I hate introverts

Are we still beating this horse? Interesting to note it was started by an ENTP... my relationships with them have always been strenuous at best.
This is all ridiculous.

I would also suggest not to take Majesty's initial post seriously. She has a tendency to jest or say somewhat controversial snippets, perhaps to keep things interesting. Not that I entirely mind that, need to shake things up a little bit from time to time. ;) EDIT: Forgot to add, don't ya'll think that Majesty knew exactly what she was doing, too, posting a tidbit on introverts on INFJs Forums? Anyone who takes a post framed in such a way too seriously is doing Majesty's awe-inspiring silliness a disservice. That could be because I have a penchant for Ne silliness, though.

It was certainly funny reading through this thread and these forums, too, how many seem to think they're smarter, better, etc., than another type. It actually reminded me of just the other day, when I was doing some research on intelligence and correlation between MBTI types (I've decided that there really isn't any, especially how most use IQ as a reference, and that test is flawed, and how some of the types people have claimed certain "brainiacs" to be can't be verified - it really comes down to multiple intelligences). After looking through some scholarly articles, I decided to go more informal and peruse some forums. On one, a site for NFs, the NFs brought forth evidence that having T as a tertiary or inferior function improves intelligence. On another, NTs were certain of their own superiority. On yet another, the thread starter, a confused ISTJ, coincidentally brought forwards the same article (this one: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCR/is_4_37/ai_112720426/pg_3/) I found amongst the NFs and this is what they said, word for word "I find this kind of strange because I would imagine that Sensing and Thinking would make one smarter rather than going by one's emotions."

Of course you think that - those are your dominant functions - that's the conclusion just about everyone finds, whether they're top two functions are Si and Te, or Ni and Fe. I lol'd. Everyone thinks they're the smartest, or that they've found the ultimate truth - if that's the case, perhaps we can agree that in some way, each soul has their own nugget of wisdom to offer. Why does someone else have to be wrong just because you assert that you're right? We're all just interpreting and interacting with our perceptions of reality in different ways.

Perhaps Ms. Majesty was serious, though. If that's the case, I still reiterate - this thread is ridiculous.

Everyone knows that ambiverts, extroverts, and introverts all fail at life - honestly.

Otherwise we wouldn't all be here on the Internetz debating whether E or I fails harder.
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Majesty is an Introvert.
Perhaps you would do well to heed these wise words....

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Majesty is an ENTP, and ENTPs like to be provocative because it's stimulating to provoke people and see how they respond. ENTPs do this when they're bored. It provides free entertainment if you don't get too annoyed by it.
Majesty is an ENTP, and ENTPs like to be provocative because it's stimulating to provoke people and see how they respond. ENTPs do this when they're bored. It provides free entertainment if you don't get too annoyed by it.

Don't put people in a category and generalize them.
lol who bumped this

Let's see, looks like it was... NYLilac. Actually got the bumpage a couple days ago, it would appear.
Majesty is awesome. She is not afraid to say what she thinks.
When two extroverts talk to each other, it's more like they are talking at each other. When an extrovert talks to an introvert, at least there is an audience of one (even if the introvert is thinking mean thoughts). I like being an introvert and having my internal conversations--I, at least, find them interesting. Usually, when I do finally say something, it's well thought out, cogent, concise and pertinent. This is in contrast to many extroverts, who do their thinking out loud.
I mean, this post pisses me off. I'm not saying you intended to insult extroverts or anything, nothing is implied. But I know many many people (not referring to you, unless it applies). who think extraverts are these idiots who just babble. I am really good friends with another ENFJ at my job, and she is on point, but her daughter (An EFXX - She's only 10, but I'm leaning J vs. P) is the smartest little bulb I've EVER met.I think the reason why introverts come across as smarter, is because they may spend more time by themselves vs. the majority of extraverts. But in fact, while I may be outgoing -when- i'm with people, the vast majority of the time I love to just be bymself and introspect, its my favorite thing in the world. God, I love NiSe. Eh, I went off on a tangent of sorts, you've probably got that spot on about extraverts, I definitely feel more comfortable about something when I've talked about it. Idk. I just really hate snooty introverts. (Not saying you're one either, haha. Just... talking.)

It is the extroverts who cling to the notion of superiority. Put a gaggle of them together and it is only a few minuets before they cull out the introverts and begin gossiping about intro-wierdness.

And what is up with their incessant chatter? Don't they realize that being alone is the human condition?


Also, one could argue based on many scientific experiments, (Harlow's Monkey experiment, for one) that humans are extremely social creatures, and the lack of social contact can be extremely detrimental. EXTREMELY. Although I can relate, but I think most people are referring to, well, I'll just call em out, ESFP/ESFJs when we think of nonstop talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. I get a little crazy also.

Very true. The fact she bothered to share that nonsense. First thing that come to mind. Insecurity, then jealousy, and finally Shelings(that's that cheap currency back in the day).

You are boarded in the wrong seat, on the wrong train, on the wrong day, and heading to wrongville. ARE YOU RIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING??????????????????

I guess... I'm sorry

We forgive you.

actually i think majesty is awesome.

You just want to have sex with her.

Don't put people in a category and generalize them.

I just want to have sex with you.

Hi Majesty,

I would like to attend one of your parties as long as you don't frisk me for books at the door.

Only for the book burning.
who think extraverts are these idiots who just babble.

I find the babbling reassuring to begin with and draining after 30 minutes.

I get neck strain trying to keep up with the nodding and a sore voice from saying 'Yes... yes... yes...'