This makes me fairly certain that those of us who think we are ambiverts are actually ENFJs, just ambiverted ENFJs.
More reasons...
ENFPs tend to get their feathers ruffled by my presence, but ENFPs generally don't have this problem with INFJs.
I tend to intimidate people with my presence alone, even without realizing it, and I have no problem using my vibe to intimidate others to protect myself or those in my care. Tertiary Se gives someone a strong presence. My friends tell me they don't know many people with a stronger presence than mine. That's
not an INFJ trait. I think this is what causes the issue with ENFPs, because my strong presence makes their Fi feel threatened, combined with the fact that my Fe frequently overrides their Ne by asserting opinions that shoot down their possibilities. I'm generally not aware of how I'm offending the ENFPs, and despite not being able to say why, they're very aware of it.
Conversely, I have a strange magical connection that I can't explain with INFPs, which is par for the course according to everything I've read. There are lots of misunderstandings and clashes, but I've been highly drawn to INFPs and vice versa. ENFJs and INFPs are supposedly a very good match.
My Te sometimes seems to be stronger than my Ti. This is much more likely with an Fe dominant and Ti inferior creating a tandem Te. This also explains why I've been able to develop this much more fluently now that I've had an INTJ best friend for a few years.
Here are my cognitive function bars flipped around to ENFJ order. Oddly, they support ENFJ just as well in Fe, Ni, Se, Ti order. My overall F, N, S, and T are in INFJ order, but that's due to my shadow functions being in Ne, Fi, Te, Si order which would support the notion of me being inherently extroverted - hence the lean toward Ne and Te. (See what I mean about my Ti being inferior? This should have been obvious, but my Fe had decided I was an INFJ, and forcing my Ni, Se, and Ti to come up with reasons to support what my Fe felt was true. If I were an INFJ, I would have had my Fe, Ti, and Se trying to support what I knew but couldn't explain.)
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An INFJ would want to figure out for sure which type they are, but wouldn't spend so much time debating the subject. Their dominant Ni would come to the conclusion much sooner than an ENFJ's secondary Ni. I've been trying to decide between the two for over a year.
I am
far too comfortable on stage in front of thousands of people to be an INFJ. I teach at conferences, and have never had a problem with this, and even find it exhilarating. All of my peers have always commented on how natural I am on stage. I'm the same person whether talking one on one or a crowd too large to count.
I am too opinionated to be an INFJ. While INFJs have well defined opinions, I have no problem sharing mine. I try not to offend people (Fe), but letting them know how I feel things should be is more important to me (also Fe), and if the two come into competition I will often choose the latter if I believe that it will help the person I am telling this too. In otherwords, I am willing to offend people if it will help them (dominant Fe), rather than holding my opinion to avoid offending someone (secondary Fe).
I really think I've been testing as INFJ because I've been under a lot of stress for the past few years, and not the other way around. The less stressed I get, the more I test ENFJ.
I'm too willing to fight for what I believe. I'll debate and argue when most INFJs would simply let it slide. I'll take a stand for what I feel is right before I will sit down for it.
I tend to talk things out, and tend to get to my answers only after I've done so. Don't believe me? Read some of my posts... like this one. That's a sign that I'm an extrovert if ever there was one.
So, if I am an ENFJ, my apologies for any debate I may have made with anyone based on my own sensibilities representing INFJs. Hopefully, as an ambiverted ENFJ, I wasn't too far off the mark.