How can we take it back?

Have you heard about the recent string of murders going on in the Holistic Alternative Medical field?

Something about the most recent one last week was the 10th Holistic Medical Practitioner murdered in her bed.

[h=1]Stabbing of Dr. Mary Rene Bovier in her home marks TENTH alternative doctor murdered in past few months[/h] Thursday, September 10, 2015 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Who is 'we' and what is 'it'?

If you read the first page and the OP that was made clear ( I will assume then you did not )…if it isn’t clear, then I will clarify any point you would like.
Have you heard about the recent string of murders going on in the Holistic Alternative Medical field?

Something about the most recent one last week was the 10th Holistic Medical Practitioner murdered in her bed.

Stabbing of Dr. Mary Rene Bovier in her home marks TENTH alternative doctor murdered in past few months

Thursday, September 10, 2015 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
I did hear about this…is it coincidence or something more?
Have any of these deaths connected some other way?
Is there some announcement to come soon that someone is trying to suppress for some reason?
There are too many variables to make a good case yet I think.
What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. rejected Syria Deal in 2012?

Posted on September 15, 2015 by DavidSwanson

In the United States it is considered fashionable to maintain a steadfast ignorance of rejected peace offers, and to believe that all the wars launched by the U.S. government are matters of “last resort.”

Our schools still don’t teach that Spain wanted the matter of the Maine to go to international arbitration, that Japan wanted peace before Hiroshima, that the Soviet Union proposed peace negotiations before the Korean War, or that the U.S. sabotaged peace proposals for Vietnam from the Vietnamese, the Soviets, and the French.

When a Spanish newspaper reported that Saddam Hussein had offered to leave Iraq before the 2003 invasion, U.S. media took little interest.
When British media reported that the Taliban was willing to have Osama bin Laden put on trial before the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, U.S. journalists yawned.

Iran’s 2003 offer to negotiate ending its nuclear energy program wasn’t mentioned much during this year’s debate over an agreement with Iran – which was itself nearly rejected as an impediment to war.

The Guardian reported on Tuesday that the former Finnish president and Nobel peace prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari, who had been involved in negotiations in 2012, said that in 2012 Russia had proposed a process of peace settlement between the Syrian government and its opponents that would have included President Bashar al-Assad stepping down.

But, according to Ahtisaari, the United States was so confident that Assad would soon be violently overthrown that it rejected the proposal.
The catastrophic Syrian civil war since 2012 has followed U.S. adherence to actual U.S. policy in which peaceful compromise is usually the last resort.

Does the U.S. government believe violence tends to produce better results?
The record shows otherwise.

More likely it believes that violence will lead to greater U.S.-control, while satisfying the war industry.
The record on the first part of that is mixed at best.

Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000 Wesley Clark claims that in 2001, Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld put out a memo proposing to take over seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

The basic outline of this plan was confirmed by none other than former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who in 2010 pinned it on former Vice President Dick Cheney:
“Cheney wanted forcible ‘regime change’ in all Middle Eastern countries that he considered hostile to U.S. interests, according to Blair.

‘He would have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in the course of it – Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.,’ Blair wrote. ‘In other words, he [Cheney] thought the world had to be made anew, and that after 11 September, it had to be done by force and with urgency. So he was for hard, hard power. No ifs, no buts, no maybes.'”

U.S. State Department cables released by WikiLeaks trace U.S. efforts in Syria to undermine the government back to at least 2006.
In 2013, the White House went public with plans to lob some unspecified number of missiles into Syria, which was in the midst of a horrible civil war already fueled in part by U.S. arms and training camps, as well as by wealthy U.S. allies in the region and fighters emerging from other U.S.-created disasters in the region.

The excuse for the missiles was an alleged killing of civilians, including children, with chemical weapons – a crime that President Barack Obama claimed to have certain proof had been committed by the Syrian government.

Watch the videos of the dead children, the President said, and support that horror or support my missile strikes.
Those were the only choices, supposedly.

It wasn’t a soft sell, but it wasn’t a powerful or successful one either.
The “proof” of responsibility for that use of chemical weapons fell apart, and public opposition to what we later learned would have been a massive bombing campaign succeeded.

