I hate introverts

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i think that every type has a certain strength and that all types are of equal value for society. (as long a person is not anti-social. though we might need anti-social people to define what "normal" in this case is and to have social problems that can be solved)
If only them damn extroverts didnt put us in little boxes generalizing us!! Oh yeah, and them damn sensors too! :m029:
Somebody get this woman a beer bong so I can get back to [strike]reading and thinking deep shit.[/strike]

If only them damn extroverts didnt put us in little boxes generalizing us!! Oh yeah, and them damn sensors too! :m029:

Ah, right. I actually wouldn't be reading and thinking deep thoughts. I would be *googles* uh, making art or shooting smack.

- You are not unique
- You don't have a "special condition"
- You're too slow-paced
- You are not better than extroverts
- You're not deeper/more intelligent/more mature than extroverts
- You're not more misunderstood than anyone else cause you're an introvert
- You prefer to read your crappy books rather than going to my parties </3 How do you think that makes me feel? Rejected! </3 Unloved! </3 (I'm still learning emotional manipulation. I know I'm not very good yet)
- You suck at random small talk
- You're not action-oriented enough
- You're living in your own world
- You whine about how extroverts whine about introverts. What?

This is not a troll thread.
I don't troll on tuesdays.

I am as I seem to whomever I seem for as long as I seem.

Now if only extroverts could only function as adequate audiences for attention-whoring extroverts we'd NEVER see someone whining to introverts about how inadequate said introverts are qua ARE for all but paying attention to un(der)appreciative extroverts we could all avoid this `random small talk' altogether so there'd be nothing to suck at.

No trolling apperceived; "sometimes it hurts so badly I must cry out loud" and I assume it's like this for you too at times.
Step forward to receive your warm and fuzzies as a reward for your self-expression and acknowledgment of your humanity vis-a-vis the human condition.

BTW, as Wayne Dyer has asserted publically,
You know what I hate?!?!?!?!


:m140: Fuck you barber!!!!
^^ Haha, I hate that also.

I also hate when someone approaches me and asks if I can help them out with money and to put it into a cup. Wait, is this extroversion or bumoversion? I think bumoversion. :thumb:
I hate gatorade but I bought some today because I got sweaty and tired and headached from playing hacky sack.
I hate exams but I'm doing one in an hour. Fuuuuuuuuuuck.

- You are not unique
- You don't have a "special condition"
- You're too slow-paced
- You are not better than extroverts
- You're not deeper/more intelligent/more mature than extroverts
- You're not more misunderstood than anyone else cause you're an introvert
- You prefer to read your crappy books rather than going to my parties </3 How do you think that makes me feel? Rejected! </3 Unloved! </3 (I'm still learning emotional manipulation. I know I'm not very good yet)
- You suck at random small talk
- You're not action-oriented enough
- You're living in your own world
- You whine about how extroverts whine about introverts. What?

This is not a troll thread. I don't troll on tuesdays.

What the flip are you doing on the internets, you party animal? Somebody get this ENTP loser a margarita and stand back for a demonstration of AWESOME EXTRAVERSION!

P.S: I DO troll on Tuesdays. But I'm an affectionate troll. I like to cuddle and introspect and be that much cooler than you are.

I hate exams but I'm doing one in an hour. Fuuuuuuuuuuck.

Holy shite, Elowen. Me too. Sort of. 129 hours from now. But good luck, chuck!
What the flip are you doing on the internets, you party animal? Somebody get this ENTP loser a margarita and stand back for a demonstration of AWESOME EXTRAVERSION!

P.S: I DO troll on Tuesdays. But I'm an affectionate troll. I like to cuddle and introspect and be that much cooler than you are.

Holy shite, Elowen. Me too. Sort of. 129 hours from now. But good luck, chuck!

wtf are you doing here shouldn't you be selling houses?
Thank you TDHT! Good luck for yours too :smile:

I love your avatar by the way.
wtf are you doing here shouldn't you be selling houses?

What the flip you smoking, dude? I've been here all along. ;)

Thank you TDHT! Good luck for yours too :smile:

I love your avatar by the way.

'sank you. And I love the shiny purple mod badge you have. So lovely. :)

Now go study, girl! Clock is a ticking!
The terms introvert and extrovert are not meant as labels to fuel arguments.
They're actually meant as tools to help people understand each other and lead to world peace.
While I'm pretty sure world peace is humanly impossible, the small peace between people is possible. I give you that peace. Do you want to give me mine?
I'm an introvert and I don't think negatively of extroverts nor would I make a list of all the negative things about them. I guess this is coming from a personal experience you are having, but I don't think its really fair to generalize in such a negative way. Cause I never said I was any of those things.