Tonight was awesome! Beautiful singing. Anyway, I was going to ask her to dinner in person, but another guy, who I think likes her, was there. I thought about asking but figured it'd be more embarrassing for her.
It doesn't matter whether another guy likes her -- chances are, there will always be quite a few guys who secretly (or openly) like the girl you are interested in. You must not concern yourself with those guys.
I don't really like the idea of a dinner date -- your aim is to be fun and exciting, and different. Don't just do the same thing that every other boring guy does, i.e. never do the age-old movies + dinner date when you're still in the early stages. Go to an art gallery, browse the local markets, check out the comic book stands, do something interactive instead. Afterwards, you can goto a cafe to continue the conversation, or perhaps even a light dinner if things went really well. You sound like a creative and intelligent guy, I'm sure you can come up with lots more examples tailored to your personality.
Also, I don't think the idea of "group outings" or "group dates" is a good idea at all. It's distracting, and dare I say it it's way too lateral -- your aim is to have fun with each other and get to know each other better, and group settings are almost always a bad match for this. It also masks your intentions and makes them ambiguous, or in the worse case, makes you seem "sneaky". A girl will always know when you're interested in her, there's no need to hide behind group outings for "safety or anything like that.
I thought you all might want an update ^_^.
EDIT: She clarified that she wasn't good with talking on the phone while she was driving and asked if I meant a date. I let her know that if that's not she wanted then not to worry about it. She said that, because she's not sure how long she'll be here (with her dancing), she doesn't want to get in a relationship right now.
It's usually not a good sign when a girl asks you if you are asking her on a date. But if you do find yourself in such a situation, your only appropriate reply is a confident "yes, absolutely" with no wishy-washiness or apologising/mitigating.
Whenever a girl says she's "not ready for a relationship right now" or similar, that's code for "I'm not attracted to you".
I know, attraction at first seems such a mysterious thing -- but after a while, you'll come to understand it.
If you get a lot of mixed signals from a girl, then chances are very good that she's not interested. If she feels real attraction and chemistry for you, you will not fail to notice it. This is regardless of personality type.
I thought you all might want an update ^_^.
...and she's still coming on the hike!

I just feel better you guys. Now she knows, our friendship is intact. And heck, I might've planted an idea in her head that'll get her thinking about me (I guess I'm a hopeless optimist).
Good times INFJs. You're a lovely bunch. I've never known anyone handle such a delicate situation with such grace.
Sesquipedalian, she has rejected you outright. I know it doesn't really look that way, but if you read between the lines, she's made it clear that she's not attracted to you. Her ringing you back and her still coming on the hike is just a common "diplomatic" way for girls to soften the blow of a rejection. I suspect you probably understand this already, but I felt it was worth pointing it out in case there was any doubt. It took me a long time to grok and accept the mysteries of these things.
You seem like a really great guy, good luck with your future endeavours (with other girls). Hope you're feeling OK. You can still have a great friendship with this girl, and who knows, she could introduce you to other great girls.