If you could buy memories would you?


Rothchildian Agent
In the original Total Recall (I dont remember if the remake featured it) the Total Recall firm specialise in selling implanted memories and in an episode of Red Dwarf called Thanks For The Memory, Dave Lister implants six months of his life, a love affair into the memory of ship's hologram and my question is if you could do such a thing as this would you?
I wouldn't want to own someone elses memory but I would love to experience it. Can you imagine if we could experience the important people of history and see and understand them on that level?
It depends on if memories are so cheap that I could afford to just remember things all day and never have to pay full price for an experience.
Maybe it would be a cool thing to have memories implanted or even skills or language like the Matrix but I would never trust anyone enough to mess with my brain, so the point is moot.
Reminds me of that Star Trek episode in which Picard gets probed for a few minutes, and in those minutes, he remembers the life of one of the people on the planet who died centuries before, but had preserved his memories for future generations.

I think if we were able to have someone's Total Recall and complete memories, their identity would inevitably become a part of our identity. After all, it's those unique experiences that separate us from our clones or identical twins.

But if you develop the ability to lucid dream then you can gain extra experiences in your sleep in a natural way
I would. Except they wouldn't be memories of experiences, they'd be memories of reading books/acquiring knowledge I would be interested in reading/learning that I normally wouldn't have enough time to prioritize into thoroughly absorbing the old fashioned way. How cool would it be to suddenly have working knowledge of physics or computers because of a memory of a course you didn't take?
No. Only if good memories would replace some horrible ones.
Any time we enjoy media, we live vicariously through whatever character or situation is presented to us, so it doesn't seem too out of the current realm of human experience to cut out the middle man and just implant them in our heads. If I recall(do-ho) correctly, in Total Recall the main character is aware that he is doing this and voluntarily buys his memories for himself. If I could recognize the memories as being these purchased items afterwards, then I would be open to trying it out.
Have to admit this is a scary proposition. People losing themselves.
As much as I put my faith in science there are somethings I believe we as humans should not mess with. I think this is one of them.
Have to admit this is a scary proposition. People losing themselves.
As much as I put my faith in science there are somethings I believe we as humans should not mess with. I think this is one of them.

That is strange, as I would not, as you say put my faith in science, it is merely a methodology after all properly understood, and I dont really take that view that humankind should not mess with things.

I do believe that its possible for people to be too cavalier about what they are doing but I do think that mankind should put limits on itself in that manner or be too quick to embrace its limits.
If you do so, better decide which antivirus-software to install into your brain, just to minimize the risk of being abused as a braincontrolled hitman by some asian-yakuza-memory-programmers.
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Yes!! I mean it may be painful or it could be wonderful either way I always thought it was sad that we would never ever be able to experience everything in life and that would just be amazing to experience more
I'm not too keen on even remembering my own memories (not that they are horrible but that I don't place too much value on remembering when something happened and what I was wearing and what the weather was like)...why buy someone else's? I lean toward remembering how I felt about the experience/what I learned/blahblah rather than the details...meaning it's personal....I don't think I could enjoy the extra effort to empathize or try and decipher someone eles's experiences.

Time and memory are different for everyone. I feels too much like peeking into another's private affairs....kinda squicky