How can we take it back?

""The one non-neglectable factor [in the development of] color revolutions in these countries is the spreading of Western ideology, especially from the US," Xu Songwen of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wrote Sunday in The People's Daily (via the South China Morning Post).The People's Daily is a Chinese Communist Party paper known to reflect the sentiments of Xi's regime.
Songwen wasn't alone either. In the same issue, four other academics also shared their thoughts on the dangers of color revolutions. The message was clear. There will be no nonviolent political movements in China. There will be no regime change. This will not be Lebanon or Ukraine in 2005. This will not be the Middle East in 2011.
Don't even think about it.
That's where the danger is, after all – in the thinking.
China has been systematically shutting out Western ideals from research centers, school curriculums, and higher learning for some time now, but it is rare to see these thoughts broadcast by a government mouthpiece.
The basic gist of all of the papers in Sunday's People's Daily is fairly simple. It's like this: The proliferation of Western democratic ideals are a Cold War tactic that helped bring about the end of the Soviet Union.
The ideas bring unrest and discontent to populations and ultimately lead to bloodshed. They also tend to end in failure (see: Arab Spring). Those who foment this kind of unrest are enemies of the state."

Some people take their freedoms too lightly, and one loose cannon can destroy many things with their mouth.
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""The one non-neglectable factor [in the development of] color revolutions in these countries is the spreading of Western ideology, especially from the US," Xu Songwen of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wrote Sunday in The People's Daily (via the South China Morning Post).The People's Daily is a Chinese Communist Party paper known to reflect the sentiments of Xi's regime.
Songwen wasn't alone either. In the same issue, four other academics also shared their thoughts on the dangers of color revolutions. The message was clear. There will be no nonviolent political movements in China. There will be no regime change. This will not be Lebanon or Ukraine in 2005. This will not be the Middle East in 2011.
Don't even think about it.
That's where the danger is, after all — in the thinking.
China has been systematically shutting out Western ideals from research centers, school curriculums, and higher learning for some time now, but it is rare to see these thoughts broadcast by a government mouthpiece.
The basic gist of all of the papers in Sunday's People's Daily is fairly simple. It's like this: The proliferation of Western democratic ideals are a Cold War tactic that helped bring about the end of the Soviet Union.
The ideas bring unrest and discontent to populations and ultimately lead to bloodshed. They also tend to end in failure (see: Arab Spring). Those who foment this kind of unrest are enemies of the state."

Some people take their freedoms too lightly, and one loose cannon can destroy many things with their mouth.

Please do elaborate.
Or don’t elaborate...

""The one non-neglectable factor [in the development of] color revolutions in these countries is the spreading of Western ideology, especially from the US," Xu Songwen of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wrote Sunday in The People's Daily (via the South China Morning Post).The People's Daily is a Chinese Communist Party paper known to reflect the sentiments of Xi's regime.
Songwen wasn't alone either. In the same issue, four other academics also shared their thoughts on the dangers of color revolutions. The message was clear. There will be no nonviolent political movements in China. There will be no regime change. This will not be Lebanon or Ukraine in 2005. This will not be the Middle East in 2011.
Don't even think about it.
That's where the danger is, after all — in the thinking.
China has been systematically shutting out Western ideals from research centers, school curriculums, and higher learning for some time now, but it is rare to see these thoughts broadcast by a government mouthpiece.
The basic gist of all of the papers in Sunday's People's Daily is fairly simple. It's like this: The proliferation of Western democratic ideals are a Cold War tactic that helped bring about the end of the Soviet Union.
The ideas bring unrest and discontent to populations and ultimately lead to bloodshed. They also tend to end in failure (see: Arab Spring). Those who foment this kind of unrest are enemies of the state."

Some people take their freedoms too lightly, and one loose cannon can destroy many things with their mouth.

It isn't the mouth that destroys (It may lead to it), but the people who can't keep themselves from going on aggressive bloodshed sprees. If people can't keep themselves from that, I have no interest being around them. It can be taught, but our society teaches us that the opposite is better... therein lies the root of that problem, and maybe it's worse elsewhere.
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People with followers and power fill voids caused by chaos. The internet is used to cause the chaos.
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People with followers and power fill voids caused by chaos. The internet is used to cause the chaos.

