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It's so good to hear this. We gotta end this "INFJ the nice pushover shy empath" myth![]()
YES!! And they have no idea. lol![]()
I know, right?
It's so good to hear this. We gotta end this "INFJ the nice pushover shy empath" myth![]()
YES!! And they have no idea. lol![]()
I can't speak for other INFJs, however for me I usually do that connection thing if someone is worthy/interesting. I am currently sitting in a hair salon and this woman is talking so much shit and her stylist is dying a slow death. I hope dummy at least tips very well. She is painfully stupid. HAS NOT SHUT UP! lol
I asked her a few questions but then had to move so my daughters stylist could cut her hair (they’re seated next to each other).
Why did I ask her questions? Because I wanted to troll her.![]()
I use it more in a language/logic/definitions fashion
would you mind developing that thought on clarity and looping?
I'm not sure I have much clarity in what the Ni/Ti loop really looks like
For me, there can be two major risks: I may form an unholy alliance between these two functions, with Ti accepting what Ni "insights" over and over again by rationalising it but not putting it firmly to the test. Ni builds a nice big castle on these shaky foundations using lots of energy and I fall in love with it, but then suddenly the bubble is deflated when I am knocked over by a fact or a thought that punctures it and all that effort is wasted - and I start to doubt my ability to process any ideas at all properly and go into grip. The second of my personal risks is that Ti simply sits there and criticises everything that Ni brings up, and tries to stage a takeover bid. Of course in our society, clear thinking is surely much better than woolly intuition isn't it. So I devalue my dominant function and try to act as a dominant Ti; Ni goes underground and carries out a guerrilla war by giving me a constant feeling that something isn't right- and I end up not processing things very well, getting confused, thoroughly pissed off, full of self doubt and emotionally drained - and again into grip. Got plenty of scars from both of these.
Just a thought - what the three of us have described seems to include quite a bit of Ni / Ti looping during our searches for clarity. That would perhaps add support to the idea of type INFJ for you Reverist.
INFJs can seem quite extroverted at times because you guys love to communicate with people you connect with. Like, really. No, seriously. More direct, focused and personal communication than many extroverts, I would wager.
My theory is that INFJs have all these ideas they want to share, but very few people they want to share them with. So those very few people get to be the lucky recipients of all that communication!![]()
Lurk said:NeTiFeSi is probably the right order, but I'm introverted (But, but,with a dom Ne??? Teh rules!)
Versus e/i in the sense of Ne/Ti is more about the general subject-object divide abstractly (note that one doesn't have to adopt a metaphysical position that regards such a divide as fundamental to acknowledge the psychological vividness with which it plays out).
Ren said:Where can I take a Big 5 test? Is it worth trying it out?
Is it worth trying it out
I'd say if you already have taken MBTI tests, it's more or less a close variation with Neuroticism added as an additional scale (that is, I think the MBTI test is actually quite a bit closer to the Big 5 than it is to functions theory)...although I guess things like T vs F and Agreeableness are only correlated reasonably well, nowhere close to identical.
One thing is there are some very detailed inventories that measure a lot more specific facets of each of the 5.
As the history goes, originally Jung kind of smashed together the type of introversion/extraversion found in the Big 5 and in his own stuff (which centered more on the general subject/object divide). However, when he practically typed people, frequently he'd forget about the sociability stuff and prioritize the latter. I think a great example is Darwin was one of his most posterchild Te-doms, but I think it quite likely that Darwin was an introvert in the 'traditional' sense.
Jung's scales frequently had to be split up, because he was a pioneer, so he often cast things somewhat simply at first. He originally had put all T types as introverts, and all F types as extraverts, and he vastly complicated that eventually.
It's quite clear to me that a further fine-tuning was needed....even with examples like Adler and Freud, which were arguably Jung's entire motivation behind thinking about types.... he strangely pegged Adler as an introvert, despite Adler clearly being the more sociable (his point, though, was that in a more subject-oriented vs object-oriented sense, one could argue Freud's theories were the latter). This suggests putting subject/object together with traditional introvert/extravert is probably squeezing reasonably different things together artificially....yes they're both sort of inner vs outer oriented things, but it seems psychologically in significantly different ways.
Here are a few links
This is pretty standard.
Here's a version of the NEO-PI-R (for online use, but I think pretty close to the real thing)....it's long and has a lot of facet/subscale-level info
And last, I think it's worth examining the HEXACO, the Big 5's close competitor, which adds an extra scale and also rearranges where certain contents of the Big 5 scales actually fall (for instance, its version of neuroticism is more centered on fear than anger, and its version of Agreeableness is more centered on actual anger than merely lack of prosocial tendencies -- that is, stronger affective manifestation of the opposite of agreeable.)
The Big 5 is more directly mapped onto the MBTI, though.
Yeah, literally the same! It's so confusing though. Sometimes I wonder if my ADHD or PTSD get in my way as I get these energy spurs and can really 'live in the present' & ignore my Ni. if I would take a test during that time then I'm likely to measure as something I'm definitely not. People tell me I'm very organised but.. I don't see it, maybe it's an insecurity of some sorts. Sorry, I'm just mentioning ADHD as I got the impression that you either had it or you understood it from the previous threadI never get infj when I do tests. Usually it's enfp, intp or infp. If I lie and say that I'm organized, I always get infj.
I still believe I'm infj though
Yeah, literally the same! It's so confusing though. Sometimes I wonder if my ADHD or PTSD get in my way as I get these energy spurs and can really 'live in the present' & ignore my Ni. if I would take a test during that time then I'm likely to measure as something I'm definitely not. People tell me I'm very organised but.. I don't see it, maybe it's an insecurity of some sorts. Sorry, I'm just mentioning ADHD as I got the impression that you either had it or you understood it from the previous thread. However,I wonder if the function stacks can play out temporarily differently depending on other factors. I mean, instinctively I am INFJ to the dot but, at times it's like I chameleon myself into something totally different. Maybe I'm just a bit retarded
edit: the test said "if these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ENFJ, or ISFP" heheh...