:thumb: very nice. Where do you differ in opinion with your istj family if I may ask?
I appreciate the stability and practicality of istj's, their logical way of seeing things, and their ability to not be so affected by the problems of this world. I wish sometimes that I could simply stop taking on concerns that don't affect me personally.
They seem to not value the things I feel are important: a deep concern with others not in my daily life, contemplation and improvement of the self, thinking for myself and not being willing to do things simply because they've always been done that way, taking the time I do to to be creative and write poetry, looking for purpose and meaning in life, and being understanding and accepting that other viewpoints are valid.
While I understand that we must do the things the world requires of us, it seems as though they are only concerned with the trappings of simple existence for its own sake. I feel I'm more in tune with the deeper aspects of life, and strive to learn and grow. I sense they don't appreciate this, and are disturbed by the fact that I don't see the world as they do.
They are able to just go to work, come home, do the necessary chores there, escape into the realm of TV to unwind; then repeat. I am envious of their satisfaction in living this way, and wish I could stop feeling so much. Yet I believe there is much more to life than this.
Rather than accepting that I am different, I've attempted to conform. All this has done is made me unhappy with myself, and not allowed them to really see me. I'm only just learning now that I'd rather be myself apart from them, than to lead a false life simply to please them. This creates much discomfort for me, as I'd rather not take a stand and cause dissension. But recently I've found that denying myself and allowing others to invalidate me is worse, and I've been greatly hurt and confused in my attempts to do so. I'm going to try not to do that anymore.
They are satisfied with how things are in a way I can never be. I need to feel I can make a difference. They call me a fool for taking in temporary stray animals till they can be adopted, and for sheltering homeless kids until I can help them find housing. I believe I'm doing the right thing, even though it's something they find shocking and would never do.
In conclusion, as much as I'd like the acceptance of my extended family, I know I'm not likely to receive it. I'm willing to meet them halfway, but not compromise myself more than that anymore. I feel living a life I can be proud of is more important than having their approval.