If God Were Real...

not really, Jesus permitted ALL to seek god, there is no contradiction within biblical literature,
the statement made within biblical literature was that, in the beginning there was a word/expression
and that word/expression was with God and that word/expression WAS God=good

furthermore the question remained. Where was "I" when this happened.
The truth is, YOU, and I were present at this time. in the very sense that
OUR energies came from this point in time, which ment our energies existed at this point in existance
Which was the beginning, As a drop of water, in an ocean.

as long as the drop does not know it is a part of the ocean
as long as the wave does not realise it is forever connected
as long as the bubble remains oblivious to its reality
as long as they see themselfs diffrent from the creator

That drop remains a drop
the wave remains a wave
and the bubble remains a bubble
the created remains the created

but in reality, the bubble is not seperate from being the ocean
flowing as the ocean does, in the very same way.

Did jesus (the prime example) Denie God as everywhere?
Did he Denie God is therefore within yourself to understand?

the same way as there is an ocean of motion within a single drop of water

:) = bless you all
I would face him and ask him about why he let so many innocent suffer, that is, if it is indeed God, the creator and the responsible one.

WOW, i didnt realise YOU had ALL the facts, and had such a facinating Judge of characters?

we cant assume to judge the innocents of some people we have just heard off?

Nor to we understand the level of retribution That the human race in general deserves.

i speak for myself in saying.

"I have sinned"
"Because i have betrayed my own intergrity"
"and in doing so, sinned against God"

"I"...."AM" . . ."Not innocent"

yet i am given grace by God, because i do not deserve yet he gives,
that is the true test of your love

can you treat a christian with respect even though you disagree completely with his/her perspective?
Whoa, whoa. I wonder which way did I treat someone with disrespect..
A few years back there was a plane full of children crashed in Russia. I wonder how those people betrayed their own integrity.
I don't blame God because I don't believe in such identity, the way it's perceived by most Christians.
I truly believe that hell is the other people, there's no one that pushes humankind to make mistakes and such. But we are playing along the idea that there's a Christian God who is responsible for everything that happens.. And those are the words I would tell, as in one of my posts above. You are pleased to tell God whatever you desire, doesn't matter to me.
I am not trying to bash Christianity and such. I am cool with it, as much as I am cool with Judaism, Buddhism and other religions out there.
there's a Christian God who is responsible for everything that happens.
That is not necessarily an expression of Christian thought. Not that I'm criticizing....just asking if this is what was intended?

The reality of this is on-topic inasmuch as it gets to the nature of God and the ways people might perceive Divinity. Suffering is one of those things that folks tend to take on a very surface, linear level, but there is far more going on than many realize. In this regard, it would be far more accurate to say that God suffers WITH us and that He, in fact does NOT control everything (not like we tend to think anyway).
thank you random someone, i sort of wanted to define that principle,

but from my experiences in observing biblical literature, god isnt said to be soely resposible for everything, humans WERE given responsibility, lets refer to adam and eve,
God had his way = things were good, man wanted his way and things went bad, basically unable to defile his character God must judge man accordingly, and so sent man to the physical plane so that he might return by good means, = furthermore we see a continuing love present amongst the punishment, - God created clothing for man to warm them.

god is said to be all Seeing, NOT all controlling ALL perceiving NOT ALL controlling, Or whats freedom for? hmm free will had to be a nessesity

the way i see it, god is all seeing, and to a certain extent controls the universal energies seperate from those of mankind consciousness
thereby from this we see, God does NOT make mistakes WE do, but god does not leave us in the mitst of our mistakes, ALL seeing leads me to assume god the capability to cater for these mistakes, so that when its forseen that joseph is sold by his brothers in "mistake" god can cater for this by allowing him to land in "Egypt"
the richest most flourishing country of its time, in terms of education.

Thats why i can laugh when i stump my toe, Cry with joy moments after being beaten in the dark on the side of the street with no allies
and then forgive my oppressor his iniquities.