Yes. People with power might fill the voids left by chaos. But keep in mind a lot of the chaos is created just for that purpose and the people with power are already lined up waiting in the wings.

As for the internet causing chaos - I disagree. The internet is neither good nor bad nor capable of creating chaos. It is the human being's action after reading the internet that may or may not cause chaos. And truly - I doubt it is any one person or small group doing the creating. No. It's governments creating the chaos....and you seem to be fine with our current government doing long as it's somewhere else but here. The thing is - they are creating it here too. Divide and conquer. Don't you feel divided from your fellow man? Aren't you tired of being lied to?

Yehh...I know you have lived a good life and you have the home, the pets, and a two car garage. You're probably one of the few people I know with a retirement plan that works to help you live. But most people do not have that. I don't blame you for being afraid of losing it because it seems if the US government falls apart we may lose everything we have....and what we have held dear while growing up in America. You and I have had the Baseball and Apple Pie. We have had picnics in the park where the band played on and land to run free upon. I know you have a great reverence for that humble and loving way of life....and you despair of it all going away.

We are not advocating for you to lose your way of life nor your compassion and reverence. It's just that you are in the minority now whereas the majority know only city living and increasing hikes to costs of living while not getting enough pay to make it and thrive. If we can come together and stand on common ground with common decency we can effect change. Sure...the younger generation has a chip on their shoulder...and why shouldn't they? They will never get the chance to do what we have raise our own livestock, train animals for service, go hunting in stealth mode and kill, clean, and eat your kill; build our own homes from scratch; run our own business; travel the great US and see the mountains, prairie land, and the oceans. They want to do those things. They want to create their lives...just like we had the chance to do.

I can tell you this Great Change will not go away. We are in the end times and that means the world as we know it will give way to the new world with new ways of having relationships with our nation, our states, our communities, our friends and families, and most importantly - ourselves.

If we want to see the right kind of people fill the void from chaos - then we must rise up to stand beside those calling for change so we can provide our own wisdom and moral support.

Stand down the Fear. It will not serve us nor the times ahead. We must be brave and face this.
People with followers and power fill voids caused by chaos. The internet is used to cause the chaos.

So what is the solution if the internet is the cause of all the world’s chaos?
How to Steal From US Taxpayers While Blaming the Poor


It's a vicious circle of hypocrisy:
Americans dependent on the safety net are urged to "get a job" by the same free-market system that pays them too little to avoid being dependent on the safety net.

Theft, Part 1: The Average U.S. Household Pays About $400 for Safety Net Programs for Low-Wage Workers

According to the Economic Policy Institute, $45 billion per year in federal, state, and other safety net support is paid to workers in the bottom 20 percent of wage earners.

Thus the average
U.S. household is paying almost $400 to employees in low-wage industries such as food service, retail, and personal care.

Blame: Accusing the Poor

Paul Ryan said that social programs "turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency."
63 percent of eligible working-age poor Americans are employed, and 73 percent are members of working families.

Yet in a show of hypocrisy by some of the leading safety net critics, Congress has
killed or blocked or ignored numerous attempts to create better jobs for underemployed Americans.

Greed: Profits for Stockholders, Poverty Wages for Workers

A Demos study found that raising wages to $25,000 per year (about $12.50 per hour) for full-time retail workers would lift 734,075 people out of poverty.

It would probably help a lot more.
analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data reveals that about 22 million workers are underpaid (about a sixth of the total), over half of them in food service, cashiering, personal care, and housekeeping.

Paying everyone $12.50 (assuming full-time) would cost an extra $80 billion.
That's about 3 percent of total 2014
corporate profits.

Three percent, compared to the
95 percent spent by S&P 500 companies on investor-enriching stock buybacks and dividend payouts.

Outrage: The Walmart Numbers

About two-thirds of low-wage workers are employed by large corporations with over 100 employees.
The very worst offender is probably Walmart, which pays its estimated
1.4 million U.S. employees so little that the average Walmart worker depends on about $4,400 per year in taxpayer assistance, for food stamps and other safety net programs.

