I hate introverts

That's a very nice extrovert you have there... ssssss

Yeah, must be the sweat from hugging people so much.
We do suck... ;(
Anyone ever been to a party where all the attendees are introverts?
Anyone ever been to a party where all the attendees are introverts?

Yeah it's called the library.... Or another stereotype; a WOW party or chat party.
Anyone ever been to a party where all the attendees are introverts?

intpforum webcam chat on google+
It's been common for everyone to just have the camera on but chat through typing. At most 3 people talk with their mouths at the same time.
intpforum webcam chat on google+
It's been common for everyone to just have the camera on but chat through typing. At most 3 people talk with their mouths at the same time.

I think Nolan's Joker is an INTP.

Oh same thing goes on here but the three people talking also tend to be the three people drinking. Of course that often includes me....... Slightly intoxicated........ Shirtless....... Reading erotic stories..... :D It really is a hoot and all that happened the first time I got on chat. What can I say? All the girls had to do is say please and use those puppy dog eyes and there is no way I could say no. Cuteness, my one true weakness! It melts the heart and exposes the soul... Of course I could never tell if they where laughing at me or with me. :/ Me + shirt off = mass suicide.

I believe the politically accepted term is; male reproductive organ that is located within in a retractable flab of skin that looks something that comes from a horror movie. Or at least that's how I heard them say it on the magical box that reveals to me the outside world that I dare not ever venture forth too. My cave is perfect, it has all the things a budding introvert has to have to survive. Books, computer, TV thingy, RPG's (since I will never have a real life) and an endless supply of hot pockets. Life is good! :D

I have only one problem with your (relative) choice in lifestyle: hot pockets give me bad stomach aches.

That is part of the experience. Consume them daily and soon your stomach will be like an iron box. After that you can drink bleach, eat glass and watch Jersey Shore without your insides turning to mush.
You obviously are lying to yourself because you joined a forum that was created for Introverts. Why are you on the INFJ Forum if you have no interests in introverts? Are you unsure of yourself, or did you just join to make fun?
You obviously are lying to yourself because you joined a forum that was created for Introverts. Why are you on the INFJ Forum if you have no interests in introverts? Are you unsure of yourself, or did you just join to make fun?

You would do well to learn that all statements are made in a context, a frame of reference that may not be your own.

My digestive system may become nearly invincible after passing through that fiery trial; but I don't think hot pockets could do anything to adequately prepare my mind for the horrors Jersey Shore presents. Seriously, I go to Barnes and Noble to do homework sometimes, and there'll be groups of ditzy SoCal blondes who yap yap yap. I always end up having to put my earphones in because having to listen to them makes me want to break down and cry.