So, the question is whether we're willing to accept the truth or doubt it even if we're shown proof of its existence?
Basically if you can't accept truth/reality, then you cant accept God, and if you cant Accept god into your life
then you are unwilling to accept general Good into your existance, the truth of the matter is Everything is god therefore everything is good
and what everything is IS the universe, basically the message/expression im getting here from God/universe/everything
is that IT IS "ALL GOOD" and now its time to understand this fact and live life accordingly
Jesus stated his character Was alligned perfectly with God, reality, therefore truth and following way of life
Our part is acceptance, and submission,
its all quite obvious really, we all have an internal connection to this god, or Good, the co-incidences are everywhere
for instance the word Enthusiasum by origin transfered to meaning "The God Within" or Enthios-Seasum.(Greek i think/not sure here)
God translated by origin to mean Good, therefore enthuseasum truely understood means "The Good Within"
We have ALL seen by experience The definition of enthuseasum, We understand that when someone IS enthuseastic he/she has become an expression of that good within there fore ,
Basically if you really want to know if god exists beyoned all doubt, Then Seek him, but first with your heart and mind, then with your body,
Dont we all know by now, . . . God is inside you, AND outside of you, God is everything, Therefore the universe,
If you seek to understand The universe you live in, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IT, Thereby understanding reality, truth and finally GOD
I have met GOD, and i believe beyoned a doubt that god exists, thereby KNOWING God exists
You may have noticed by now, I am not Intelectually incapable, Nor am i morally Deficient In many ways
My motives here are NOT selfish, and i have a genuine care for any who have had the curtisy of reading these lil blogs
Furthermore i seek no Exalting from either ither persons here for myself.
But Seek GOD and you WILL find god -
But some need physical Manifestations to observe in order to believe, So i'd hope you sought Jesus from that perspective
( Jesus Name basically Means God with us BTW - Which IS a physical expression of the universe Symbolically,
we see harmony, Generation, most importantly LOVE -
So beyoned all this con-text
Enjoy yourself, Encourage yourself, Love yourself, ........FIND your true Self