I feel this is quite ominous.

Perhaps... Having 2 separate species attack in that fashion is most unusual indeed. Crows will eat eggs and chicks but I've never known them to show that type of aggression. Even stranger is the seagull.

Crows and seagulls are both territorial birds. They probably saw the doves as invaders on their turf, which is only the fault of the humans who put them there.

Gulls and crows are quite similar in that they will mob other birds to protect what they feel is their home. Humans put the doves into this situation when they normally would not have been there and probably upset boundaries which caused a reaction.
I laid a small pecan down on my property when the crow first visited. He, and now his family, were invited here by me. He saw my action as a type of acceptance to be around. We love birds, and we feed them especially in the winter months when food is more scarce. My random act of kindness betrayed the other birds that had been nesting here for years....quite a family of geese. Our newcomer owl, my personal favorite because I was calling to him from another property, was being attacked and I shot three blanks at the crows from a .22 and they did not stop. I have not heard my friend the owl any more. Now the geese are returning for dominance in two spots for nesting. I cannot watch it again.
I invited the crows. I must be the one to have them leave. Had to run them off years ago when they were attacking my ducks to get their food. The dominant male of the crows gone, the rest left.
I am not being mean, but rather protective. I run the birds of prey off and they leave. The crows will not.