How can we take it back?

I think this is awesome.

The police department in the city of Gloucester, Massachusetts, has decided to fight drug addiction in a “revolutionary” way: Get addicts help, not a jail sentence.

According to a recently announced policy shift by Gloucester Police Chief Leonard Campanello, the department will no longer arrest anyone who comes into the police station looking for help — even if they are carrying illegal drugs.

Instead, police have been instructed to put those looking for help in contact with agencies with detox and recovery options.
By treating drug addiction not as a crime, but as a disease, Campanello is doing what much of the “war on drugs” has failed to do.

And unlike the war on drugs, this might even work.

In a statement, Campanello told the community:

“I’ve never arrested a tobacco addict, nor have I ever seen one turned down for help when they develop lung cancer, whether or not they have insurance. The reasons for the difference in care between a tobacco addict and an opiate addict is stigma and money. Petty reasons to lose a life.”

He also penned a lengthy post on the Gloucester Poliice Department Facebook page explaining his shift in policy.

Gloucester Police Department (Official)
May 4 at 7:55am ·


On Saturday, May 2, the City held a forum regarding the opiate crisis, and on how Gloucester has many resources for help.
We are poised to make revolutionary changes in the way we treat this DISEASE.

Your Police Department vowed to take the following measures to assist, beginning June 1, 2015:

- Any addict who walks into the police station with the remainder of their drug equipment (needles, etc) or drugs and asks for help will NOT be charged.
Instead we will walk them through the system toward detox and recovery.

We will assign them an "angel" who will be their guide through the process.
Not in hours or days, but on the spot.

Addison Gilbert and Lahey Clinic have committed to helping fast track people that walk into the police department so that they can be assessed quickly and the proper care can be administered quickly.

- Nasal Narcan has just been made available at local pharmacies without a prescription.
The police department has entered into an agreement with Conleys and is working on one with CVS that will allow anyone access to the drug at little to no cost regardless of their insurance.

The police department will pay the cost of nasal narcan for those without insurance.
We will pay for it with money seized from drug dealers during investigations.

We will save lives with the money from the pockets of those who would take them.
We recognize that nasal narcan is not the answer, but it is saving lives and no one in this City will be denied a life saving drug for this disease just because of a lack of insurance.

Conleys has also agreed to assist with insurance requests from those who do not have any.

- I will personally travel to Washington DC, with the support of Mayor Theken, the City Council, Sen. Bruce Tarr, and Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, on May 12 and 13.

There I will meet with Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey and Congressman Seth Moulton.
I will bring what Gloucester is accomplishing and challenge them to change, at the federal level, how we receive aid, support and assistance.

I will bring the idea of how far Gloucester is willing to go to fight this disease and will ask them to hold federal agencies, insurance companies and big business accountable for building a support system that can eradicate opiate addiction and provide long term, sustainable support to reduce recidivism.

I am asking for your help.
Like this post, send it to everyone you can think of and ask them to do the same.

Speak your comments.
Create strength in numbers.

I will bring it with me to show how many voters are concerned about this issue.
Lives are literally at stake.

I have been on both sides of this issue, having spent 7 years as a plainclothes narcotics detective.
I have arrested or charged many addicts and dealers.

I've never arrested a tobacco addict, nor have I ever seen one turned down for help when they develop lung cancer, whether or not they have insurance.
The reasons for the difference in care between a tobacco addict and an opiate addict is stigma and money.

Petty reasons to lose a life.

Please help us make permanent change here in Gloucester.

Thank you,
Chief Campanello

Unwilling to just change his own community, he also plans to travel to Washington, D.C., in order to push for sensible drug laws on a federal level.
The response from his community has been overwhelmingly positive.

The Facebook post attracted tens of thousands of “likes” and many local residents posted comments of support.

The War on Drugs recently celebrated its 100th birthday.

By any metric, it has been a costly failure.
Despite its original intent to curb heroine trafficking, the mission slipped into a painful quagmire and cops began focusing more on arrest numbers than the actual drug abuse the “war” was meant to curtail.

As such, it has sent millions of young men to prison for petty drug offenses (often not for “hard” drugs like heroin, but marijuana).
It has ruined lives, shattered communities, and above all else, not worked.

In recent years, the Obama administration has shown signs that some of the least logical aspects of the War on Drugs will finally be done away with for good. This includes releasing a group of prisoners who had been behind bars for small amounts of marijuana — a drug that a majority of the country want to see decriminalized — and other drug offenses.

The White House has also hinted that Obama may do the same for thousands more still in jail. In this debate, the focus has often been on finding a top-down solution.

We’ve looked to the federal government to come to its senses.
Sadly, this is slow going.

Despite the popularity of marijuana among ordinary Americans, Congress still lags behind on the issue.

