How can we take it back? | Page 35 | INFJ Forum

How can we take it back?


SS was never the government’s money to do what ever they wanted to do with in the first place.
Reagan took away those protections from the government tapping it.
Wow! If this is for real....this is BIG news!!!! :bounce:

I apologize if it isn't...but I don't have the time tonight to verfiy the source. There are numerous links to sources under the video.

[h=3]Greeks Refuse to Pay Debt, Declare It “Illegal, Illegitimate, and Odious”[/h]

"All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt first and foremost because the debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious. ..."

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Wow! If this is for real....this is BIG news!!!! :bounce:

I apologize if it isn't...but I don't have the time tonight to verfiy the source. There are numerous links to sources under the video.

Greeks Refuse to Pay Debt, Declare It “Illegal, Illegitimate, and Odious”

"All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt first and foremost because the debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious. ..."


I think that is awesome if they can pull it off!!
Hopefully, others will follow suit…we may be seeing the zero-point for something big.
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Come on....until such time as you have figured out how to save the world, you can just be a closet rebel - that's at least something...if you don't know how to do that, just ask an xSFP - they are really good at it :)

Oh, there are great ways out there to save the world…it’s mostly a matter of giving more power to make such decisions for themselves back to them.
I am shocked at such an upstanding corporation would do such a thing?!
Please try not to shop there…Winco Foods is employee owned, and Costco pays it’s workers living wages and benefits.
It’s that easy to do something.

Walmart accused of dodging US taxes by storing $76 billion in assets abroad

A new report accuses Walmart of stiffing the US government out of $3.5 billion in corporate income taxes by hiding more than $76 billion in assets in a web of subsidiaries in international tax havens where the company does not own any retail stores.

According to a report by Americans for Tax Fairness, Walmart has at least 78 offshore subsidiaries and branches ‒ more than 30 of which have been created since 2009 ‒ where it has stashed more than $76 billion in assets.

Over 90 percent of the company’s international assets are owned by subsidiaries in Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
The remainder are stored in 13 other countries, none of which have been publicly reported to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the report said.


Walmart’s annual reportsto the SEC show that the company shaved more than $3.5 billion from its income tax bills in the past six years, according to Bloomberg Business.
Despite having no stores in Luxembourg, Walmart companies reported $1.3 billion in profits there between 2010 and 2013.

It paid a tax rate of less than 1 percent on that $1.3 billion.

Walmart is one of more than 340 international companies that use Luxembourg to slash their tax bills.

Officially, Luxembourg has an income tax rate of 29 percent, but companies use the tiny European nation as a tax conduit because they can can send money in and out almost tax free.

“Companies use tax havens to dodge taxes. It appears that’s the secret game Walmart is playing,” Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, said in a statement. “We are calling on Congress, federal agencies and international organizations to determine if Walmart is skirting the law when it comes to reporting its use of tax havens, using various schemes to dodge taxes, and getting a sweetheart deal from Luxembourg that is the equivalent of illegal state aid.”

mployees deliver chairman $7.8 bn 'tax bill' for company's tax breaks
The subsidiaries in tax havens provided Walmart’s US affiliates with $2.4 billion in foreign earnings through “earnings stripping,”or low-interest, short-term loans, the report found. Walmart subsidiaries generated about $1.5 billion worth of tax deductions in Luxembourg by making “phantom interest payments” to their parent company in the US.

This so-called “hybrid loan” made the income disappear for tax purposes in both the United States and in Luxembourg.

“This takes Wal-Mart’s irresponsibility to a new level. Walmart’s tax havens are making one of the richest families in the world even richer while Walmart workers and their families continue to struggle to get by on poverty-level wages,”
Making Change at Walmart ‒ a coalition of Walmart associates, union members, small business owners, religious leaders, community organizations, women’s advocacy groups, multi-ethnic coalitions, elected officials and ordinary citizens ‒ said in an emailed statement.

The group called on Walmart to “do the right thing” by “immediately committing to pay their fair share of American taxes.”
The report, which was researched by the United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, found that Walmart is using subsidiaries in tax haven countries to minimize foreign taxes in countries where it has retail operations and to avoid US taxes on those foreign earnings.