Public opposition succeeded without knowing about the rejected proposal for peace of 2012.
But it succeeded without follow-through.

No new effort was made for peace, and the U.S. went right ahead inching its way into the war with trainers and weapons and drones.
In January 2015, a scholarly study found that the U.S. public believes that whenever the U.S. government proposes a war, it has already exhausted all other possibilities.

When a sample group was asked if they supported a particular war, and a second group was asked if they supported that particular war after being told that all alternatives were no good, and a third group was asked if they supported that war even though there were good alternatives, the first two groups registered the same level of support, while support for war dropped off significantly in the third group.

This led the researchers to the conclusion that if alternatives are not mentioned, people don’t assume they exist – rather, people assume they’ve already been tried.

So, if you mention that there is a serious alternative, the game is up.
You’ll have to get your war on later.

Based on the record of past wars, engaged in and avoided, as it dribbles out in the years that follow, the general assumption should always be that peace has been carefully avoided at every turn.

I did hear about this…is it coincidence or something more?
Have any of these deaths connected some other way?
Is there some announcement to come soon that someone is trying to suppress for some reason?
There are too many variables to make a good case yet I think.

No one is talking about these murders I have no idea if they are connected.

Do yourself a favor and watch this video.
If you think he is not telling the truth on anything he says, I would be interested in why you think that?

Robert Reich

I've had so many calls about an article appearing earlier this week in the Wall Street Journal -- charging that Bernie Sanders’s proposals would carry a “price tag” of $18 trillion over a 10-year period -- that it's necessary to respond.

The Journal's number is entirely bogus, designed to frighten the public.
Please spread the truth:

(1) Bernie’s proposals would cost less than what we’d spend without them.
Most of the “cost” the Journal comes up with–$15 trillion–would pay for opening Medicare to everyone.

This would be cheaper than relying on our current system of for-profit private health insurers that charge you and me huge administrative costs, advertising, marketing, bloated executive salaries, and high pharmaceutical prices. (Gerald Friedman, an economist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, estimates a Medicare-for-all system would actually save all of us $10 trillion over 10 years).

(2) The savings from Medicare-for-all would more than cover the costs of the rest of Bernie’s agenda–tuition-free education at public colleges, expanded Social Security benefits, improved infrastructure, and a fund to help cover paid family leave — and still leave us $2 trillion to cut federal deficits for the next ten years.

(3) Many of these other “costs" would also otherwise be paid by individuals and families -- for example, in college tuition and private insurance.
So they shouldn't be considered added costs for the country as a whole, and may well save us money.

(4) Finally, Bernie’s proposed spending on education and infrastructure aren’t really “spending” at all, but investments in the nation’s future productivity.
If we don’t make them, we’re all poorer.

That Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal would do this giant dump on Bernie, based on misinformation and distortion, confirms Bernie's status as the candidate willing to take on the moneyed interests that the Wall Street Journal represents.

Some random bits from around the web:

The desperate plots to destroy Donald Trump: Why the GOP establishment is struggling to make this clown irrelevant: Long assumed a flash in the pan, Donald Trump is starting to make Republican insiders sweat. “I hope they attack me, because everybody who attacks me is doomed,” sez The Donald. (Salon)

Aggressive panhandlers on Park Avenue: One of New York City’s most well-to-do streets is not immune to the growing panhandling problem. Business is brisk for panhandlers who zero in on drivers stopped at the lights on busy crosstown routes. It’s almost like an unofficial toll. Serves the rich bastards right! (FOX5NY)

‘Feel the Bern’–Sanders winning over Democrats: A substantial slice of Americans are frustrated with how Democratic leadership–nearly seven years into Barack Obama’s presidency–has bumped up against the hard limits of political power, especially under a Republican-led Congress. Sanders is urging Americans to launch a “political revolution” against billionaires and elites–including his chief party rival, Hillary Clinton. (Yahoo!)

