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Especially when you aren’t close, but solving this problem for them would save them years of pain and confusion. Would you find a way to tell them?
Not exactly sure what the op is talking about, but when I see someone doing something the wrong way, I take over and do it right, exposing what I'm doing.
If a friend is cooking meat wrong, guaranteeing it'll be tough and bland, I'll butt in, and cook it right, then share some of it with them.
it tends to first piss them off, and I don’t want to create unnecessary drama.
If people wanted to learn, they would have by now (adults). At least they'll get one properly cooked steak this year.You are denying people of learning opportunities, thereby making their life worse
If people wanted to learn, they would have by now (adults)
Especially when you aren’t close, but solving this problem for them would save them years of pain and confusion. Would you find a way to tell them?
I like this description.our subjective assessment of what the best objective actions to take are.
Sorry for the vagueness. I feel bad posting details online.
This person is a older neighbor in her 60s who lives alone that I have helped on occasion for the past several years because she doesn't have a car and has some movement and strength issues. I have tried to give her one, but that's another story.
I've been through enough, experienced enough personally in life and heard enough talk from her to know what's up with her now. I want to tell her she has:
Emotional dependency problems, causing her to fixate on one person to "save" her (Possibly discouraged-BPD)
Codependency causing her to worry excessively about things that aren't her business and be overly helpful with things other's don't need or want her help with.
Paranoid delusions, that are unfounded keeping her stuck (conspiracy stuff).
That she has become too rigid and help-avoidant and has painted herself into a corner leaving her friendless and slightly agoraphobic.
She made statements recently that reviled to me her idolization of me and her tendency to do that.
Her requests and texts are becoming a lot too and she is aware that I have a lot on my plate already. I try not to say much and reply late. I think she can tell. She told me once she worried because I waited until the next day and don't normally. She includes details that are more reviling about her thoughts than she may realize and they are always overly emotional and some kind of effort to get me into the same stuff she likes.
Looking back, her requests for my help have often turned out to be unnecessary and a manipulation to socialize. When I would have preferred her to be up front about that need. It would have been my pleasure to sit and chat, but she is not respectful of my time, gossips and is worried about so many things it would be better for her to get a therapist.
She often wants help, but only what she's comfortable with. She wants help, but can't ask directly. She wants help, but wants people to guess and check-in and never ever make it seem like charity, but as a friend helping a friend. I was too nice when we first met, just assuming she was normal, but we are not the close friends she thinks we are. And now that she has made me aware of how her friendships have failed, I feel I have been duped. She has been abandoned by all she knows, for the most part, and that leaves only me and maybe one relative. She is more clingy than ever with the last friend moving away.
I know what loneliness and anxiety does to people all too well, and I'm struggling to detach from the awareness of what I think she's going through. As an INFJ and former codependent, I can feel that. It's not something I need right now. I am working hard right now to overcome burnout, lies I've lived with and the influence of unhealthy people I have been stuck with. As I fix myself, it's hard not to want to share those lessons with her, but I don't know how open she would be to that and I am not looking to add to the feeling she has that we are pals. I have a long way to go in live, but she had much longer, if she even will try. And that's a trap for me.
I don't mind helping people who are respectful and responsibly doing their best, but she resorts to tears and making woe is me comments that are intended to pluck at people's heart strings to get a need met. If she were more straight forward and respected my time, I would be glad to help more often. But it's never one thing, it's always I need help with this and then let me talk your ear off for an hour at rapid speed and gossip about people I don't know. I just don't have the time for it. Plus, given her gossiping ways, I don't want her knowing anything about me. I can't be her best friend and she's not getting the hint, or doesn't care.