- Enneagram
- 147
Ok, would be happy to. Thanks for asking. Hope you don't regret it, because I can get a little carried away sometimes
. Let me know if that happens.
A lot gets lost in translation, though. Usually the English translation is a far echo from what it really means and all that it symbolizes.
(There are four levels of understanding for everything in the Torah, and the actual word/s used alludes to all four of them.
1. פְּשָׁט Transliteraration: Peshat. Comes from the root "simple/ straight/ literal" and means the simple, basic, most surface understanding.
2. רֶמֶז Transliteration: Remez. Comes from the root "hint/ allude to" and means the deeper meaning.
3. דְּרַשׁ Transliteration: Drash. Comes from the root "to seek" usually by comparitive analysis etc.
4. סוֹד Transliteration: Sod. Comes from the root "secret" and usually refers to kabbalistic/ esoteric meanings/ interpretations. )
With my translations I plan to stick to peshat as I understand you are interested in knowing the most literal basic tranlation. Here is one for starters, the passage I referred to when quoting the word "vayeda".
והאדם - V'ha'adam - And (now) the man
ידע - Ya'da - had known
את חוה אשתו - et Chava ishto - His wife Eve (Btw, Chava comes from the word life and she was called so as she was "eim kol chai" mother of all life.)
ותהר - V'tahar - and she conceived
ותלד - V'teled - and she birthed
את קין - Et Kayin - Cain
ותאמר - Vatomer - and she said
קניתי - Kaniti - (My husband and) I have acquired
איש - A man
את הי - Et Hashem - with God
So this is the most basic literal translation with no expounding on any deeper meanings whatsoever. Btw, Artscroll publishes this sort of translation.

A lot gets lost in translation, though. Usually the English translation is a far echo from what it really means and all that it symbolizes.
(There are four levels of understanding for everything in the Torah, and the actual word/s used alludes to all four of them.
1. פְּשָׁט Transliteraration: Peshat. Comes from the root "simple/ straight/ literal" and means the simple, basic, most surface understanding.
2. רֶמֶז Transliteration: Remez. Comes from the root "hint/ allude to" and means the deeper meaning.
3. דְּרַשׁ Transliteration: Drash. Comes from the root "to seek" usually by comparitive analysis etc.
4. סוֹד Transliteration: Sod. Comes from the root "secret" and usually refers to kabbalistic/ esoteric meanings/ interpretations. )
With my translations I plan to stick to peshat as I understand you are interested in knowing the most literal basic tranlation. Here is one for starters, the passage I referred to when quoting the word "vayeda".
והאדם - V'ha'adam - And (now) the man
ידע - Ya'da - had known
את חוה אשתו - et Chava ishto - His wife Eve (Btw, Chava comes from the word life and she was called so as she was "eim kol chai" mother of all life.)
ותהר - V'tahar - and she conceived
ותלד - V'teled - and she birthed
את קין - Et Kayin - Cain
ותאמר - Vatomer - and she said
קניתי - Kaniti - (My husband and) I have acquired
איש - A man
את הי - Et Hashem - with God
So this is the most basic literal translation with no expounding on any deeper meanings whatsoever. Btw, Artscroll publishes this sort of translation.