As Walmart was depending on us, the taxpayers, to pay $4,400 a year to each of its employees, the company was spending the equivalent of $5,000 per U.S. employee for price-boosting stock buybacks.

Theft, Part 2: More Taxpayer Money for the Big Corporations

Corporate tax avoidance costs us anywhere from $870 to $1,600 per family.

Incredibly, even though every hour worked by an IRS auditor uncovers over $9,000 in misreported tax dollars among large corporations, IRS auditing for those firms has been cut back by one-third.

Meanwhile, communities around the nation are relying on
regressive property and sales taxes to make up the difference.

This is a second theft from the taxpayers, executed quietly for the benefit of the most powerful corporations, as poor Americans continue to get blamed for being poor.

Paul Buchheit is a writer for progressive publications, and the founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (,,
The winds of time blow sand over the past, where the weak and maimed lie together in the ground. What has become of them? The majority of voters in the US on this forum voted for Obama, I would think. This tells me much of their well-wishes for change, and what they voted in for it. I am very wary, as I have seen the lies turn into many things. There are forces trying to weaken this government. They should NOT be confused with this government. Who do you think would step in to run this country should our government fall apart? Do you really think the people could stand up to those coming for us? I could think of Good Morning Vietnam right now. Robin Williams said he would get killed if he was sent out there to fight. I feel millions of us would die. I would rather spend my final days fighting against ISIS than to try and fight in the streets of America. Do you think ISIS is great? Go join them and leave this place.
The winds of time blow sand over the past, where the weak and maimed lie together in the ground. What has become of them? The majority of voters in the US on this forum voted for Obama, I would think. This tells me much of their well-wishes for change, and what they voted in for it. I am very wary, as I have seen the lies turn into many things. There are forces trying to weaken this government. They should NOT be confused with this government. Who do you think would step in to run this country should our government fall apart? Do you really think the people could stand up to those coming for us? I could think of Good Morning Vietnam right now. Robin Williams said he would get killed if he was sent out there to fight. I feel millions of us would die. I would rather spend my final days fighting against ISIS than to try and fight in the streets of America. Do you think ISIS is great? Go join them and leave this place.

Okay…let’s not jump to retarded and drunken comments.
Why do you have to say such insulting things like that man?

All I hear from that paragraph you just wrote is - “I am afraid”.
Afraid mostly of change and the unknown…even if the end result is far better.
I don’t want bloodshed at all if that is possible…it isn’t the people rising up that will be the perpetrators of bloodshed.
It will be those firing on them that scare me.
Because last time I check we had the freedom to assemble and to do so without being under threat of police in riot gear.

There are forces who are trying to take over this government and I would say they have almost got it fully trapped.
When someone wishing to become a candidate for just about anything has to beholden themselves to the money lenders…they no longer represent the people of this country.

It’s that simple.
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Documents Appear to Show the CIA Engaged in Human Experimentation in Its Torture Programs

Watchdogs shocked at ‘disconnect’ between doctors who oversaw interrogation and guidelines that gave CIA director power over medical ethics.


The Central Intelligence Agency had explicit guidelines for “human experimentation” before, during and after its post-9/11 torture of terrorism detainees, the Guardian has learned, which raise new questions about the limits on internal oversight over the agency’s in-house and contracted medical research.

Sections of a previously classified CIA document, made public by the Guardian on Monday, empower the agency’s director to “approve, modify, or disapprove all proposals pertaining to human subject research”.

The leeway provides the director, who has never in the agency’s history been a medical doctor, with significant influence over limitations the US government sets to preserve safe, humane and ethical procedures on people.

CIA director George Tenet approved abusive interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, designed by CIA contractor psychologists.
He further instructed the agency’s health personnel to oversee the brutal interrogations — the beginning of years of controversy, still ongoing, about US torture as a violation of medical ethics.

But the revelation of the guidelines has prompted critics of CIA torture to question how the agency could have ever implemented what it calls “enhanced interrogation techniques” — despite apparently having rules against “research on human subjects” without their informed consent.

Indeed, despite the lurid name, doctors, human-rights workers and intelligence experts consulted by the Guardian said the agency’s human-experimentation rules were consistent with responsible medical practices.

