How can we take it back?

What do you propose?
Judge Dredd style - judge jury and executioner type police roaming the streets?
I think we need to stop calling it a “game” and realize that these are human beings.
The system we have in place is obviously not working, tougher laws have only resulted in more incarcerations.
That isn’t a solution.

Some are simply incompatible with Western civilization. It's not more complicated than that. All the laws and norms we take for granted might as well be incomprehensible nonsense to them.

As for what I propose, voluntary sterilization (for money) seems ethical to me.

Also, this is not my preferred solution, but one that may one day soon be acceptable.
Some are simply incompatible with Western civilization. It's not more complicated than that. All the laws and norms we take for granted might as well be incomprehensible nonsense to them.

As for what I propose, voluntary sterilization (for money) seems ethical to me.

Also, this is not my preferred solution, but one that may one day soon be acceptable.

Okay, we’re done with our discussion.
I’m not going to argue why everything you proposed is a bad idea.
Thanks for you input.
Here is yet another sad story of psychopathic corporate violence against the public. The company DuPont dumped chemicals in Lubeck, West Virginia. This is not related to Flint, Michigan.

"Bilott watched the video and looked at photographs for several hours. He saw cows with stringy tails, malformed hooves, giant lesions protruding from their hides and red, receded eyes; cows suffering constant diarrhea, slobbering white slime the consistency of toothpaste, staggering bowlegged like drunks. Tennant always zoomed in on his cows’ eyes. ‘‘This cow’s done a lot of suffering,’’ he would say, as a blinking eye filled the screen."


"Bilott filed a federal suit against DuPont in the summer of 1999 in the Southern District of West Virginia. In response, DuPont’s in-house lawyer, Bernard Reilly, informed him that DuPont and the E.P.A. would commission a study of the property, conducted by three veterinarians chosen by DuPont and three chosen by the E.P.A. Their report did not find DuPont responsible for the cattle’s health problems. The culprit, instead, was poor husbandry: ‘‘poor nutrition, inadequate veterinary care and lack of fly control.’’ In other words, the Tennants didn’t know how to raise cattle; if the cows were dying, it was their own fault."


"With the trial looming, Bilott stumbled upon a letter DuPont had sent to the E.P.A. that mentioned a substance at the landfill with a cryptic name: ‘‘PFOA.’’ In all his years working with chemical companies, Bilott had never heard of PFOA. It did not appear on any list of regulated materials, nor could he find it in Taft’s in-house library. The chemistry expert that he had retained for the case did, however, vaguely recall an article in a trade journal about a similar-sounding compound: PFOS, a soaplike agent used by the technology conglomerate 3M in the fabrication of Scotchgard."


"By 1990, DuPont had dumped 7,100 tons of PFOA sludge into Dry Run Landfill. DuPont’s scientists understood that the landfill drained into the Tennants’ remaining property, and they tested the water in Dry Run Creek. It contained an extraordinarily high concentration of PFOA. DuPont did not tell this to the Tennants at the time, nor did it disclose the fact in the cattle report that it commissioned for the Tennant case a decade later – the report that blamed poor husbandry for the deaths of their cows. Bilott had what he needed."


"There are 60,000 unregulated chemicals out there right now."
We will have to calm down the lynch mob after all the information of the crimes of our leaders has been released. Some of them will be wanting to bring back the guillotine.

I am thinking of handing out red clown noses in the street to counter that trend.

i doubt it. The info is out there and no one really cares. Noting wrong with lynching everyone in power right now, even expanding it to different types of power beside political.
i doubt it. The info is out there and no one really cares. Noting wrong with lynching everyone in power right now, even expanding it to different types of power beside political.

For me the huge significance of this is the willingness of the people (and the FBI) to stand up against greed and power.
While we're out here in the rural boonies...this man was high up in the grand scheme of things....and in control of millions and millions of money designated to be used for people in 12 counties. Twelve! They've been known for years and years to not really provide any services other than to their constituency.
It shows the way we take it back is to start from within.

I am in complete agreement with this man going down....

[h=1]Walter Diggles resigns from DETCOG[/h]

USA vs Diggles ~ Indictment
The United States of America Vs. Walter Diggles, Rosie Diggles, Anita Diggles

Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:36 pm
by Steve W Stewart

KTRE 9 News in Lufkin is reporting that Walter Diggles has tendered a document announcing his intention to “retire” from the Deep East Texas Council of Government.