Police Chief Camanello, and other law enforcement officials like him, represent another way forward.

Rather than waiting for one big fix, the “revolution” as he calls it, may start with local police departments.
In a way it makes sens;, after all; they’re the ones who have to face the damages the War on Drugs has caused each and every day.

They ought to know best that the battles aren’t being won.

I wonder what happened to these guys to make them like this. Sad. This is the sort of thing that the right education should help, and no I'm not talking about pogroms but rather showing them the love and acceptance that they must have been missing in childhood.
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[h=1]Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False[/h]

In the past few years more professionals have come forward to share a truth that, for many people, proves difficult to swallow. One such authority is Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet – considered to be one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world.
Dr. Horton recently published a statement declaring that a lot of published research is in fact unreliable at best, if not completely false.“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” (source)

On another note: I glanced over at the conspiracy theorists thread and laughed and laughed at all the fighting going on. It's out there and will prove itself on its own....don't you think? Case in point - this article. Whistle blowers are coming out everywhere. People in high positions are jumping ship down here in TX and going to safer ground (they think). Sit back and watch it crumble and fall. Doesn't that sync up with all of our "end of the world" dreams?

I wonder what happened to these guys to make them like this. Sad. This is the sort of thing that the right education should help, and no I'm not talking about pogroms but rather showing them the love and acceptance that they must have been missing in childhood.

They are taught and groomed from a young age to believe that they are better than the masses.
Some most likely think they are doing us all a favor by gracing us with their leadership or factory jobs.
I think they’re in for a rude awakening.
Joy oh JOY!

It was brought to Dalyan Iztuzu Pamukkale University (PAU), Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center where it was given medical attention and fed by hand. It was on its way to recovery, but without any way to survive in the wild without a working jaw. That's where Turkey’s medical 3D printing company, BTech, stepped in.


Joy oh JOY!

It was brought to Dalyan Iztuzu Pamukkale University (PAU), Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center where it was given medical attention and fed by hand. It was on its way to recovery, but without any way to survive in the wild without a working jaw. That's where Turkey’s medical 3D printing company, BTech, stepped in.


I saw that on the news!
That is so cool!
This is the type of thing that we should be focusing our time and resources on.
Four cancer charities scammed $187 million in donations,
much of it intended for kids with cancer



Charities were used as fronts to scam a fortune, at the expense of kids with cancer.

Some very bad people made one hell of a living off donations intended for cancer research and support:

Let the donor beware: A federal lawsuit alleges four cancer charities have scammed consumers out of more than $187 million.
The Federal Trade Commission and attorneys general in all 50 states and the District of Columbia announced Tuesday they have filed a lawsuit against the Cancer Fund of America, Children's Cancer Fund of America, Cancer Support Services and the Breast Cancer Society alleging they violated federal and state regulations.

All four charities are run by members of the same family or their close business associates, as detailed in the 2013 "America's Worst Charities" joint report from the Tampa Bay Times and the Center for Investigative Reporting.

James Reynolds Sr. and family members ran the charities and spent an outrageous amount on themselves:

The charities and their telemarketers often told donors their contributions would be used to provide pain medication to children suffering from cancer, transport cancer patients to chemotherapy appointments, and/or pay for hospice care for cancer patients.

None of it was true.

The individual defendants allegedly hired family members and friends, whether qualified or not, and used the organizations to provide them with steady, lucrative employment.

The sham charities spent more money on salaries than on the goods and services they provided to cancer patients.
In addition, the complaint alleges that the defendants spent donations on things like cruises, jet ski outings, concert tickets and dating site memberships – actions that were made possible by corporate boards who rubber-stamped the decisions of the individual defendants.

Really makes you wonder how these folks ever slept at night.
They are taught and groomed from a young age to believe that they are better than the masses.
Some most likely think they are doing us all a favor by gracing us with their leadership or factory jobs.
I think they’re in for a rude awakening.

It smarts when you're on the wrong side of social darwinism... thankfully, I don't think the genetic make-up is actually all that important besides the psychopathy, and I still wonder about that one.
It smarts when you're on the wrong side of social darwinism... thankfully, I don't think the genetic make-up is actually all that important besides the psychopathy, and I still wonder about that one.

For sure there are psychopaths in high positions.
Have you ever read ‘The Psychopath Test’?
I highly recommend it…written by Mark Ronson I think it was.
Anyhow, according to the leading researchers and psychologists in the field, there would be a disproportionate amount in fields of work such as Wall Street, the political system, people that get a thrill out of a forced acquisition and subsequent dissolving of jobs for thousands…but that is of little bother to them, they have stepped just a little more to the top of the hill in their minds.
It’s a game to them…people die…they think they are above the rest of society.
Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism





The House just voted against the TPP corporate trade deal in a stunning victory for workers!