Basically, if I can love you all this much, i can only imagine the level of love felt from such a deity
now imagine for a moment the level of pain felt by such a deity, you have 6 billion children
some of your children rape their sisters and brothers, some kill their parents and kin
others decide to ruin the validity of anothers beliefs and in doing so, discourages them into oblivious lifestyles
some lead self-serving interests, remaining oblivious to their outside community for years wasting resources
one man is probably walking past a dying child right now as i speak "how sad right"

and then occasionally, one gives his/her life for a complete stanger, commits to acts of complete selflessness

but if you really think all this IS because of GOD then YOU my friend ARE, living in a fantasy land
if everything you perceive is seen the way YOU like it, then the way IT really is falls away
because the evidence supplied by our own experience IS, FACT the FACT is I have experienced god.
look up god by definition bro your on the internet, originally said it ment Good (simply put, Does good exists -.-?) no right?

and I do LOVE YOU, i have no doubt - i would give my life for a complete stranger, im sure many of you will
but we do come here to be serious dont we?
so why dont we study the facts for a minute?
WHY? would i give my live for a complete stranger? - because it feels good to do good things?
only a good universe applys such a principle in the creation of its living beings that they support the surrounding life

thinking might quite possibly be whrere we go wrong, do thoughts have life? i dont know, i wonder sometimes

enough rambling from me, bless you, but please, i am NOt asking you yet to accept jesus into your life, nor god
but please do not close your mind to the simple fact that it is "possible"
just as surely as i would accept your beliefs to be true, i would also believe mine to be true
and in a universe containing trillions of opinions, why not right?

simply put if everyone in the world were just like me......a bunch of rapist, grumpygut, murderers, lowlife buttsmoking, inconformist lazy annoyances, and evil geniussess
basically - the world would be the same

BUT!!!! imagine for one moment, if the entire world were like jesus?
"and you know, dont you"

- it would be perfect - no more conflict no more hate no more destruction no more evil
only love would remain through the good and bad we would all get through it together,
every individual willing to give his/her life for the whole, every individual feeling forfulled
every individual feeling loved, "no pressure"

i dont think jesus really work a day in his life - well maybe ONE -
OP made the point that the deity could be variable; the consistent subscription by prior posters to some version of the Christian God doesn't take this into account.

The following point should be considered: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Along the similar lines of a prior post making the point relating to alien trickery, I would venture further and state that we should kill the "god" and take its power for ourselves. Only then can we ensure our own survival being no longer contingent upon the whims of that god. Even if science is somehow able to provide concrete proof that the god does good things for humanity - how can we mortals divine that the god will always remain favorably disposed? Ultimately, we only have that god's word to go on.

The outcomes of such an endeavor are likely going to be:

1. We all die (or some die and some live for worshiping the god), which proves that the god so revealed is unworthy of worship, for it demands obedience through brute force and fear, and had given us "an offer we can't refuse".
2. We win, we become gods, thus ensuring our survival.
3. The god disappears. We don't know why. Oh well.

However, if the god, previously a product of magical thinking, is revealed to be an embodiment of our collective consciousness (assuming psychic abilities or something) and solely generated by ourselves (so not a third-party entity, such as its own species), then it would be worthwhile to consider cooperation, but never submission and worship.
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You do understand that tying to kill any god like entity that humanity has thought up so far would be suicidal.
I'm going to get crap from people about the title but I needed something catchy.

If God (of any sort) revealed itself to humanity, showing without a shred of doubt that it exists, would you follow it without questioning it's motives?

Would it matter what doctrine it aligned with (i.e. Christianity or Islam is actually the most accurate)?


I know with me, I don't think I would.

So there is no shred of doubt to be had... its motives would be called into question. Especially if it was genocidal like in Jewish or Muslim doctrine. I suppose I'd have to follow it or at least obey it since it could probably destroy me at any time and then torture me forever in the after life.

Since there is no doubt to be had though, I don't understand why people are suspicious of it being an alien earlier in the thread.
I dunno... the Golden Calf went down without much of a fight... I'm just sayin...

Always heard that was a false god. People without a leader....
If God (of any sort) revealed itself to humanity, showing without a shred of doubt that it exists, would you follow it without questioning it's motives?

Would it matter what doctrine it aligned with (i.e. Christianity or Islam is actually the most accurate)?
Yes, I would obediently follow God because I would want to reduce the magnitude of my potential suffering.
I would spend eternity figuring out how to destroy it. Bonus points for figuring out how to make it suffer as much as everything it ever created before ending It's useless and worthless existence.