At least 25 out of 27 of Walmart’s foreign operating companies ‒ in places like the United Kingdom, Brazil, Japan and China ‒ are owned by subsidiaries in tax havens.

ricans for Tax Fairness

“Walmart is another example of a multinational corporation engaging in deceptive tax practices, in this case hiding from investors and the public for years the existence of an extensive network of 78 tax haven subsidiaries by dubbing them ‘not significant’ and omitting them from its public filings,” former U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan) said in the Americans for Tax Fairness statement.

“Walmart’s undisclosed subsidiaries in 15 different tax havens hurts its credibility on tax matters and raises questions about whether it is using hidden offshore tax dodges,” Levin continued. “Walmart is a perfect example of why multinationals should be required to provide publicly-available country-by-country reports on their revenues and tax payments ‒ disclosures that would help stop profitable multinationals from engaging in offshore tax schemes to avoid paying tax.”

Americans for
Tax Fairness

Walmart spokesman Randy Hargrove said the report "includes incomplete, erroneous information designed to mislead readers," CBS News reported.
"Walmart has processes in place to comply with applicable SEC and IRS rules, as well as the tax laws of each country where we operate and we maintain transparency with the IRS via real-time disclosure of our business transactions and corporate structure," the company said in a statement, noting it paid $6.2 billion in US federal corporate income taxes for 2014, or about 2 percent of all corporate income tax that the US Treasury collected last year.

President Barack Obama’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 would include two separate tax hikes aimed at US-based businesses.
The first would be a one-time fee that would place a 14 percent tax on US companies’ past foreign earnings, while the second would implement a forward-looking 19 percent tax rate on the future foreign-held profits of US-owned businesses.

“It’s estimated that there are maybe $20 trillion of assets put in these tax havens around the world” from world billionaires and large, international corporations, Jeffrey Sachs, head of Columbia University’s Earth Institute, told RT on the sidelines of the fifth anual Gaidar Forum in Moscow in 2014.

“It’s an abuse of the public trust.”

AT&T just got hit with a $100 million fine after slowing down its ‘unlimited’ data

The Federal Communications Commission slapped AT&T with a $100 million fine Wednesday, accusing the country's second-largest cellular carrier of improperly slowing down Internet speeds for customers who had signed up for "unlimited" data plans.

Read more -
Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America

Social dysfunction can be traced to the abandonment of reason

Post published by David Niose on Jun 20, 2015 in Our Humanity, Naturally


The tragedy in Charleston last week will no doubt lead to more discussion of several important and recurring issues in American culture–particularly racism and gun violence–but these dialogues are unlikely to bear much fruit until the nation undertakes a serious self-examination.

Decrying racism and gun violence is fine, but for too long America’s social dysfunction has continued to intensify as the nation has ignored a key underlying pathology: anti-intellectualism.

America is killing itself through its embrace and exaltation of ignorance, and the evidence is all around us.
Dylann Roof, the Charleston shooter who used race as a basis for hate and mass murder, is just the latest horrific example.

Many will correctly blame Roof's actions on America's culture of racism and gun violence, but it's time to realize that such phenomena are directly tied to the nation's culture of ignorance.

In a country where a sitting congressman told a crowd that evolution and the Big Bang are “lies straight from the pit of hell,”(link is external) where the chairman of a Senate environmental panelbrought a snowball(link is external) into the chamber as evidence that climate change is a hoax, where almost one in three citizens can’t name the vice president(link is external), it is beyond dispute that critical thinking has been abandoned as a cultural value.

Our failure as a society to connect the dots, to see that such anti-intellectualism comes with a huge price, could eventually be our downfall.

In considering the senseless loss of nine lives in Charleston, of course racism jumps out as the main issue.
But isn’t ignorance at the root of racism?

And it’s true that the bloodshed is a reflection of America's violent, gun-crazed culture, but it is only our aversion to reason as a society that has allowed violence to define the culture.

Rational public policy, including policies that allow reasonable restraints on gun access, simply isn't possible without an informed, engaged, and rationally thinking public.

Some will point out, correctly, that even educated people can still be racists, but this shouldn’t remove the spotlight from anti-intellectualism.
Yes, even intelligent and educated individuals, often due to cultural and institutional influences, can sometimes carry racist biases.

But critically thinking individuals recognize racism as wrong and undesirable, even if they aren’t yet able to eliminate every morsel of bias from their own psyches or from social institutions.

