Your appeal (to my Extraverted Thinking) is...rejected. :smash:
Thread remains on topic.
/even more Te
fine peanut butter

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Your appeal (to my Extraverted Thinking) is...rejected. :smash:
Thread remains on topic.
/even more Te
[MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION] Object??
Te reminds me of Teehee which reminds me of nigahiga's videos which reminds me of how to be a gangster/emo/nerd/ninja
so Te users are emo nerdy gangster ninjas
its not fair
I'm happy for extroverts to be extroverted and enjoy their extroversion. That's fine.
But yeah I do need my space and a bit of p and q and I don't mind telling you so. That doesn't mean I want to sit in a corner all the time and not associate with anyone.
The main difference between introverts and extroverts is where the energy comes from. Extroverts are energised after a party. Introverts enjoy the party then go home to recharge. That's all and that's enough. Peace.
Is this what the extroverts call "partying"
I'm scared O.O
- You are not unique
- You don't have a "special condition"
- You're too slow-paced
- You are not better than extroverts
- You're not deeper/more intelligent/more mature than extroverts
- You're not more misunderstood than anyone else cause you're an introvert
- You prefer to read your crappy books rather than going to my parties </3 How do you think that makes me feel? Rejected! </3 Unloved! </3 (I'm still learning emotional manipulation. I know I'm not very good yet)
- You suck at random small talk
- You're not action-oriented enough
- You're living in your own world
- You whine about how extroverts whine about introverts. What?
This is not a troll thread. I don't troll on tuesdays.