The action came on Wednesday, just prior to a meeting in which the DETCOG Board of Directors were reportedly slated to discuss and decide Diggles’ job status.

The DETCOG Board earlier this month stripped him of his pay and all benefits.

Diggles also recently resigned from his position on the board of directors of Jasper’s First National Bank in late December.
Walter Diggles, 62, along with his wife, Rosie, 61, and their daughter, Anita, 30, were all indicted by a Federal Grand Jury late last year. The court action followed a February 2014 raid of the DETCOG headquarters in Jasper, where Diggles was employed as executive director. Federal agents simultaneously raided the Lighthouse Church of God in Christ, where Walter Diggles is pastor, and the home of Walter & Rosie Diggles, which was then followed by nearly two years of investigation.

Federal prosecutors allege in the 28 count indictment that the three conspired to steal millions of dollars in federal block grant funds. Meanwhile, all three have since entered pleas of innocence, and have requested jury trials.
Stop exporting and exploiting our natural resources.
This whole thread is apparently set up to throw a wrench in people's freedom of's pretty obvious that's my plan...not the fucking opposite.

Theatrical expression of Bernie Sanders also starring Larry David, co-creator of the show Seinfeld.
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German judges’ damning indictment of TTIP deal

A GROUP of German judges have just dealt a serious blow to the European Commission’s desperate TTIP “compromise.”

They’ve issued a damning indictment on the proposal for an “international investment court,” which the EU Commission hoped would get them out of the deep mess that the TTIP negotiations are in.


Formally known as the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), the corporate courts are already being used in countless other treaties to sue governments for anything from raising the minimum wage to protecting the environment.

So EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom came up with a “compromise.” Rather than operating an ad hoc corporate court system, she wants to set up a proper, permanent international court for investors, with proper judges and more transparency.


Its statement “rejects the proposal of the European Commission to establish an investment court,” saying there is no “legal basis nor the necessity” for such a court.

A primary concern of the judges – and one shared by campaigners – is that “the creation of special courts for certain groups of litigants is the wrong way forward.”

Creating special legal privileges for big business and other investors (who can already afford more access to the law than ordinary people) is clearly the path to further inequality in our already deeply unequal society.

In fact, the judges question whether “the European Union has the competence to institute an investment court” given that it would force member states to submit to that court, and therefore undermine their sovereignty.

The court “would not only limit the legislative powers of the [European] Union and the member states; it would also alter the established court system within the member states and the European Union.”

The judges are really clear on this point: the court would be “outside the institutional and judicial framework of the Union” and would “deprive courts of member states of their powers in relation to the interpretation and application of European Union law and the court of its powers to reply.”


Real law, not fictional law, wins the fight. :nod:
Impeach Obama and rescind all he doing. Treason.
Hurry. Great start. Hurry.
Impeach Obama and rescind all he doing. Treason.
Hurry. Great start. Hurry.

Show me where he broke the law.
If any President should be tried on treason it’s Bush/Cheney, war-criminals.

Can’t you find another thread to Troll or you just needed to throw in your daily affirmation/fix of laying down some thick Christian judgement?
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Michael Moore is bringing a new film, Where to Invade Next, to cinemas to show, to the greatest industrialized country in the world, things that other countries take for granted.

"Last week, laying in the hospital, I watched one Presidential candidate attack the candidate from Vermont for his ideas being “unrealistic,” “pie in the sky,” and “ideas that sound good on paper, but aren’t going to happen.” The truth is, all these great “ideas”–free universal health care, free university, free day care, taxing and policing hedge fund millionaires–have already happened in nearly every other industrialized country in the world! And I have the evidence–and the film–to prove it!"

What the heck is Michael Moore? An ENTP?

Michael Moore is bringing a new film, Where to Invade Next, to cinemas to show, to the greatest industrialized country in the world, things that other countries take for granted.

"Last week, laying in the hospital, I watched one Presidential candidate attack the candidate from Vermont for his ideas being “unrealistic,” “pie in the sky,” and “ideas that sound good on paper, but aren’t going to happen.” The truth is, all these great “ideas”–free universal health care, free university, free day care, taxing and policing hedge fund millionaires–have already happened in nearly every other industrialized country in the world! And I have the evidence–and the film–to prove it!"

What the heck is Michael Moore? An ENTP?

I'm laughing so hard I'm dying here!!!! :pound::pound: