In light of School Shootings. What about the shooter themselves?

This tragedy has everything to do with gun control. Gun control is the logical place to start with preventing mass shootings. Will it stop this kind of violence? No maybe not, but restricting access to deadly assault weapons that are designed for the sole purpose of killing quickly and efficiently is where it has to start.

How many people would have been killed if the shooter had a knife or even a shotgun? A lot less.

All the guns were obtained legally. He had 13 guns in his procession and a long history of mental instability. Here are some examples of the guns he used found at the scene of the crime:

9mm Glock handgun A compact semi automatic pistol capable of firing 15 rounds at a time. Relatively easy to conceal.
.40 S&W Smith & Wesson handgun Another semi automatic pistol designed for law enforcement
three other handguns, and a Del-Ton 5.56×45mm rifle This is essentially an AR-15 semi automatic assault rifle.

There are heavy restrictions on possession of such weapons in most countries in the developed world, most countries in the world require that owners of these weapons be profiled and screened. There is no logical reason why the US should not be doing the same.

A Glock 26 compact 9MM carries 10 rounds. One can use a Glock 17 mag and carry 17.

Criminals will always have guns, and so will I. Look at Hezbollah in Lebanon, and now Syria. Started as a militia. Helps Lebanon fight their wars, some of which Hezbollah starts. Now they are fighting for Assad in Syria. They fired a ground to ship missile and sunk an Israeli ship some time ago(they now have the Yakhont (P-800 Oniks). When a militia comes across your borders killing you, backed by a major military, there is a NEED for the populace to be armed. Figure how to keep idiots away from them.

It is more a mental health issue, hidden by the parents, and caused by the change in political views. Cook County has some very, very strict gun laws. Look at their crime rate.

I would bet I have been screened and profiled.
Criminals will always have guns, and so will I.
A fatalistic argument often quoted by Americans. Another way to say it: Nothing can ever change, our current situation is what it is and will always be as it is.

Look at Hezbollah in Lebanon, and now Syria. Started as a militia. Helps Lebanon fight their wars, some of which Hezbollah starts. Now they are fighting for Assad in Syria. They fired a ground to ship missile and sunk an Israeli ship some time ago(they now have the Yakhont (P-800 Oniks). When a militia comes across your borders killing you, backed by a major military, there is a NEED for the populace to be armed. Figure how to keep idiots away from them.
You are comparing your country to Lebanon and Syria? Have things gone that haywire south of my country's border since the last I visited about 2 months ago?

Cook County has some very, very strict gun laws. Look at their crime rate.
This is one I hear from a lot of pro gun Americans. How could a single municipality or county hope to control guns with legislation when the county is awash with guns? Gun Control is national problem in the US and only a national solution can solve the problem.

I would bet I have been screened and profiled.
Okay maybe you should be, I don't know your background. My position is you should be not be legally allowed to possess semi automatic weapons regardless of your background.
I object, your honor! Statistics show that countries where the police do not carry firearms, criminals stop using them as well. Guns breed guns.

Over ruled.
A fatalistic argument often quoted by Americans. Another way to say it: Nothing can ever change, our current situation is what it is and will always be as it is.

You are comparing your country to Lebanon and Syria? Have things gone that haywire south of my country's border since the last I visited about 2 months ago?

This is one I hear from a lot of pro gun Americans. How could a single municipality or county hope to control guns with legislation when the county is awash with guns? Gun Control is national problem in the US and only a national solution can solve the problem.

Okay maybe you should be, I don't know your background. My position is you should be not be legally allowed to possess semi automatic weapons regardless of your background.

We DISAGREE. Tell me: were you brought up hunting and shooting, or in a city? Own any semi-auto rifles? Guns? Remember during WWII they were trying to find people on the West Coast to train. Now that most everyone in the world hates us, it is just too evident tree huggers and liberals are trying to disarm America so nobody can stand up to them when the need arises. You people literally make me sick.
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So, we can get criminals to stop using guns simply by disarming the police?

That's what's happened in a lot of European countries, anyways. Japan, too.
I don't know that it would work in the US with more guns than people, though.
I would be so scared to live in a country with so many guns ...

Yes we do

Tell me: were you brought up hunting and shooting, or in a city?

No hunting and shooting we not "a way of life" for my family. We found other things to do such as camping and fishing. Why is this relevant?

Own and semi-auto rifles? Guns?

No, I don't. I never cared to. I'm not into hunting. All the hunters I know are content with bows and shotguns. Why is this relevant?

Remember during WWII they were trying to find people on the West Coast to train.

So what?

Now that most everyone in the world hates us, it is just too evident tree huggers and liberals are trying to disarm America so nobody can stand up to them when the need arises. You people literally make me sick.

Yes many people do hate America and I think your country should examine its role in the world. Disarm America? When you have the most powerful military in the world(with nuclear capability) how can this happen? What does civilian Americans owning semi automatic weapons have to do with it?

When you say "you people make me sick" what are you talking about? I'm not a liberal American so you don't have to worry about me.
We DISAGREE. Tell me: were you brought up hunting and shooting, or in a city? Own and semi-auto rifles? Guns? Remember during WWII they were trying to find people on the West Coast to train. Now that most everyone in the world hates us, it is just too evident tree huggers and liberals are trying to disarm America so nobody can stand up to them when the need arises. You people literally make me sick.

Not on your life buddy.
That’s conspiracy theory garbage.
No one is trying to disarm Murica, cause they know if they ever really tried it would literally turn into another civil war.
Meanwhile…violence breeds more violence.
Yes someone can still go on a mass stabbing like that kid did last year at his HS…thank god he didn’t have access to guns.
Most of the people you group into your “tree-hugging liberal” crowd just want some common sense laws to help keep them out of the hands of criminals.

Is it not true that I can privately buy a gun from another gun owner with no background checks or any other kind of checks in place?
(if you answer anything answer that)

Every year in the U.S., an average of more than 100,000 people are shot, according to The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence.
Every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot.

100,000 is a small number compared to traffic fatalities…oh wait, actually more people are shot than die in car crashes - the number has been hovering right around 33,000 per year…sure not all the shooting victims are killed, but seriously?

Who do you think is going to do what with your guns?
There is no liberal coup, no gay agenda, no Iranians launching nukes at you, and no one is taking your guns.
Common sense laws are too much to ask?
And just because where you live has strict laws doesn’t mean it is that way everywhere.
Let’s have some congruency across the Nation at least.
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The only place guns should be owned is in the countryside, and they should be the guns that don't fit in a pocket that can be carried around anywhere. I doubt criminals would bother with those. I would be for people who live in remote areas that can't have law enforcement there quick enough to be able to defend themselves. A hunters license would filter it out. If a person lived in a city it would be asked why they would need one..and be traceable.
There's no reason people in cities should be carrying around guns to kill each other with.
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The only place guns should be owned is in the countryside, and they should be the guns that don't fit in a pocket that can be carried around anywhere. I doubt criminals would bother with those. I would be for people who live in remote areas that can't have law enforcement there quick enough to be able to defend themselves.
There's no reason people in cities should be carrying around guns to kill each other with.

A guy a knew in HS bought a little .25 caliber pistol and I know he pulled it out at least once on someone…I could just look in the ad section of the newspaper or online and go buy a gun right now from them if I have the money…no checks, no anything….don’t need any of that for private sales.
But….freedom and stuff…will…um…guns!
You're more likely to die in a plane crash on the way here than to be in danger from guns. Unless you go to a high crime urban area or gang territory, and you wouldn't want to be there even if there weren't guns.

No matter the odds, it scares me to know that so many people own and have the right to use guns. The mindset of needing guns is the scariest part.


Also let's put it this way. Almost everybody here has either been involved in a car accident or knows someone who has been involved in a car accident. A lot of people know at least one person who has been an alcoholic or drug addict. The average person probably knows someone who has died in an accident.

That's terrible!! It doesn't need to be that way!
A guy a knew in HS bought a little .25 caliber pistol and I know he pulled it out at least once on someone…I could just look in the ad section of the newspaper or online and go buy a gun right now from them if I have the money…no checks, no anything….don’t need any of that for private sales.
But….freedom and stuff…will…um…guns!
You're not going to like my edit but it would be the only feasible setup for it. This actually works where I'm from.
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Actions are committed with whatever is available to a culture. I think it may go back as far as two parents that must both work to survive, thus leaving parenting to a bare minimum for the ones that get drunk and run the streets or do drugs. From my rearing, I would never even think about the atrocities that are being committed. Of course: I was raised in church, too. I received a spanking if I did something bad. It is more about a "changing" culture.

Well yes. But I was commenting on the likelihood that any individual might resolve on using a gun instead of, say, a knife or a wrench. Consider a culture (call it Not-America) where guns are available but are not observed as a normal part of life. Now compare this culture to contemporary American culture.

Take any two violent individuals; say Andrew from America and Steve from Non-America. Put them both into a situation where they are angry and homicidal.
  1. What can we say about the likelihoods that both Andrew and Steve resolve on using guns as a weapon?
  2. Is there are difference in these likelihoods?
  3. Can we link this difference to differences in culture?

My answer is yes. There are differences in likelihood and these differences can be linked to differences in culture. And the reason is due to this thing called "availability heuristic".
Beg to understand what you are saying, but still disagree. Why? Likelihood of an IDIOT should not mandate law for the people. Saying something subtle is dangerous, presumptuous, and defiant of current laws where people are innocent until proven guilty.
<----- To go with my avatar! [video=youtube;SwEyBItsXkw];v=SwEyBItsXkw[/video]​
Nope, no problems here…just keep walking...

There Were 2 More School Shootings In America Yesterday – 4 Total In 9 days

This sign is near the grave of a Sandy Hook Elementary shooting victim in which 20 children (ages 5-6) were slaughtered, along with six faculty members.

This is pure insanity. Why we continue to tolerate these kinds of things in order to protect a deadly piece of steel is beyond me.
Yesterday, October 9th, 2015, there were two school shootings in America resulting in fatalities. This was also the same day President Obama visited the families of victims of the U.C.C. shooting on October 1st.
We first heard about a shooting at Northern Arizona University in which four young men were shot, one of whom died from his wounds. That shooting was reported to police around 1:20 am, and took place in the parking lot of the university.

Then at about 11:30 am, a shooting in a student housing complex on the Texas Southern University campus was reported. That shooting resulted in one fatality and one wounded.
The Houston PD Tweeted this about the shooting:
Via Twitter
That incident marked the second shooting on the Texas Southern University Campus in just two days. On Wednesday, a man was shot in the stomach at the school, but survived.
These shootings happened just four months after Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed legislation into effect that allows open carry, as well as campus carry for anyone with a gun license. Just saying..
Including the massacre at Umpqua Community College that claimed the lives of nine people, the murder at STU yesterday was the fourth shooting on a college campus in just nine days. These shootings ended with the deaths of 11 people total.
Will Republicans take heed to this massive warning, or will they continue to say that we need more guns on school campuses? Gee, I wonder.

Video courtesy of Complex Via YouTube:

No matter the odds, it scares me to know that so many people own and have the right to use guns. The mindset of needing guns is the scariest part.

That's terrible!! It doesn't need to be that way!

So far, Obama has helped sell more guns than anyone else in America.