How can we take it back?

Amazing….but did you know that banks are required to notify the police if sums of money past a certain amount are withdrawn?
Truth fucking hurts…time to start stuffing the mattress as a bank again.
Fuck them.
(I’m sure being black had nothing to do with it either)
Hope he sues.

Atlanta Police Stop and Put Gun to Head of Rapper After He Withdraws $200,000 From His Bank

Apparently, it's now a crime to withdraw money from your own bank account.


Link -


All that money and only eight thousand tanks. Russia has twice as many..

That most likely has to do more with the sheer size of the Russian border.
What do you think of Putin?

I think he is doing his best to go back to some sort of melange of their former selves during Soviet times only without the state benefits.
Personally, I think he’s an egomaniac, who has to constantly show off in one form or another to prove how cool he thinks he is in his own head.
He’s had people who have verbally disagreed with him either imprisoned or put to death, combined with being former KGB and he’s most likely a sociopath too.
That’s what I think.

He used to make more sense than he does sometimes now…very interesting.
Here’s a little help to see through all the hypocrisy and flat out lies.

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So the reason I decided to finally compile most of this together (and believe me there is SO MUCH MORE I could post concerning this issue) is because I personally feel helpless...but I don’t want to be...I want to fight it...I want to make it better, if not for me, then for my Son and his children.
I need thoughts and ideas on what we can do.

This is the point where you are supposed to start a revolution that involves killing those in power.
This is the point where you are supposed to start a revolution that involves killing those in power.

Don’t give away the plan...

This background of this will be interesting listening to after Full Disclosure.

The Soviet Union was badmouthed because of its use of labor camps that Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote books about.

You are not so bad yourselves at present.
This is the point where you are supposed to start a revolution that involves killing those in power.

We will have to calm down the lynch mob after all the information of the crimes of our leaders has been released. Some of them will be wanting to bring back the guillotine.

I am thinking of handing out red clown noses in the street to counter that trend.
I think it's called "they need to step up their game."

What do you propose?
Judge Dredd style - judge jury and executioner type police roaming the streets?
I think we need to stop calling it a “game” and realize that these are human beings.
The system we have in place is obviously not working, tougher laws have only resulted in more incarcerations.
That isn’t a solution.