I read that people who have more right frontal lobe brain activity are more apt to be down or think negatively, whereas people who favor the left frontal lobe have more cheerful temperaments and respond to things more positively.
It's speculated that people who are able to beat depression without medication have increased their level of activity in their left frontal lobe. But as far as I know, there hasn't been any real research on that..
Plus there's a lot to do with the levels of norepinephrine etc etc. that activate the amygdala and the brain's threshold for excitability... A low threshold makes for a more anxious temperament..
But that's all I know. So, yeah, I guess a lot of it is biological..
The book is called Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
That's pretty freakish, considering the only results I've ever got from any brain scans were for an EEG (epilepsy was on my dad's side), and while nothing showed, the doctor cheerfully noted that I had 'unusually high activity' in my right hemisphere, just not enough to be concerned about. I'd say what you just said correlates perfectly with what I feel. Very fascinating.
I've always been wired very stressed, since birth. My medical documents are very interesting, if disheartening. I was a rather freakishly guarded infant, which was chalked up to some neurological thing or another that was unclear.
But, it's a blessing and a curse, because it makes for very intense experiences, to. One good thing is that I'm only on medication to boost thyroid function and the birth control pill for hormonal balance, pretty typical. It also helps with PMDD, which is a real fun ride.
Yay for short circuits.
Try reading up a bit on this:
A ton of the hopelessness people tend to feel is due to having an external locus of control.
Lotus of control is always fascinating, and I can't pinpoint mine. It feels sort of convoluted, like I see myself as an external force as much as anything else, if that makes sense. Half the time I feel legitimately cursed (not helped by others' observations), but I feel I'm just as much a contributing factor as anything, if not the entire cause.
Anyway, as for everything else, I think my own perception of love is different to others. What other people do is not love to me, but limerence, or a desire to fulfill their reproductive needs. Therefore, when the other person is no longer interesting in that regard, they're no longer of use, apparently in any way, shape or form.
Unless a relationship is truly abusive or destructive to me in some way, it holds a very deep importance for me and I will work through just about anything. The reward is great to me. People mean everything to me in my life. A mate is just the most intense form of that I can imagine. Is this that rare a sentiment?