The CIA, however, redacted one of the four subsections on human experimentation.
“The more words you have, the more you can twist them, but it’s not a bad definition,” said Scott Allen, an internist and medical adviser to Physicians for Human Rights.

The agency confirmed to the Guardian that the document was still in effect during the lifespan of the controversial rendition, detention and interrogation program.
After reviewing the document, one watchdog said the timeline suggested the CIA manipulated basic definitions of human experimentation to ensure the torture program proceeded.

“Crime one was torture. The second crime was research without consent in order to say it wasn’t torture,” said Nathaniel Raymond, a former war-crimes investigator with Physicians for Human Rights and now a researcher with Harvard University’s Humanitarian Initiative.

The document containing the guidelines, dated 1987 but updated over the years and still in effect at the CIA, was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the ACLU and shared with the Guardian, which is publishing it for the first time.

The relevant section of the CIA document, “Law and Policy Governing the Conduct of Intelligence Agencies”, instructs that the agency “shall not sponsor, contract for, or conduct research on human subjects” outside of instructions on responsible and humane medical practices set for the entire US government by its Department of Health and Human Services.

A keystone of those instructions, the document notes, is the “subject’s informed consent”.
That language echoes the public, if obscure, language of Executive Order 12333 — the seminal, Reagan-era document spelling out the powers and limitations of the intelligence agencies, including rules governing surveillance by the National Security Agency.

But the discretion given to the CIA director to “approve, modify, or disapprove all proposals pertaining to human subject research” has not previously been public.

The entire 41-page CIA document exists to instruct the agency on what Executive Order 12333 permits and prohibits, after legislative action in the 1970s curbed intelligence powers in response to perceived abuses — including the CIA’s old practice of experimenting on human beings through programs like the infamous MK-Ultra project, which, among other things, dosed unwitting participants with LSD as an experiment.

The previously unknown section of the guidelines empower the CIA director and an advisory board on “human subject research” to “evaluate all documentation and certifications pertaining to human research sponsored by, contracted for, or conducted by the CIA”.

Experts assessing the document for the Guardian said the human-experimentation guidelines were critical to understanding the CIA’s baseline view of the limits of its medical research — limits they said the agency and its medical personnel violated during its interrogations, detentions and renditions program after 9/11.

The presence of medical personnel during brutal interrogations of men like Abu Zubaydah, they said, was difficult to reconcile with both the CIA’s internal requirement of “informed consent” on human experimentation subjects and responsible medical practices.

When Zubaydah, the first detainee known to be waterboarded in CIA custody, “became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth”, he was revived by CIA medical personnel — known as the Office of Medical Services (OMS) — according to a CIA account in the Senate intelligence committee’s landmark torture report.

The OMS doctors were heavily involved in the torture of detainees in CIA custody.
They advised interrogators on the physical and psychological administration of what the agency called “enhanced interrogation techniques”.

After observation, the doctors offered perspectives on calibrating them to specific detainees’ resilience.
OMS staff assigned to the agency’s black sites wrote emails with subject lines like: “Re: acceptable lower ambient temperatures”.

The CIA, which does not formally concede that it tortured people, insists that the presence of medical personnel ensured its torture techniques were conducted according to medical rigor.

Several instances in the Senate torture report, partially declassified six months ago, record unease among OMS staff with their role in interrogations.
But other physicians and human rights experts who have long criticized the role of medical staff in torture said the extensive notes from CIA doctors on the interrogations — as they unfolded — brought OMS into the realm of human experimentation, particularly as they helped blur the lines between providing medical aid to detainees and keeping them capable of enduring further abusive interrogations.

Doctors take oaths to guarantee they inflict no harm on their patients.
Zubaydah “seems very resistant to the water board”, an OMS official emailed in August 2002. “No useful information so far ... He did vomit a couple of times during the water board with some beans and rice. It’s been 10 hours since he ate so this is surprising and disturbing. We plan to only feed Ensure for a while now. I’m head[ing] back for another water board session.”

Doctors and intelligence experts said they could imagine legitimate, non-abusive CIA uses for human experimentation.
Steven Aftergood, a scholar of the intelligence agencies with the Federation of American Scientists, suggested that the agency might need to study polygraph effects on its agents; evaluate their performance under conditions of stress; or study physiological indicators of deception.

