Highly empathetic people soak up energies non-stop. We are spiritual creatures living a human existence. Your emotions may not always be your own. Remember this.
It's easier when you get older to manage your empathy and to push off negative or unwanted emotions that harm your energy field.
I've been in a very toxic relationship, one where I lost myself you could say, but after I put a final nail in that coffin, the healing process began and after some time I was me again. And now, after learning from those times what is NOT healthy for me, I can see immediate signs that spark red flags. And with swift judgment, I won't allow anything to threaten my peace of mind, so long as I can control it. Usually it's not the situation / thing / person itself, but the feelings generated by a situation. So it's a matter of managing and controlling your own mind, and focusing on solutions rather than being controlled by your emotions.
At work I deal with unwarranted harassment from management. And it's a matter of fighting off negativity (mostly thoughts) and keeping my inner peace. It pertains to an individual and a situation I have little control over, so I've weighed the consequences, potential courses of action, and after many months, have found windows of peace to enter when a situation occurs, which makes recurring episodes more tolerable. And, after I leave this job, I will be proud of how I took hold of a seemingly powerless situation.
Meditation has also done wonders for me lately. Seek out reiki / yoga, and other forms of spiritual cleansing.
Thank you very much that is really motivating. I guess I have noticed that I find it hard to control my feelings so I am seeking out ways to develop good boundaries and the ability to stay grounded. Thanks.