay the insane prices we pay…they have laws setting a limit, so their people don’t get gouged.
Another reason why the TPP is a bad trade deal…it would allow those drug companies to sue countries for the right to gouge their citizen’s with whatever pricing gave them the most profitability.
Agreed! The insanity is rampant now and it will continue to become even more absurd until the American people wake up from watching their TV and doing what they're told.

People need to have a foundation for knowledge of things to be built upon. Somehow, the education system doesn't seem to be addressing this. That's a huge meta-problem that would need to come to some sort of uncomfortable breaking point for it to resolve itself. Far better for it not to come to such a point, and instead for people to... ah, whatever anymore. I miss being able to talk to my dog.
People need to have a foundation for knowledge of things to be built upon. Somehow, the education system doesn't seem to be addressing this. That's a huge meta-problem that would need to come to some sort of uncomfortable breaking point for it to resolve itself. Far better for it not to come to such a point, and instead for people to... ah, whatever anymore. I miss being able to talk to my dog.

Things will change….keep the faith.
People need to have a foundation for knowledge of things to be built upon. Somehow, the education system doesn't seem to be addressing this. That's a huge meta-problem that would need to come to some sort of uncomfortable breaking point for it to resolve itself. Far better for it not to come to such a point, and instead for people to... ah, whatever anymore. I miss being able to talk to my dog.

Looking at the surface you would think things are pretty bad and look hopeless....but they're not. There are all kinds of changes happening showing signs people are waking up all over the world.

For example by using facebook the little rural community I work in is now bypassing the huge grocery store (walmart) and buying local food from local growers and processors. A middle man (woman) is organizing the orders while another person is putting together the food from the growers and meeting people at one location for them to pick up. There is even a local meat market. They make up baskets of whatever produce/meat is on hand and offer them for sale thru facebook. This little venture is growing by leaps and bounds. The people are getting fresh food and not having to drive everywhere to find it and it's cheaper than walmart. Did you see that word? CHEAPER. Fresh. Seasonal.

I haven't seen this in 20 years.

People are taking it back.

I'm sorry you're missing your dog. I can totally relate to not being to talk with one anymore.
I am unhappy with the term "take it back". It causes me to think of rebellion, and I'm not in the mood for more killing. Sorry I visited this thread again.
Things will change….keep the faith.

I know, I just want more good-natured people using + to experiment on my pea-brain, it's been Hell enough, tyvm. In fact, I'd be much happier if all homosapiens not 100 years in the future just left my pea-brain alone, and stopped using it to try to keep me from what I love. It's been wonderful, really. Really, really, really, really wonderful.
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I am unhappy with the term "take it back". It causes me to think of rebellion, and I'm not in the mood for more killing. Sorry I visited this thread again.

As in…give it back to the people.
No one is forcing you to read this thread.

I know, I just want more good-natured people using + to experiment on my pea-brain, it's been Hell enough, tyvm. In fact, I'd be much happier if all homosapiens not 100 years in the future just left my pea-brain alone, and stopped using it to try to keep me from what I love. It's been wonderful, really.

And how are you being stopped from doing what you love?