But all said that such examples of human experimentation would require something that the CIA never had during the interrogation program: the informed consent of its subjects.
“There is a disconnect between the requirement of this regulation and the conduct of the interrogation program,” said Aftergood. “They do not represent consistent policy.”

A director’s decision, oversight and an evolving rulebook.
Months after Zubaydah’s interrogation, Tenet issued formal guidance approving brutal interrogation techniques, including waterboarding.

Tenet explicitly ordered medical staff to be present — a decision carrying the effect of having them extensively document and evaluate the torture sessions.
“[A]ppropriate medical or psychological personnel must be on site during all detainee interrogations employing Enhanced Techniques,” Tenet wrote in January 2003. “In each case, the medical and psychological staff shall suspend the interrogation if they determine that significant and prolonged physical or mental injury, pain or suffering is likely to result if the interrogation is not suspended.”

In response to the Guardian’s questions about the newly disclosed document and its implications for the CIA’s post-9/11 torture program, CIA spokesperson Ryan Trapani provided the following statement:

“CIA has had internal guidelines interpreting Executive Order 1233 in place continuously from 1987 to present. While some provisions in these guidelines have been amended since September 11, 2001, none of those amendments changed provisions governing human experimentation or were made in response to the detention and interrogation program.”

Ironically, the only part of the CIA’s torture program in which agency officials claimed they were hamstrung by prohibitions on human experimentation is when they were asked by John Helgerson, their internal inspector general, if torture was effective.

Their response was framed as an example of the agency respecting its own prohibition on human experimentation.
In more recent days, the CIA has used it as a cudgel against the Senate report’s extensive conclusions that the torture was ultimately worthless.

ystematic study over time of the effectiveness of the techniques would have been encumbered by a number of factors,” reads a CIA response given to Helgerson in June 2003, a point the agency reiterated in its formal response to the Senate intelligence committee.

Among them: “Federal policy on the protection of human subjects.”
Psychologists met in secret with Bush officials to help justify torture — report Harvard’s Raymond, using the agency’s acronym for its “enhanced interrogation technique” euphemism, said the CIA must have known its guidelines human experimentation ruled out its psychologist-designed brutal interrogations.

“If they were abiding by this policy when EIT came up, they wouldn’t have been allowed to do it,” Raymond said. “Anyone in good faith would have known that was human subject research.”

Do you give thumbs down when someone disagrees with you or ticks you off?

ISIS is a perfect example of what could happen if a train derails.

Do you really think I'm scared? I will state one fact, and it is more than likely true with more people than they would admit to: I fear the outcome of the things I could do, much more than what another man could do. I am careful for the things I think and the things I say. I therefore have placed a muzzle on my mouth. Scream while I sit silent; be careful of that which thou knowest not. I am not against thee. I have seen storms come and lay waste to areas over an angry tongue. Until one has witnessed the aftermath? Only then can he know.

Change would be good, but doest thou it carefully and with much planning. Next week there will be hungry mouths to feed. Next month, someone knocking your door down for that which thou hast. Hold fast to that which thou hast already. Do not be afraid my words fight your ideals. There are merely my words. Why do you feel you must negate everything I say?
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The winds of time blow sand over the past, where the weak and maimed lie together in the ground. What has become of them? The majority of voters in the US on this forum voted for Obama, I would think. This tells me much of their well-wishes for change, and what they voted in for it. I am very wary, as I have seen the lies turn into many things. There are forces trying to weaken this government. They should NOT be confused with this government. Who do you think would step in to run this country should our government fall apart? Do you really think the people could stand up to those coming for us? I could think of Good Morning Vietnam right now. Robin Williams said he would get killed if he was sent out there to fight. I feel millions of us would die. I would rather spend my final days fighting against ISIS than to try and fight in the streets of America. Do you think ISIS is great? Go join them and leave this place.

Why would we think ISIS is great? Why are we even talking about ISIS?

We're talking about getting the US government to enact laws to promote Democracy, Economic Equality, and Freedom for the American People....not ...for example:.... to develop treaties in secret so corporations can sue the US government for blocking their ability to rape and pillage us. That's the TPP in case you haven't heard of it.

