How can we take it back?

Donate my time and my money to various causes I find important.

Am I on trial here or what?
Want me to scan my tax return, receipts and pictures in for you so you can verify it?

What is the point of all this @the ?

do you feel persecuted or something? Give me a break
do you feel persecuted or something? Give me a break

I didn’t say I did, just wondering why the 20 questions about the intentions of this thread and me?
I didn’t say I did, just wondering why the 20 questions about the intentions of this thread and me?
I feel my questions are relavent and on topic.
I feel my questions are relavent and on topic.

Just don’t ask me to volunteer my personal information or what I do IRL - that’s my own biz...that’s all.
I get defensive (and that may not have been your intention - sorry) sometimes when I feel someone is questioning my integrity.

I guess I don’t understand your line of questioning.
Just don’t ask me to volunteer my personal information or what I do IRL - that’s my own biz...that’s all.
I get defensive (and that may not have been your intention - sorry) sometimes when I feel someone is questioning my integrity.

I guess I don’t understand your line of questioning.

Hey, you brought it up.
I actually do things IRL that reflect what I post on here..

Your refusal to be more specific brings into question that you actually do anything.
Hey, you brought it up.

Your refusal to be more specific brings into question that you actually do anything.

I brought it up but I purposefully didn’t volunteer that information for reasons I stated at the time.
Then I didn’t want to answer you because I felt you were trying to paint me as a hypocrite that didn’t do anything IRL.
And look, I was correct.

Thanks for your contribution to my thread.
I brought it up but I purposefully didn’t volunteer that information for reasons I stated at the time.
Then I didn’t want to answer you because I felt you were trying to paint me as a hypocrite that didn’t do anything IRL.
And look, I was correct.

Thanks for your contribution to my thread.

my intentions were to satisfy my curiosity but now you are being weird. Come to any conclusion you wish.
my intentions were to satisfy my curiosity but now you are being weird. Come to any conclusion you wish.

I pass out clean needles in the park - bought with my own money and the dirty ones are disposed of properly paid for also by me.
I also lead a Chronic Pain group that meets once a week to discuss alternatives to the drugs and crap the docs push on us.
I have been to several protests around Portland for various reasons, not so much this last year as I have been ill.
I petition, call, write, etc. my representatives.
I actually vote.
I try not to ever shop at places like Wal-Mart and instead go to WinCo that is an employee owned company.
I could go on honestly, but I hope that much is satisfying for you.
Here's some interesting news. If Mexico legalizes MJ - what will the US drug cartel down there do? All their illegal activities and money power and greed sources and allies are being taken away as people and nations around the world are thumbing their nose at the Bully US. I love this!!!!

"MEXICO CITY–Mexico, a country racked by drug-related violence, took a major step toward fully legalizing marijuana on Wednesday, in the latest challenge to the U.S.-backed war on drugs in Latin America.

In a controversial ruling, Mexico’s Supreme Court decided in favor of four plaintiffs’ right to produce and consume marijuana for personal use, a move advocates hope will lead to the rapid legalization of recreational and medicinal marijuana nationwide.
“This court recognized the reach of personal freedom,” Justice Olga Sánchez said in voting in favor of the ruling, noting that the same chamber also legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. “People decide the course of their lives.” ..."
The most recent health statistics. In this case mortality rates:

It is getting worse for white Americans since roughly the year 2000. In the UK, it has flatlined (both literally and metaphorically) since 2010.

In West European countries and Australia, there is a steady downward trend.

In other word, countries with right-wing governments are not improving.

More news on the solar power front.

Political plans are in the making to get rid of CO2 pollution.

"The Borkowskis paid for the improvements, but the utility financed the charges through their electric bill, which fell the very first month. Before the makeover, from October of 2013 to January of 2014, the Borkowskis used thirty-four hundred and eleven kilowatt-hours of electricity and three hundred and twenty-five gallons of fuel oil. From October of 2014 to January of 2015, they used twenty-eight hundred and fifty-six kilowatt-hours of electricity and no oil at all. President Obama has announced that by 2025 he wants the United States to reduce its total carbon footprint by up to twenty-eight per cent of 2005 levels. The Borkowskis reduced the footprint of their house by eighty-eight per cent in a matter of days, and at no net cost."

And that could happen fast.

"Most of the technology isn’t particularly exotic–these days, you can buy a solar panel or an air-source heat pump at Lowe’s. But few people do, because the up-front costs are high and the options can be intimidating. If the makeover was coördinated by someone you trust, however, and financed through your electric bill, the change would be much more palatable. The energy revolution, instead of happening piecemeal, over decades, could take place fast enough to actually help an overheating planet. But all of this would require the utilities–the interface between people and power–to play a crucial role, or, at least, to get out of the way."

But there existing energy giant incumbents are fighting not to go the way of the dinosaurs.

"But many utilities see residential solar power as an existential threat. In 2013, an industry trade group called the Edison Electric Institute warned that utilities face what company executives were quick to call “a death spiral.” As customers began to generate more of their own electricity from the solar panels on their roofs, utility revenues would begin to decline, and the remaining customers would have to pay more for the poles and wires that keep the grid alive. That would increase the incentive for the remaining customers to leave."

An there is no surprise who are fighting solar power.

"Since the death-spiral session, utilities around the country have sought to slow the growth of solar: by supporting laws and regulations that would reduce targets for renewable energy; by ending “net metering” laws that force utilities to pay solar customers retail prices for the surplus energy they put back on the grid; by imposing “connection fees” to make up for lost revenues. Much of the campaigning has been spurred by the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council and funded by various groups linked to the Koch brothers and their fossil-fuel fortune. In 2008, when Solar City first expanded into Arizona, the state had just announced a target for renewable energy, and the utilities were offering generous rebates to customers who installed solar panels. At first, few homeowners took advantage of the offer–the up-front cost, which ran to twenty thousand dollars or more, was too high. It took the efforts of Solar City, and other competitors using the same no-cost leasing plan, to ignite the market."
But not every Rep is on the side of the fossil fuels dinosaurs.

"Indeed, an odd coalition of environmentalists and conservatives has sprung up around the country to defend solar power. In Georgia, a Tea Party activist named Debbie Dooley and the Sierra Club fought successfully to allow the leasing of rooftop solar panels in the state. Their joint project, the Green Tea Coalition, has spread to Florida, which has some of the nation’s most restrictive solar laws. They are working to collect seven hundred thousand signatures by next February, enough to put a measure on the ballot that would amend the state’s constitution to allow residents with solar panels to sell electricity back to the grid, as is done in many other states."
The hacktivist collective Anonymous has published a list of websites used by the self-proclaimed Islamic State for propaganda and recruitment along with the companies - many based in the US and Europe - hosting them, in an effort to push for their removal.

Read more:
Growth of annual global emissions of CO2 have stalled. In 2013 there were 32.3 gigatons, in 2014 32.3 gigatons.

In the future, it will take a downturn from there. (hoping) :w:

Here is a table.

[table="width: 500"]
[td]Billion tonnes CO2[/td]