An anti-intellectual society, however, will have large swaths of people who are motivated by fear, susceptible to tribalism and simplistic explanations, incapable of emotional maturity, and prone to violent solutions.
Sound familiar?

And even though it may seem counter-intuitive, anti-intellectualism has little to do with intelligence.
We know little about the raw intellectual abilities of Dylann Roof, but we do know that he is an ignorant racist who willfully allowed irrational hatred of an entire demographic to dictate his actions.

Whatever his IQ, to some extent he is a product of a culture driven by fear and emotion, not rational thinking, and his actions reflect the paranoid mentality of one who fails to grasp basic notions of what it means to be human.

What Americans rarely acknowledge is that many of their social problems are rooted in the rejection of critical thinking or, conversely, the glorification of the emotional and irrational.

What else could explain the hyper-patriotism(link is external) that has many accepting an outlandish notion that America is far superior to the rest of the world? Love of one’s country is fine, but many Americans seem to honestly believe that their country both invented and perfected the idea of freedom, that the quality of life here far surpasses everywhere else in the world.

But it doesn’t.
International quality of life rankings(link is external) place America barely in the top ten.

America’s rates of murder(link is external) and other violent crime dwarf most of the rest of the developed world, as does its incarceration rate(link is external), while its rates of education and scientific literacy areembarrassingly low(link is external).

American schools, claiming to uphold “traditional values,” avoid fact-based sex education, and thus we have the highest rates of teen pregnancy(link is external) in the industrialized world.

And those rates are notably highest where so-called “biblical values” are prominent.
Go outside the Bible belt, and the rates generally trend downward(link is external).

As this suggests, the impact of fundamentalist religion in driving American anti-intellectualism has been, and continues to be, immense.
Old-fashioned notions of sex education may seem like a relatively minor issue to many, but taking old-time religion too seriously can be extremely dangerous in the modern era.

High-ranking individuals, even in the military(link is external), see a confrontation between good and evil as biblically predicted and therefore inevitable.
They relish the thought of being a righteous part of the final days.

Fundamentalist religion is also a major force in denying human-caused climate change(link is external), a phenomenon that the scientific community has accepted for years.

Interestingly, anti-intellectual fundamentalists are joined in their climate change denial with unusual bedfellows: corporate interests(link is external) that stand to gain from the rejection of sound science on climate.

Corporate influence on climate and environmental policy, meanwhile, is simply more evidence of anti-intellectualism in action, for corporate domination of American society is another result of a public that is not thinking critically.

Americans have allowed their democracy to slip away, their culture overtaken by enormous corporations that effectively control both the governmental apparatus and the media, thus shaping life around materialism and consumption.

Indeed, these corporate interests encourage anti-intellectualism, conditioning Americans into conformity and passive acceptance of institutional dominance.
They are the ones who stand to gain from the absurd levels of fear and nationalism that result in militaristic foreign policy and absurdly high levels of military spending(link is external).

They are the ones who stand to gain from consumers who spend money they don’t have on goods and services they don’t need.
They are the ones who want a public that is largely uninformed and distracted, thus allowing government policy to be crafted by corporate lawyers and lobbyists.

They are the ones who stand to gain from a prison-industrial complex that generates the highest rates of incarceration in the developed world.
They are the ones who stand to gain from unregulated securities markets.

Americans can and should denounce the racist and gun-crazed culture that shamefully resulted in nine corpses in Charleston this week, but they also need to dig deeper.

At the core of all of this dysfunction is an abandonment of reason.

More on this subject in David Niose's latest book, Fighting Back the Right: Reclaiming America from the Attack on Reason(link is external)

I'm not a huge fan of Ben Fullford....but for once he's putting out good news. Let's hope his sources are right.

[h=2]Monday, June 22, 2015[/h][h=3]Benjamin Fulford - June 22, 2015: Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down[/h]

There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during the George Bush Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder incident.

Hypocrite assclown of the day!!


Robert Reich

Whenever you hear politicians talk about “corporate tax reform” watch your wallets.
U.S. corporations already account for a far smaller portion of total federal revenues than ever before (see chart above) — meaning you and I and other taxpayers pick up even more of the tab.

Today, Senators Rob Portman (R-Oh) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), two senior members of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced a “bi-partisan” plan for corporate tax reform.

It has the support of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), chair of the House Ways and Means Committee.
In other words, you need to pay attention.