The current hierarchical government is heavy with graft and corruption - just like it's been for 80 years or more. It is not working...
Something has to give....or else we will lose....everything.

No one single person is going to step in and run this country. It will be you and me and everyone else taking responsibility for it all.

Maybe it will be as simple as getting rid of the Federal Reserve and wiping away the debt related to them. I don't know... it sounds like a good plan. They have everyone beholden to them. Maybe if we did away with them and the money we owe the Federal Reserve Corporation people could breathe a sigh of relief and we could start over economically and keep the government we have in place. We wouldn't have to wage war for revenue. We wouldn't have to work two jobs to pay the taxes on the debt burden we are currently tied to. The benefits would be ripple through this nation like manna from heaven.

Countries have nationalized corporations in the past. Maybe we could do that to the Fed Reserve. It's just a corporation....and nothing else.
Do you give thumbs down when someone disagrees with you or ticks you off?

ISIS is a perfect example of what could happen if a train derails.

No I gave you a thumb down because your statement has no basis in reality and was insulting.
You seem to wish for people to respect your opinions and I do for the most part Just Me…
But saying - "Do you think ISIS is great? Go join them and leave this place."

We were not even discussing ISIS…nor have I ever sided with them…to insinuate that I do is insulting to me personally as my Grandfather, Grandmother, my Father, and I have all served our country in the military.

So no…I didn’t give you a thumbs down because I disagree with you…I gave you one for being a dick.
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ISIS happened when Saddam Hussein was removed from his evil rule.
ISIS is exactly what you are talking about. Look at your watch. Look around you. Look at what is happening. Can you not see down the road of reality? I'll give you two wishful thinking: best I can do. When you have everything working, you will no longer have to try and protect your ideals. Car bombs and killing gays and non-Muslims is real. If you try to stop this train, they will be here for the next ride. Who will protect you?

I have a drip in my sink. Why don't we change the way the city is handling our water? My electricity shut off for a split second. Let's go all solar powered. Please don't take this literally.

Think I'll check my surge protectors and replace a washer.

I just bought two four dollar watermelons on the side of the road. I received twelve dollars change. How is that helping anyone but the ones on the side of the road? Not fixing the streets they drove there on. Not helping the gas get to where they bought it for their truck, is it? Not paying anything for me to rest tonight in peace. Not paying for the power used to make and charge or run these computers. All they are trying to do is survive, yet they are using all that expensive stuff along the way for free. I help pay for all that, and have paid more than my fair share over the years. I'm afraid you've misjudged me.
ISIS is exactly what you are talking about. Look at your watch. Look around you. Look at what is happening. Can you not see down the road of reality? I'll give you two wishful thinking: best I can do. When you have everything working, you will no longer have to try and protect your ideals. Car bombs and killing gays and non-Muslims is real. If you try to stop this train, they will be here for the next ride. Who will protect you?

I have a drip in my sink. Why don't we change the way the city is handling our water? My electricity shut off for a split second. Let's go all solar powered. Please don't take this literally.

Think I'll check my surge protectors and replace a washer.

I just bought two four dollar watermelons on the side of the road. I received twelve dollars change. How is that helping anyone but the ones on the side of the road? Not fixing the streets they drove there on. Not helping the gas get to where they bought it for their truck, is it? Not paying anything for me to rest tonight in peace. Not paying for the power used to make and charge or run these computers. All they are trying to do is survive, yet they are using all that expensive stuff along the way for free. I help pay for all that, and have paid more than my fair share over the years. I'm afraid you've misjudged me.

I’m not talking about the destruction of the US government…I’m talking serious reforms though.
Once again, you are being insulting by insinuating that I am not in touch with reality.
I am well aware that there are some terrible fucked up things and people in the world today.

Yes, we have all paid our taxes and social security…are you saying that the guy selling watermelons doesn’t deserve to do so because he hasn’t gotten to a position to contribute yet?
That’s backwards thinking and is exactly why we are where we are now.
What did you help save the world?

I don't know about you all...but I don't want to be dying and wonder why I didn't do something to help save us all.
