Wow. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
May I ask which religion you were brought up in? I didn't understand from your previous post if it was a Jewish community or not.
Jehovah's witnesses
Wow. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
May I ask which religion you were brought up in? I didn't understand from your previous post if it was a Jewish community or not.
I find the philosophy of today's rabbis way better than the old days because they have being developed through the years
You getting on my point some how, i think that we interpret an action as evil or good, what is for me good it might be evil for you.
An other thought is if God is everything then he is also evil, because evil exists, god is also pain because God is all. i don't think we are aloud to say that god is only love, i find it a bit egoistic.
Something was bothering me about this post of yours and it finally clicked with me what it is.
To me, there is a clear distinction between Creator and created. Saying that God needs to have every quality that exists is not necessary. I would say that every creation has an element of Godliness.
I think that verse you quoted was not saying that evil qualities belong to God but even events or entities that seem evil were created by God for a purpose.
just because i sence a small hesitation which is normal, you are not the first one, you can go and read my very first posting to make you understand what i mean by all these
My mistakenI don't understand what you mean by hesitation on my part. Hesitation for what?
God is just the observer, he does nothing and he will never do anything for as because he gave as from the first beginning the choice.
In Judaism there is a concept of "Everything is in the hands of heaven other than the awe of heaven"
So we believe that God is definitely involved in each individuals everyday life and He will steer us in a particular direction.
What is in our hands is if we will make choices that bring us closer to God or further from God.
Yes it's painful to have pain in life.
I've had my share of pain too.
But I don't believe that needs to mean that God is making us suffer for no reason.
I am actually grateful for the pain I've been through as I believe it's made me a better stronger person and it has also brought me closer to God.
I've seen that you're a fan of Nietzsche.
I'm not. I think his ideas are arrogant and presumptuous, but that's my own opinion based on what I understand.
A Higher Power is a reality for me and because it's based on experiences I've had, and the general way I experience life, it's not really possible to convince me out of it.
But I am enjoying the discussion!
I just had a strange lifeI'm lost: a studied man with a loss for words.
Oh well.
Belief is not irrational faith.
It's taking all the evidence and drawing the most probable conclusion.
And then there's the part of just "knowing" something. I "know" I exist. You can prove that I don't with all your philosophical arguments but at the end of the day I still "know" I exist. Similarly, if you try to convince me that I am not who I am, you won't succeed. Again, you can bring all the proofs possible and it doesn't change the knowledge that I am I.
For me it's the same thing with a Creator/ Higher Power/ God. I just "know" He exists.
Additionally, I do believe that rationally, it makes more sense for there to be a Creator outside of ourselves then for this world to have "happened" to come into being.
From my understanding Neitzsche tried to suppress the divinity within humans to produce a superior human being.
Who decides what's superior anyway?
And more fit for survival?
The Jews have been oppressed but we are still here. And what kept us around had nothing to do with Neitzsche characteristics.
Gotta take the soul into account.
Excuse me my lady, do you have all the evidence??
If you have them can you please share them to the world, because there are problems out there and misunderstandings.
I sense a prejudice so i won't get busy with the rest.
I need evidence please to be able to believe!
Either way, I apologize if I offended you.
I'm not offended at all and i didn't wanted to scare you, i just wanted to teach you that evidence have also a huge responsibility, don't you think?
I don't have evidence my self so I'm shutting my mouth for years, but i do have facts about the relationship between religion history and philosophy and these facts are a kind o taboo to be discussed.
Εν οιδα ότι ουδέν οιδα
I know that i know nothing