In brief, the Portman-Schumer-Ryan plan:

(1) exempts U.S. corporate profits earned offshore from American taxes — thereby providing even more incentive for U.S. corporations to move or invest overseas, at the expense of jobs here;

(2) rewards corporate tax dodgers that have already squirreled their profits abroad in tax havens by allowing them to bring the money home and pay a very low U.S. tax rate; and

(3) creates a giant new tax loophole for high-tech and Big Pharma, allowing them to forego taxes on certain patents and innovations.

Just like the Trans Pacific Partnership, this is being sneaked through quietly when most of the public is thinking about something else.
And just like the TPP, it rewards big corporations and Wall Street and hurts everyone else -- at the very time in our nation’s history when almost all the economic rewards are already going to the top.

Keep an eye on this.

World’s Top Human Rights Judge:
Cheney Should and WILL Be Tried for War Crimes

A former International Court of Justice has breathed new life into arguments that Dick Cheney should be tried for war crimes.
In an interview with Newsweek, Thomas Buergenthal said that not only is George W. Bush an ignoramus, but there is a distinct possibility that, eventually, Cheney will be charged for his crimes during the Iraq war.

Buergenthal says that Bush’s decision to enter Iraq was not, as has been shown time and again, an effort to fight terrorism but was rather an attempt to show off for his mother.

The former judge describes our former President as “an ignorant person who wanted to show his mother he could do things his father couldn’t.”
He added that even Richard Nixon was more “more intelligent,” as Buergenthal doesn’t “think Nixon would have got involved in Iraq.”

While he declined to offer an opinion on whether or not former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom should be charged as a war criminal, Buergenthal was not quite so kind to Cheney:

“But some of us have long thought that Cheney, and a number of CIA agents who did what they did in those so-called black holes [overseas torture centers] should appear before the ICC. We [in the USA] could have tried them ourselves.”

He added that the United States “made a great mistake” in not charging the criminals in the Bush administration, but that there is still hope.
“I think — yes — that it will happen,” he said.

Buergenthal’s expertise on the matter of war crimes is fairly solid, as he is a Holocaust survivor.
Before he moved to the United States from the former Czechoslovakia, served as a judge on the International Court of Justice for 10 years, and ultimately became a U.S. citizen and landed a job as a Professor of Law at George Washington University, he was imprisoned at Auschwitz.

While Buergenthal and his mother were fortunate enough to live through their ordeal at the Nazi concentration camp, his father was not so lucky.

Perhaps seeing Cheney – or Bush – brought to justice is a pipe dream, perhaps not.

But the pair have been convictedby at least one court…in absentia…in Malaysia.

In 2012, Foreign Policy Journal reported:

At the end of the week-long hearing, the five-panel tribunal unanimously delivered guilty verdicts against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their key legal advisors who were all convicted as war criminals for torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
Full transcripts of the charges, witness statements and other relevant material will now be sent to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission is also asking that the names of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Yoo, Bybee, Addington and Haynes be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals for public record.

While the hearing was largely symbolic, perhaps some day a higher court will take interest in bringing members of the Bush administration to justice for their crimes.

Not only would it bring vindication for the American people, who were lied to and tricked into a war for profit, but it would send a strong message to the rest of the world- that we are not above the laws that we enforce on other nations, and that we are not afraid to hold our own criminals responsible for the crimes they commit in foreign lands.
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In those days after 911 I would often watch the news without sound so I could "see"....

Back then I wasn't interested in ET's - didn't really know anything about an off world agenda or the idea of another presence from a different dimension working with a human being on the planet to effect the world.

I could tell they were all lying. I could tell some were in fear....others were puppets and reciting the words of the play.

But Cheney! Ohhhhhhh....... now he was the one really running the show up there in the white house. You could tell - if you were looking.... and he was working horrific themes of violence and pain all through his actions as vice pres. You could tell he had no heart soul. Psychopath was the word that would float up to my mind while watching him give a speech behind the podium. Snake was the other word.

I have managed to clear my heart of a lot of hatred and fear....and would advocate arrests and imprisonment for all of them....except Cheney. If I were made Goddess of the universe right now I'd have a hard time staying my hand from wanting to slice pieces of him off while he's alive and watching. Know what I mean? Hah! It's a good thing no one is going to make me Goddess of the Universe...for if I did that kind of action I'd just set the world back to where bastards like him want it to be.