House GOP wants McConnell to go nuclear on Iran agreement: Multiple House Republicans want Senate leaders to “go nuclear” over the Obama administration’s deal with Iran now that Democrats have stymied efforts to derail the accord by conventional means. Because of course they do. (The Hill)

The Icarus Line “Enter The Void” For New Album: “All Things Under Heaven is closer to the truth than anything I have ever been involved with,“ Joe Cardamone tells MOJO. Listen to “El Sereno,” an exclusive track from the record. (MOJO)

Turning Pennies Into Billions: The Tiny Tax That Wall Street Fears A financial transaction tax (FTT) is a tiny charge placed on financial (rather than consumer) transactions. It can range from a dime to fifty cents per $1,000 exchanged. These people are lucky paper pushers. They don’t really do anything, so why should they rule the universe and get to hog all the money for themselves? (

Colorado Just Became the First State Ever to Generate More Taxes from Marijuana than Alcohol: Smart state! 4…3…2…1… GO OHIO! (The Free Thought Project)

Apple’s ad-blocking software could threaten free Internet: But Apple’s support for ad-blocking technology is ringing alarm bells on Madison Avenue, where critics warn it threatens not only the lifeblood of their business – but also the economic underpinnings of the free Internet. (New York Post)

Possible serial killer sought in New York: The NYPD is looking for a man seen on surveillance camera footage leaving the scene of two murders inside New York City hotels. The man reportedly met two women on the street on two separate occasions and brought them to different hotels. (Fox5NY)

No, Bernie Sanders is not going to bankrupt America to the tune of $18 trillion: While Sanders does want to spend significant amounts of money, almost all of it is on things we’re already paying for; he just wants to change how we pay for them. (Washington Post)

Why a resurgent, unapologetic left is on the rise globally: Let me guess? Because shit’s unfair and fucked up? (Vox)

The Moral Challenge Bernie Sanders Brought to the House Falwell Built: ‘The current financial crisis… originated in a profound human crisis: the denial of the primacy of the human person! We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose.’ (Our Future)

Bush allies worry: Is Jeb tough enough? No way! He’s the fat kid to Trump’s schoolyard bully. He’s done. Finished. Put a fork in him. (Politico)

Chinese men try to sell kidney to buy new iPhone 6: The two men tried to meet up with someone that would buy the kidneys – and since, one has gone missing, according to reports. (The Independent)

Hillary Clinton Is Stuck In A Poll-Deflating Feedback Loop: She needs to change the narrative–and the headlines–fast. (FiveThirtyEight)

Study: 53 percent of Jeb Bush’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent: Bush’s tax plan shows Republicans will never learn. He’s a Republican. The poor thing can’t help himself. (Vox)

Scarekrow, this style of posting is very reminiscent of another poster I know...
Some random bits from around the web:

The desperate plots to destroy Donald Trump: Why the GOP establishment is struggling to make this clown irrelevant: Long assumed a flash in the pan, Donald Trump is starting to make Republican insiders sweat. “I hope they attack me, because everybody who attacks me is doomed,” sez The Donald. (Salon)

Aggressive panhandlers on Park Avenue: One of New York City’s most well-to-do streets is not immune to the growing panhandling problem. Business is brisk for panhandlers who zero in on drivers stopped at the lights on busy crosstown routes. It’s almost like an unofficial toll. Serves the rich bastards right! (FOX5NY)

‘Feel the Bern’—Sanders winning over Democrats: A substantial slice of Americans are frustrated with how Democratic leadership—nearly seven years into Barack Obama’s presidency—has bumped up against the hard limits of political power, especially under a Republican-led Congress. Sanders is urging Americans to launch a “political revolution” against billionaires and elites—including his chief party rival, Hillary Clinton. (Yahoo!)

House GOP wants McConnell to go nuclear on Iran agreement: Multiple House Republicans want Senate leaders to “go nuclear” over the Obama administration’s deal with Iran now that Democrats have stymied efforts to derail the accord by conventional means. Because of course they do. (The Hill)

The Icarus Line “Enter The Void” For New Album: “All Things Under Heaven is closer to the truth than anything I have ever been involved with,“ Joe Cardamone tells MOJO. Listen to “El Sereno,” an exclusive track from the record. (MOJO)

Turning Pennies Into Billions: The Tiny Tax That Wall Street Fears A financial transaction tax (FTT) is a tiny charge placed on financial (rather than consumer) transactions. It can range from a dime to fifty cents per $1,000 exchanged. These people are lucky paper pushers. They don’t really do anything, so why should they rule the universe and get to hog all the money for themselves? (

Colorado Just Became the First State Ever to Generate More Taxes from Marijuana than Alcohol: Smart state! 4…3…2…1… GO OHIO! (The Free Thought Project)

Apple’s ad-blocking software could threaten free Internet: But Apple’s support for ad-blocking technology is ringing alarm bells on Madison Avenue, where critics warn it threatens not only the lifeblood of their business — but also the economic underpinnings of the free Internet. (New York Post)

Possible serial killer sought in New York: The NYPD is looking for a man seen on surveillance camera footage leaving the scene of two murders inside New York City hotels. The man reportedly met two women on the street on two separate occasions and brought them to different hotels. (Fox5NY)

No, Bernie Sanders is not going to bankrupt America to the tune of $18 trillion: While Sanders does want to spend significant amounts of money, almost all of it is on things we’re already paying for; he just wants to change how we pay for them. (Washington Post)

Why a resurgent, unapologetic left is on the rise globally: Let me guess? Because shit’s unfair and fucked up? (Vox)

The Moral Challenge Bernie Sanders Brought to the House Falwell Built: ‘The current financial crisis… originated in a profound human crisis: the denial of the primacy of the human person! We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose.’ (Our Future)

Bush allies worry: Is Jeb tough enough? No way! He’s the fat kid to Trump’s schoolyard bully. He’s done. Finished. Put a fork in him. (Politico)

Chinese men try to sell kidney to buy new iPhone 6: The two men tried to meet up with someone that would buy the kidneys — and since, one has gone missing, according to reports. (The Independent)

Hillary Clinton Is Stuck In A Poll-Deflating Feedback Loop: She needs to change the narrative—and the headlines—fast. (FiveThirtyEight)

Study: 53 percent of Jeb Bush’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent: Bush’s tax plan shows Republicans will never learn. He’s a Republican. The poor thing can’t help himself. (Vox)

Best post here on this thread! I laughed through the majority of them.... took a great pause when reading about the deaths of the women....made me think of Jack the Ripper. Did you ever watch any of the Sherlock Holmes stories about the serial killer? I got the impression Jack was a being out of time...

Anyway...the rest are amazing to see. I've been dancing with glee ever since I saw the Donald start beating his chest crying Me. Me. Pick Me! He is doing a fantastic job of making people sit up and take notice of the Presidential Election Process....isn't he?!?!? :bounce: Hahahahahaha..... I can't help myself but laugh...and when I do that in front of one of my coworkers he gets pissed. Pissed! Hahahahahaha.... But then he calms down when I tell him all this stuff is supposed to be happening to "wake people up"...and that means the politicians and the lobbyists tooooo! :lol:

I LOVE the fact the state of CO has made money on the MJ attempt to legally exchange money for plant products. In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd see this happen in my lifetime. When you live in a draconian state such as TX where white males were jailed for 30 years for possession of one lid....well....this is amazing.

GO Apple! There's another company snubbing their noses at corporatism and lies. :)

and when I got to the fact Jeb was the fat kid to Donalds bullying...and nearly lost my coffee. Heh heh heh

Bernie Sanders is the logical one of the bunch because he's the only guy in the line with a Heart. I wish people would stop focusing on Business and Capitalism and Money and focus on someone willing to be open in their Heart.

I mean...come has focusing only on money worked for us so far?.. Hmmmm????

[this is not directed to you Skarekrow]
Scarekrow, this style of posting is very reminiscent of another poster I know...

You just think that because you were brainwashed/ritualistically raped as a child by the Zionists.
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More evidence people are starting to stand up against the bully on the globe....

[h=1]Monsant-NO[/h]Russia has completely banned GMO production while France becomes the latest European nation to ‘opt-out’ of growing GMO crops
September 22, 2015 | 02:30 PM

""Russia has instituted a complete shutdown of GMOs: the growth, sale, and use of any genetically modified foods are now completely outlawed, while France has reconfirmed its pre-existing ban on genetically modified corn.

“If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then,” said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, according to Russia Today. “We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food.”...""